
GOD DNA Part 2

Jesus said if you believe in Him, you will do greater works than He did because He goes to the father (John 12:24). I call this the "Do it generation". In most Churches we are great talkers, but terrible doers. We have more information than any generation but we are doing the least. In the Church the divorce rate is the same as in the world. In fact if you look closely you would have a hard time differentiating between the world and the Church and yet Jesus said we would exceed Him in the works of the Kingdom.

Jesus walked on water, cast out devils, spoke to the storms and they obeyed Him, multiplied a boy's lunch... And we will do greater. If we are the greater works generation, where is the proof?
Why are we not doing it? I propose it is because we have never become like Him. You have to be who He is, to do what He does and we are trying to do without being who He is. He said in my name you will cast out devils, heal the sick... In His name, what does that mean? That means to represent Him in power and authority, you have to live up to His name.

You can point at it, buke it, scream at it, but nothing will happen until you become who He is. Jesus said you will do greater works but you are as mean as the devil, have a bad attitude, cussing at the waitress, gossiping, don't tithe. You are nothing like He is but yet you want to heal sick people. You can't represent Him in power until you represent Him in name.

One of the lessons my father taught me was learning to protect your name. He would say, son if you have to choose between your name and money and fame, choose your name. He then said, you can always get more money but you can't get a new name. Jesus said if you live up to my name and have a good attitude, treat people right, live at peace with all men, love your neighbor, forgive unlimited amount of times... If you become who I am you can do what I do. No wonder we say in the name of Jesus... And we see nothing happening. The power to use His name is tied to living up to His name in your conduct. The bible tells us that the earth is groaning for the sons of God to be revealed. They are waiting for the "Do it generation" to emerge. This is the generation that will do greater things than He did.

To be continued.



"God DNA"

My job as a Pastor is to help you discover who am I and why am I here? There is a great frustration in the earth of people who are locked in ordinary when they are called to be exceptional. They get up, punch in at 8:00 am and punch out at 5:00 pm, and they are crying out, please tell me there is more to life than this.

The fact is we don't even ask the right questions in America, as soon as a kid graduates from High School we ask him, "What are you going to do?" When you take an entrance exam, they ask, "What do you want to do in life?" The priority is imbalanced, why? Because doing flows out of being. Nobody ask what are you going to be? They ask, what are you going to do? We start out in life asking the wrong questions.

We start life out by doing things, we go get a job and start doing, and nobody has ever told us who we are. What if I tell you to go walk and you are a bird meant to fly? What if I tell you to go fly and you are a fish meant to swim. Here is the principle: If I don't know who I am then I don't know what to do. I can't roll till you tell me I'm a wheel, I can't fly till you tell me I'm a bird, I can't swim till you tell me I'm a fish.

This is why we have powerless, impotent, puny Christians. Because we are good at doing Church but we have never become the Church. We are great doers but lousy becomers. We do praise and worship but we have never become worshipers, we try to do ministry but we have never become ministers. We have to become it, before we can do it.

Jesus never did anything, never preached a sermon, perform signs and wonders, heal someone until His Father told Him who He was. He was baptized in the Jordan, the dove descended, and He hears the voice of His father say this is my son in whom I am well pleased. Meaning that His Father was pleased before He ever did anything. Could it be that one of the reasons we are powerless is because we operate out of insecurity instead of identity.

In closing it wasn't until after His Father told Him who He was that he walked into the temple and stood up and said, the spirit of the Lord is upon me and He has anointed me... (to do). In other words He said I'm God's son therefore I can do... The first question we have to answer is who am I? We have to become something to do something.

To be continued...

Craig Sloan


Book Review: Think and Make It Happen

Think and Make It Happen by Dr. Augusto Cury is a book to help you conquer anxiety, overcome negative thoughts, and to discover your true potential.

Dr. Cury is a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, scientist, and author who developed the Intelligence Academy of Quality and Life Program and the theory of Multi-Focus Intelligence.

In his book, Dr. Cury, explains that most people have not discovered the unlimited potential our minds hold and when that realized is discovered it can help you to eliminate fears, control your emotions, release your creativity, protect positive memories, respond skillfully to stress, transform your relationships, and reinvent your life.


Is Gloom And Doom On The Way?

In response to a Pastor friend of mine I want to respond to a blog that came out from Pastor David Wilkerson whom I highly respect.

In response to the message David Wilkerson sent out I will use one of his recent blogs to answer.


In the midst of their trial God told Israel to do three things: “Fear not. Stand still. See the salvation of the Lord.” His call to Israel was, “I am going to fight for you. You’re simply to hold your peace. Just be quiet, and put everything in my hands. Right now, I’m doing a work in the supernatural realm. Everything is under my control. So, don’t panic. Trust that I’m fighting the devil. This battle is not yours” (see Exodus 14:13-14).

Soon dusk fell over the camp. This was the beginning of Israel’s dark and stormy night. But it was also the beginning of God’s supernatural work. He sent an awesome, protective angel to stand between his people and their enemy. I believe God still sends protective angels to camp around all who love and fear him (see Psalm 34:7).

The Lord also moved the supernatural cloud he’d given to Israel for guidance. The cloud suddenly shifted from the front of Israel’s camp to the rear and it loomed as a pitch-black wall before the Egyptians. On the other side, the cloud provided a supernatural light, giving the Israelites clear visibility all night long (see Exodus 14:20).

Even though Pharaoh’s army was in total darkness, they could still raise their voices. And all night long they spewed forth threats and lies. Israel’s tents shook from this barrage of lies throughout that dark night. But it didn’t matter how loudly the enemy threatened them. An angel was on guard to protect them, and God had promised his people he would bring them through.

Dear saint, if you’re a blood-bought child of God, he has put a warrior angel between you and the devil. And he commands you, just as he told Israel, “Do not fear. Stand still. Believe in my salvation.” Satan may come against you breathing every evil threat. But at no time during your dark, stormy night is the enemy ever able to destroy you.

“Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night” (Exodus 14:21).

The windstorm that God brought down was so powerful, it began to part the waves of the sea: “The strong east wind…made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided” (14:21).

The Hebrew word for wind here means “violent exhaling.” In other words, God exhaled and the water congealed in walls. Israel’s tent-dwellings must have shaken fiercely as those mighty torrents blew through the camp. Why did God allow Israel to go through an entire stormy night, when he could have spoken a mere word and calmed the elements?

What a storm it must have been. And what a fearful time it had to be for Israel. I ask you, what was God up to here? Why would he allow such a terrible windstorm to go on all night? Why didn’t he just tell Moses to touch the water with his mantle, and part the waves supernaturally? What possible reason did God have for permitting this awful night to take place?

There was but one reason: The Lord was making worshippers. God was at work the whole time, using the terrible storm to make a path for his people out of the crisis. Yet the Israelites couldn’t see it at the time. Many were hiding in their tents, but those who came outside witnessed a glorious light show. They also beheld the glorious sight of waves mounting up, mighty walls of water rising to form a dry path through the sea. When the people saw this, they must have shouted, “Look, God has used the wind to make a way for us. Praise the Lord!”

I believe the answer is not in stocking up or hoarding up, running and hiding underground or declaring gloom and doom although I do agree that our nation is reaping the harvest of seeds that have been sown such as homosexuality and abortion. In spite of that fact, God says stand still, hold your peace, do not fear but see the salvation of the Lord... I sense that in the midst of all that is going on the Church will rise up as a reflection of God's power and Glory and it will be accompanied with a vast harvest of souls that we have never seen and signs, wonders and miracles. I believe we are about to see the body of Christ (not an individual) become a demonstration of Kingdom Impact. I believe that we must focus on seizing the moment and becoming an solution to the epidemics of the city we are assigned to. Here is what God said to me a few nights ago. He said do not fear but stretch your hand towards me in praise and surrender and as you stretch your hand I will stretch my hand and demonstrate my power like never before.

We are in the greatest day that the Church has ever seen and while the world may be getting darker and darker the Church sill shine brighter and brighter. Though many say we are in a recession, I spent the weekend with a Pastor whose Church is seeing increase in ever area. I asked why? The answer is simply that they are finding the problems in their community and solving them, such as a assisted living facility like I have never seen, a garden in which they will grow fresh vegetables and fruits and give them to those in need, angel food and a food pantry, a after school tutoring service and much more. If we will discover the problems closest to us and become solutions provision will be released. Another way God's power and provision are released is illustrated when Sarah forces Hagar and Ishmael to leave. They are in the wilderness and Ishmael is about to die and Hagar just settles with allowing the next generation to die, the angel comes and says the Lord has heard the cry of the lad (the next generation) and God days pick him up for I will make him into a great nation. After she embraced the lad the Lord opened her eyes and she saw a spring that was flowing. If we will embrace the next generation and become relevant to reaching them and embracing them, God had heard their cry and their will be a release of provision like we have never see.

No, I do not believe gloom and doom, I believe that there are up times and down times and we just happen to be in down times, yet we shall rise again. The Church and America will see in the midst of darkness and a cloud of despair that will linger for a season, the greatest move of God e have ever seen, if we will pray. We can't sit idly by, we must make the most of our opportunity and preach Kingdom, demonstrate Kingdom and become relevant to the city in which we live. We can longer just play Church and count how many people we have and sit in our offices pretending we are making an impact. It is time for the King and the Priest to merge and become one, that is a Church that will take the gospel to the marketplace. Could it be that the reason our Church is not growing and is not seeing God's provision is because we constitute success with our Sunday services rather that impacting the city we live in. What needs are you meeting and what problems are you solving?



Maintaining Peace

The Bible tells us that as much as it is up to you seek Peace with all men. You are not responsible for what you can't control, but as much as it is up to you... There are some people that will put a guilt trip on you to make peace with them but they are not peaceable. It is not that you can't get along with them, it is that you have exhausted all your resources but they refuse to be peaceable. Why?

There are three kinds of people in life, those that are going through a storm, those who are coming out of a storm and those who become a storm. These are people that no matter where you put them, they will always cause a storm. They are contentious, quarrelsome, and if there is no trouble, they will cause trouble. They are people who refuse to embrace peace and in a moment of trauma, instead of passing through it, the trauma gets in them and they become trauma. No matter what job, who they are married to, what Church they join, they are always causing a storm. These are the people I run from. I have enough fight with the devil, I don't need to surround myself with people who are trying to be the devil. They try to put the responsibility on you to fix them when in reality only God can fix them.

These people are full of poison and whoever they come in contact with they poison. You can throw them a good person, with a good attitude, if they hang with the poison, what's on them will get on the good person, and they will become the poison. Paul tells us in Ephesians 4 1:-3 that we are to endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. What is the bond of peace? It is keeping unity by keeping your relationships right. As much as it is up to you keep your relationships pure. God puts the responsibility on you and I to do whatever we can to make peace, but after we have exhausted all of our resources and done everything we can, it is time to wipe the dust off your feet and move on. Don't fret it, or sweat it just move on.

The angels that showed up to announce the birth of the Messiah defined true peace. They said peace is goodwill towards all men. Jesus brought the same message, goodwill to all men, whether it was the poor, the sick, the sinful, the religious, He brought goodwill to all men. Paul tells us that love does not rejoice in iniquity. Love does not rejoice in the downfall of another. I do not want to see you fail, no matter what you have done to me. I do not rejoice in your struggle, your pain. I want to see you succeed, win, overcome. I want goodwill towards all men.

There are two primary words for peace in the bible, the O.T word which is internal peace and the N.T word which is relational peace. If someone has done something to you, and you desire to see them pay, then that is an area where you lack peace. Peace is what Stephen had as his persecutors began to stone him, he prayed for them. Jesus was perfected in Peace when he said, Father forgive them for they know not what they do. Joseph had peace when he could have made his brothers pay, but instead He viewed it all as part of God's plan. Peace is when I relaize no matter what you do to me, God will take what you meant for evil and turn it for good. Refuse to let that poison get in you, endeavor to keep the peace. Why? Because Jesus said blessed are the peacemakers for they are the sons of God. They are the mature ones. Those that have been perfected in God's love. There is a special blessing for those who stay in peace. So let me ask you, are you going through a storm or are you becoming one? Do you create havoc or do you bring peace?



Making Right Decisions Part 3

I remember something that a great Mentor once taught me. He said, "Don't ever make a long term decision out of a temporary situation". In other words never make a decision in the midst of a crisis. If you feel rushed or anxious, wait for the peace, if the peace doesn't come then continue to wait. In a time when business is acquainted with accomplishment, the reality is that just because you are busy does not mean you are productive. Even Jesus prior to making any important decisions (not whether you put sprinkles in your hair, or where or what do I eat), would withdraw to a solitary place in the quietness of God's presence and He would receive daily direction from His father. Jesus used Mary and Martha to illustrate that though you are busy, you are really running around in circles accomplishing very little. He told Martha, you are busy (anxious, worried) about many things, but Mary has chosen the greater part and it will not be taken from her.

As Naomi instructed Ruth to go to the threshing floor and wait, as Ruth obeyed that simple instruction and as a result Boaz took notice of her and covered her. God wants to cause opportunities, open doors and favor to notice you but you never sit in a posture of waiting and listening long enough to be noticed. He wants to cover you with His garments of provision and blessing but you are busy with many things.

Jesus was sleeping in the middle of the boat when a storm came. The disciples out of fear woke Him up and said do you not care that we perish. Jesus then stands up goes to the bow of the boat and says peace be still! Then He turns towards His disciples and rebukes them for their lack of faith. I have always believed that Jesus was talking to the winds and the waves, but it never says winds and waves be still, it says peace be still. Why?

Jesus was not addressing the storm on the outside, He was addressing the storm in them because the outer world is a reflection of the inner world. The storm is the manifestation of the fear and lack of peace in you. Have you ever noticed that some people no matter where they are or who they are with, they are always in a storm. Why? Because they are a storm!

Jesus addresses their peace and then asks them why are you so fearful? He was addressing something powerful using the storm to give them a revelation that would cause them to be able to change their world. And it is this, are you ready? Hold on to your seat belt.

If you can maintain and keep your peace, it don't matter what's going on around you, your environment will submit to your inner peace. When the winds and waves of life can't steal your peace, they will stop. Why? Because you have held on to your peace. You can change that environment by simply maintaining your peace, you can change your marriage by maintaining your peace, you can change your city by maintaining your peace! Your environment has to submit and yield to your peace. That's why the wisdom writer said, out of you flows the issues of life. Meaning that the issues of your life are not caused by the devil but by your lack of peace inside of you. But when you hold your peace, the God of peace will crush satan under your feet!



How To Make Right Decisions. Part 2

Our life is like a road trip on the way to a desired destination and our success is determined by discerning the route we are to take. Success is not where you start out in life but where you finish. It is learning to navigate the traffic, potholes, and turns of life. It is the difference between Israel wandering on a 11 day journey for 40 years and Jesus coming out of a wilderness season for 40 days in power. Do you want to take the 40 year trip or do you want to take the 40 day trip. It is up to you. A transition is meant to be short and intense. Your life is not to be a continuous cycle of failure, frustration and disappointment, living from battle to battle, strife to strife, argument to argument. No my bible says I am called to live from glory to glory (advancement), strength to greater strength, faith to greater faith.

I am attending God's class called "How To Make Right Decisions". By the way when Paul wrote all things work together for our good... We quote the first part but we ignore the condition tied to the promise that He will work all things together. Paul said the qualification of this promise is that we love God (those that love Him obey him, those that know Him know His voice and they will not follow another, and to those who are called according to His purpose. In other words those who are passionately in love with God in intimate relationship out of the proximity of their relationship they know His voice and they are called. The word called is literally directed, guided, or led. Those that are led by the Spirit are the true sons of God birthed out of intimacy of relationship.

See Phil. 4:6-7

Paul writes be anxious for nothing...

How many people in our world are filled with anxiety, worry, fear, uncertainty? Worried about marriage, mortgages, bills, kids, doctor's reports. People take more medicine for anxiety, mental breakdown, and stress related illnesses than any other sickness.

God said be anxious for nothing but in everything through prayer and petition let your request be made known and the peace of God that passes all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

What is a guard? A guard is an defensive weapon designed to shut down any attack from the enemy and to fortify your family, finances, and faith. It other words what is aimed at you, He won't let it get to you. Peace is what gets between you and it and says hold on, you can't go any further. The Peace of God is a guard that protects your heart, and your mind.

You get a bad report but the peace of God won't let you flip out. It begins to build a fortress around your mind and God will limit the thoughts the enemy can put in your mind. Remember the battle you are fighting is won or lost in your head. I heard one guy say if you can whip it in your head, you can whip it in life. Thoughts of despair, hopelessness, discouragement will begin to diminish. Why? Because the peace of God is guarding your mind not letting your thoughts get to you.

Paul says the peace of God passes all understanding. How does a guy who is told he only has weeks to live walk around in peace? Peace passes all understanding. He just received the bad news, he ought to flip out, go on a drinking binge, put on the blues music and close the blinds and pull over the sheets, but here he is in Church lifting his hands, jumping with joy. Why? The Peace of God causes you triumph in the midst of an assault.

Though your kids may be strung out on drugs, your husband is cheating on you, your bank account is overdrawn, you just got the pink slip on your job. The Peace of God guards... It keeps you under control. I speak peace over your life, marriage, finances, future, family in Jesus name. Tomorrow we will learn how to stay afloat and maintain your course in the midst of a storm. We will also learn "Learning to Use Your GPS System to Arrive at Your Desired End.

Peace to You,

"How Do I Make Right Decisions" Part 1

Continuing with the thought of making long term investments, I want to share with you a lesson that God is teaching me right now.

How many of you have made a series of wrong decisions, causing your life to stuck in cycle of failure, frustration and fear? Recently I began to take inventory of my life to see if the tares of my life were a result of the devil, or the enemy (in a me). God has showed me that 75% or more were the result of bad decisions. So I began through prayer and fasting to inquire of God on how to make right decisions so that my life could see the fullness of all that God had put in me before I was born.

I don't have time to share how everything that you need for your life is already inside of you, the supply of your life is locked up in the anointing and gifts that are already resident in you. That's what it means when we say you don't decide your life, you discover it. Paul wrote that I can do all things through Christ who is in me, My God shall supply all my needs according to the riches in Glory in Christ Jesus, I am complete in Christ, I am seated together with Christ in heavenly places in Christ... The theme of the entire New Testament is "In Christ".

Many of us are waiting for our blessing in the sweet by and by, but the mortgage company doesn't care if my money is in heavenly places in the sweet by and by, no I need it in my now and now. I need open doors in the now and now, I need divine appointments and connections in the now and now, I need my body healed in the now and now, I need my children saved in the now and now, I need debts cancelled in the now and now.

So how do I discover a life of fulfillment and fruitfulness, a life where my success overrides my failures? Let's find out.

Every struggle and battle ultimately comes down to this, my passion versus my peace. I may have a passion to buy that car but my peace says it is not time, to save so that I can buy it with cash. My passion says that girl is fine and a knockout, but my peace says on the inside she is empty and void and that our lives are on two different paths, my passion says let's go for it, make it happen but my peace says wait, be still and know that I'm God.

The key to Ruth stepping into the Destiny God had planned for her and be transitioned from a peasant girl into one whose life was transformed by an encounter with her Boaz was her listening to her Mentor Naomi who said go and sit at the feet of Boaz and say nothing but wait until He speaks to you and tells you what to do. Her entire life was transformed by a simple instruction which was get in position now and wait, don't move, don't go forward, don't finalize the deal, don't buy the house but wait.

Most of my life I have listened to my passion resulting in a series of bad decisions, wrong partnerships, and wasted time, energy and resources. I am 37 years old and I just now am beginning to learn that in order for my life to be everything God created it to be I have to let my peace override my passion. I know you want to run now, but where are you running to? What will you say and do when you get there. There is nothing more frustrating than arriving at your destination prematurely only to get there and not have clue what you are to do.

The second type of peace talked about in the N.T is internal peace. In the O.T everything is outer and physical and in the N.T it is inner and spiritual. In O.T God led by a pillar of fire and a cloud and in the N.T He fills us with the Holy Spirit as a guide and inner compass. To be led by the Spirit means you are acquainted with the Spirit of God who lives on the inside of you. The key is you have to know Him well enough to know His voice and follow. If you are not acquainted with the Holy Spirit you will miss it (sin) when He talks and you will end up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The Peace of God is the go ahead. People tell me that God talks all day long to them, that He tells them what to wear, what to eat, whether to go right or left at the fork in the road. These people believe that the majority of your life is a mystical and magical experience with God. Isn't it odd that these people are the same people who are very spiritual but totally undisciplined and they shout real loud in Church on Sunday but when you follow them home their life is a mess. Why?

I don't believe that God says the stuff you say He said to you, near as much as you say He does. The majority of the forward movement in my life was not the result of a booming voice, a smoke filled room, a visitation from an angel (I do believe in angels)... No almost every time it was my inner peace that gave me the go ahead or told me to hold steady. The overwhelming peace of God will give me the go ahead to take a step forward. To the Christian it is the yes and no of God.

Colossians 3:15 (See)

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts since as members of one body you are called to peace.

The first thing we see here is that we are called to a life of peace. That means my life should not be filled with turmoil, confusion, uncertainty, anxiety.... I am called to a life of peace. In the O.T peace is the word Shalom which means nothing missing and nothing broken. In other words I am called to a life where nothing is out of place or out of order. I am called to a life of order and right placement. That means I am called to a life of being in the right place at the right time, with the right people. How? By listening to my peace.

The peace of God will rule...

The word rule in the Greek is the English word umpire. In sports especially baseball we see this word come alive. When sliding into home plate, the authority lies with one guy, not the people yelling from the stands or the dugout. There is one guy who calls it safe or out. I don't care how many voices you have speaking to you, how many people are surrounding you, how much counsel you are receiving. I don't care what your mamma's side of the family is saying or what your daddy's side of the family is saying, what your best friend is saying or your wife's best friend is saying.

The Bible says after you have listened to everybody, including me, after everything is said and done and everybody has got their word in, let the peace of God call it safe or out. Now here lies the challenge. I have had people get mad at me because they told what God said to do and I did something else. It is not that I didn't listen to you, that I don't respect you, or that I don't believe that God speaks to you, some of the time. At the end of the day I have a decision to make and after I have gathered all the counsel because there is wisdom in right counselors. How do I determine who should counsel me? In the area you are receiving counsel, is there life what you want yours to be? In other words if they are counseling you in the area of finances, is there life whole in that area. Don't try to counsel me on marriage if you are in your third marriage, don't counsel me in finances if you have filed bankruptcy seven times and your are living on credit...

The question is not what the banker said, the salesman said, your friend said, the preacher said, it is "Is it mine." Does my inner peace say Craig it is safe or it is out. When dating is he or she mine? He or she may be fine but are they safe? Most people don't have the fortitude to hear what everybody else is saying but they listen to their inner peace anyway. The people who walk closely with God are the people that hear all these voices saying do this or don't do this but in spite of all the voices they choose to listen to their peace. Sometimes my peace parallels popular opinion but the difficulty comes when my peace defies popular opinion.

Let me close the first part of this study with, Can you stand with God when popular opinion is against you? At the end of the day would you rather have them like you or have the hand of God against you?

I would hate for them to approve of me but the presence of God leave me.



"Understanding the Principle of Investments"

The Bible tells us in the love chapter (1 Cor. 13) that love does not seek it's own. In a culture that promotes selfishness, we must demonstrates selflessness. Love does not come into a relationship to see what it can do for them, true love asks what can I bring into this relationship. It is not what I can get out of you, but how can I complete you.

If you give more to that job than that job demands then that job will bless you more than you think it can. If you give more to that marriage than it demands then that marriage will bless you more than you think it can. Why?

All relationships are a bank, all jobs are a bank, all ministries are a bank. You can't pull out, what you have not put in. If you put a $50 bill in your account, then all you can withdraw is $50. If you withdraw more than you put in then the ATM will say account empty.

Here is the law of investments. I have found it is difficult for people to manage relationships over a long time because most people don't understand the law of long term investments. Most marriages fail between the 6th and 8th year and if you make it to 8 you have done well. It is like a retirement account, if you start investing at 28 and continue to put a small amount in over a long time then when you get to 68 you will see the rewards of your investment.

Diligence is defined as doing a little thing a long time till something big happens. Some people never see the rewards of investing because they never stick with one thing long enough. I have seen in my life that I have made decisions to leave a place of assignment to early and it becomes a cycle of always moving but never seeing the return of what I have invested. Why? because the hand of the diligent will rule, the diligent man will be blessed. Why? Because He understands the law of long term investing. It is not that other marriage, job, ministry, job, no it is can you stick it out when times are bad because good times will come again. Stocks and investing is down now but it will rise again, it will get better and those who stick it out and hold on to what God has told them will see the upswing from their down swing.

We think that if there is battles and all hell is breaking loose we need to move on. Could it be that your greatest blessing is right there in that pea patch and God is wanting to see if you have the resilience and diligence to fight for what is your until it turns because it will turn. If you sow good seed you may experience a season of tares but your harvest will come. We have to understand the ebbs and flows of life that everything operates in cycles and it may be down today but it go up tomorrow. It may not be today, tomorrow or next week, but it will get better, you will see the reward of your labor if you don't faint. Paul said do not become weary in doing good because if you faint not you will reap a harvest. Fight for your pea patch get into stance of diligence and stand your ground. There is truth to the saying that good things come to those... Success is not overnight, there is no such ting as a overnight turnaround, no it is the person that understand if I keep applying God's word, speaking God's word and just keep showing up something good is going to happen.

Paul told Timothy you may be experiencing difficulty now but remain in Ephesus. There is a harvest to be reaped and a reward to be gained. Don't give up now for your harvest draws nigh.



The Finished Work

SEE Psalms 139:14-18; Psalms 118:24; John 5:4-21

One of the greatest lessons I learned in 2008 that has revolutionized my prayer life and the way I view my daily agenda is this:

The disciples saw results in Jesus ministry that were unparallel to any other they had ever seen. Naturally when you see someone operating on a level and getting results, you want to know their secret. The disciples saw Jesus open blind eyes, enable the mute to speak, created limbs and arms, raised the dead, multiplied a boy's lunch... You get the idea. And when Jesus encountered the enemy He never seemed to sweat or struggle to get results. In studying Jewish culture I discovered that jews started their day in the cool of the morning around 3:00 a.m. They started the day when it was cool so that they could get a head start and better utilize their energy. Jesus would often withdraw to solitary places early in the morning to spend time with the Father. According to some theologians he would often spend about 6 hours seeking the Father. Now I am advocating a secret formula, or saying you have to pray 6 hours every day. Some of us struggle to pray 1 hour.

The focus is not a formula but a principle. And when the disciples wanted to know the secret to His results, they didn't ask how He defied gravity and walked on the water, or how he overcame the law of physics and multiplied a meal... I don't know about you but I would have signed up for the class on how to multiply my resources so I could have 12 basketfuls left over. Imagine the profit you would get, multiplying dollars, jewelry, automobiles, cell phones, houses... But the disciples didn't ask for that, they simply asked Him to teach us how to pray.

What if instead of struggling, buking, and fighting to get results, you could simply speak one word and it would happen. Now mind you, Jesus while He was on the earth, He didn't use His divinity but relied upon the direction of the Father and the anointing. What takes us six hours only took Jesus 6 minutes. Why?

In John 5 Jesus comes to a man that was sitting by the pool waiting for the angel to come down and stir the waters> The only problem was He was lame and could not move into position to get in the pool before someone else. Notice he said when I try to get in the pool someone steps ahead of me. Why? Because the reality is people want theirs before you get yours. If you are waiting on a person to help you, then well you will always be waiting. My help comes from the Lord and some may trust in chariots and some may trust in horses but I will trust in the name of the Lord. Here is a man that was bound for 38 long years, seeing the same scenery, depending on people to get him out. Now that is frustration. Why did he keep showing up at the same place for 38 years? Most of us would have given up around year 8. (Later I will deal with the tipping point).

Jesus shows up and in a matter of seconds reverses the man's condition. There was no struggle, no straining, no praying and yelling, just a simple spoken word. He heals the man and then the religious leaders get mad. Why? There are a few reasons.

* Religion would rather keep a rule, than free the person.
* Jesus the ultimate rule breaker, will break a rule to free a person.
* Religion desires to make you dependant upon a person and a system, always have to get a handout, so that the preacher can keep his job.
* Religion aims to keep the person ignorant and powerless so that they have job security, because the moment you get free, you no longer need the person.

Tomorrow, what enabled Jesus to get results? What is the finished work? How can I do greater things than He did?



"I Hear The Sound of Abundance" Breaking the spirit of poverty.

I want to share some things out of my heart that are new to me. It may be old to you but it is revelation to me. We are living in perilous times, testing times, fierce times. All you have to do is turn on the tube or pick up the daily news and relize our world is permeated with negative reports and there is mass fear and confusion. As we have just witnessed the inaugeration of a new President who many belive is a savior and there is false hope in a person that can't really help us. The enemy is using a false sense of security to hide the fact that God is breaking the spirit of materialism in our nation.

The bible tells us that faith that is seen is no hope at all for who hopes for what he sees. In other words faith is not tested when everything is going well, it is tested when all hell is breaking loose on every side and you don't have a clue what to do. Faith is not even materilaized until you are in an impossible situation. Some of us have never seen true faith manifested because we cling to what is safe and we run to what we can understand and hold together on our own. Peter's faith was not tested in Matthew 16 when Jesus asked who He was. Faith is not when you are surrounded by people of faith, or in a Church service when faith is high and you feel you can whip the world. No, faith is when you are surrounded by doubt, storms, negative reports, no hope, darkness...

Why is it that the stage of a downward economy has been set? Could it be that God has allowed the spirit of materialism to be broken so that the people that know their God shall begin to rise in downward times? Could it be that the stage is set so that the true source of prosperity can be revealed and the people who have put His Kingdom first and have not looked at the wind to determine whether they are to sow, but they have understood that our God is an unlimited source and their is nothing or no one can ever limit Him or put Him in a recession.

When God got ready to deliver His people out of captivity, the bible tells us that Isreal walked out of Egypt with their gross economy in their pocket. Pharoah then gathered his chariots and horses and began to pursue after them. Why? He was not chasing them for their worship, their rituals, their Church services. Satan is not fearing our shouts or high services on Sunday. He doesn't care if if we shout as long as we don't have nothing. Why? Because as long as we are broke and living in a limited economy, we are paralyzed from fulfilling the Kingdom mandate that has been given to us. As long as the spirit of poverty locks up God's people, we will not see the full manifestation of the corporate Kingdom blessing, the place called there, the place where God commands a blessing, where not one gets a breakthrough but everybody, not where one gets a financial breakthrough but from the ghetto to the mansion the blessing of God not on one but on many.

Here is where we have been guilty. It is that we have begun to speak our situation and not what we know inside to be true. If we are talking our situation, we are not in faith but we are in doubt. And doubt is always believing negative outcomes to be true. The word says having the same spirit of faith we belive therefore we speak. In other words what we belive is revealed by what is coming out of our mouth. Jesus said we are justified and condemned by the words out of our mouth. Proverbs says we are ensnared by the words of our mouth, locked up and paralyzed, causing the present negativity to become a viscious cycle, a wilderness of wandering and circling. We have to be careful that we are not so bogged up in the situation that we start talking it, rather than what we know. I have been guilty of this, allowing the negativity of the times so so creep within my spirit life that is causes us to be powerless. Faith arise and doubt cease in Jesus name, I call us into our rightful place of inheritance.

I prophecy that the stage has been set for financial transfer and Kingdom multiplication, to those who will not repeat what they hear but what they know and their tithe and seed does not vacilate with the times but they have built their house on the rock, God says you shall rise and the spirit of poverty that you see today, you will not see again. Even as God caused the waters of the Red Sea to return to drown Pharoah and his army and draw a line between God's people and their stuff and him, God is seperating you and your stuff from the curse of poverty. I declare that the spirit of prosperity blessing, the now blessing, the millionaire annointing, the hundredfold blessing that comes through much prosperity is being released in this day. You shall now see the plundering of the enemy and wealth trasnfer on a level not see in the histroy of the Church. I declare a corporate blessing of wealth transfer upon the Body of Christ, you shall see in this year money miracles break out on the right and the left.

Here is what I see, we have tried to change situations with no revelation. The people of God have been lockes up in darkness, destroyed for lack of knowledge. If you have no clue about marriage but begging God to fix your marriage, ignorant of what kids supposed to be but praying for God to save them, ignorant of what God says on finances yet crying for God to deliver. Have you noticed the devil fights preachers on a whole nother level when they begin to talk on finances. Why? Because when this spirit of poverty is broken off God's people, we will be a force to be reckoned with, an unstoppable force. Many of you have been force to become bivocational and you feel that for all of your labor of faithfullness, God has abandoned you, no God is about to reveal himself as your source in a way you have never seen before and there will not be one stream that waters your garden but multiple sources of income. If God had allowed you to stay on that level, you would have never known him as the God of more than enough, He would have been just enough...

But God has brought a crises in your life to unlock a wealth release where you will never be poor again, you will never have to consult your bank account to fulfill His will, but you shall have plenty! Many of you have come to Jesus with one basket but God is askign is anyone have faith enough in this time to bring twelve baskets. The miracle of the five loaves and two fish (not enough)(lack) was not so mucha result of a special prayer by Jesus but it is the fact that somebody (the boy) had brought 12 baskets into a poverty situation. Will you allow God to enlarge your capacity and position you for a pressed down, shaken together, running over blessing, where you don't just have enough to meet your need but it will be enough to meet somebody elses need! A more than blessing!

How does this happen, it happens when you get a word on it> Jesus said, if you abide in me and my words abide in you, you can ask what you will and it shall be done for you. In other words, if you have a word on it, ask me for it and you shall have it. Don't ever ask me for something that you don't have a word on. You get a word on breakthrough and then breakthrough comes, you get a word on healing and healing comes, you get a word on financial prosperity and then... Why> Because everything in life follows a word. God has never created anything that He didn't first speak a word on. Everything started with a word, nothing has been created that didn't come out of a word. If you go to God with a problem, God will give you a word, If you share a need with God, he will give you a word, if you ask God a request, He will give you a word. I hear a sound of abundance being released from God's true prophet's and then the manifestation of that sound ill follow. If we are living in time where the world's focus is on money, what sound do you think needs to be released and what manifestation is waiting for that sound!

Here is how I want to finish this. As I have I want to give you the opportunity to repent for your doubt and lack of faith. Here is the good news, Jesus told the same Peter that would deny him and allow doubt to saturate his life, He said Peter satan has desired to sift you as wheat, but when you return strengthen your brothers. In other words after you repent of speaking what has surrounded you rather than what God says to be true, God is going to give you such a blessing that you will whip the devil with your blessing. God is about to take your trouble and put it on his payroll to destroy the enemy.



What is true prosperity and how do I achieve it?

One of my goals in life is to know the word and secondly to know people. I strongly desire to be an expert of the word and people. Why? Because the thing I see constant in people is problems and the thing I see constant in the word is solutions, so if I can marry the two, that's what we call a miracle or a breakthrough. Wisdom is the ability to discern the problem, and then connect it to the right answer. In other words if you have a health problem, i don't need to try to sell you a car, i need to sell you a gym membership or health insurance. It is in connecting the right solution to the right problem.

One of the problems that I see that has created the economic crises we are living in is the desire to keep up with the Jone's. We go through life judging our success and prosperity by the achievements and the accumulation of stuff. We look at television and see a certain lifestyle and because we are living on a lower level, we think we are a failure. We see CRIBS, or Pimp my ride and see a certain lifestyle and then believe if I can get that house and drive that car or wear those clothes then I will have arrived. I even hear preachers who take the worlds definition of prosperity and then go to the bible and say this is how you get that.

Have you ever heard someone say if God this for me, He will do it for you, or if I have got it, you can get it too. That is erroneous thinking. Paul said to the Church in Corinth that true fulfillment comes when I stop comparing and measuring my life by someoneelses's ruler. He said it is not wise to compare yourself to everybody else. Comparisons lead to frustration, depression, inferiority, low self esteem...

The Bible tells me something that is powerful that will free us up. Here is a powerful truth. Are you ready for this? This liberated me! Everybody does not have the same equipment (metron). David says the Lord has chosen my inheritance for me, my boundary lines have fallen in pleasant places. Paul says the secret to fulfillment and peace is contentment at whatever level we are presently on (not containment). Yes we are all loved equally by God in His eyes and yes God is no respector of persons. But the fact is everyone of us has different measures.

According to scripture we have a measure of faith, a measure of gifting (this is why when Paul said you can do all things through Christ, He did not mean all things). I can prove this to you by getting on the stage and attempting to sing. No matter how much anointing I conjure up or how much you grease me with oil, the fact remains I can't do all things, I can't sing. Now, what Paul is saying is I can do all things through the anointing (my equipment)(resident ability or potential). In other words I can do all things according to the ability that God has placed in my anointing. Everything I need to be or do is already resident in me. That's why the trap of comparisons is to chase after something I am not graced for or with, therefore I end up like a pregnant woman always in labor pain but only giving birth to air. Why? I can't have your baby and you can' t have mine (That will preach).

We have a measure of faith, gifting, talent, and grace. How do you determine your equipment? How do you determine what is within your reach? Is is by first discovering your assignment in life. God never promises to give you whatever equipment you chase after, He only promises to give you what you need to fulfill your assignment. For example if a faith preacher gets up and says because God gave me a jet, He will give you a jet. That is preposterous and what it has done is painted a false picture of prosperity and made God out to be a liar. No, the reality is to accomplish your assignment, you don't need a jet, you may need a degree, a broom, a paintbrush, a slingshot, a 5 loaves and two fish, a rod, a axehead, a pen... We spend our life chasing something we don't need and end up wasting our life, never finishing what God has assigned us to do. What is true prosperity?

Prosperity is not cars, jets, boats, a bigger house, clothes, millions of dollars. Prosperity is defined as this, it is you having everything you need to fulfill the assignment on your life! If it takes a plane for you to fulfill your assignment, then a plane is in your prosperity potential. If your assignment is a motorcycle ministry then God will give you the motorcycle. But I can't get up and say God is going to give everybody a Harley. Why? Most of you wouldn't know what to do with a Harley if you had one. Wouldn't be a shame to spend your life chasing after a Harley because so and so got one only to get one but never leave the garage.

Prosperity is you having enough to do what God has called you to do and never having to consult your checkbook to see if you can do it. Poverty is not that you live on a lower level than Donald Trump, poverty is lacking the necessary tools you need to do what you were born for. God never intended for us to get a word from God then have to consult our wallet or bank account to see if we can do it.

So what do you do when you lack the necessary equipment? You begin to call into your life what is necessary for you to do what God has called you to do. He has given you everything that pertains to life and godliness. This means He has already given everything you need to do what is within your metron, and it has your name on it, waiting for you to call it into your life. Here is one of the ways I judge this. Whenever I see something that I desire or I think I need, I check my faith meter. If I have faith for it, then it is mine positionally. Why? Hebrews tells us that Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence (title deed) of things not yet seen. Let me break it down. In order for me and Tara to fulfill the assignment of launching Freedom House this year we need and estimated $110,000. How do I know this is mine and that when I call for it, it will come. Hebrews tells me that the substance of what is in my future that I need in the present is brought into the now, from the unseen to the seen by my faith. How do I know what I have faith for? Jesus said, whatsoever things you desire, when you pray believe you receive them and you will have them. The actual Greek translation says, that whatsoever things are in your heart (desire), when you articulate those inner desires, you already have them (locked up in desire) and when you call for them, they are released in your life. Why? Because the boundary's of your capacity is determined by the measure of faith, ability, grace, and talent that is already inside of you. Therefore when you tap into your assignment, you are in a birthing position to give birth not to air, but to everything that is necessary for you fulfillment in life. In other words I come into my (moment) when I release what I am already full of. Say this out loud, prosperity is learning to push out what God has already put in me. It is learning that there are no limitations to my life, everything I need to do what I was created for is waiting on me to 1) discover my assignment 2) articulate the inner desires 3) Pursue the voices or mentors that unlock new levels in me 4) Command my mornings by calling for me desires and everything neccessary for fulfillment.
