
Is Gloom And Doom On The Way?

In response to a Pastor friend of mine I want to respond to a blog that came out from Pastor David Wilkerson whom I highly respect.

In response to the message David Wilkerson sent out I will use one of his recent blogs to answer.


In the midst of their trial God told Israel to do three things: “Fear not. Stand still. See the salvation of the Lord.” His call to Israel was, “I am going to fight for you. You’re simply to hold your peace. Just be quiet, and put everything in my hands. Right now, I’m doing a work in the supernatural realm. Everything is under my control. So, don’t panic. Trust that I’m fighting the devil. This battle is not yours” (see Exodus 14:13-14).

Soon dusk fell over the camp. This was the beginning of Israel’s dark and stormy night. But it was also the beginning of God’s supernatural work. He sent an awesome, protective angel to stand between his people and their enemy. I believe God still sends protective angels to camp around all who love and fear him (see Psalm 34:7).

The Lord also moved the supernatural cloud he’d given to Israel for guidance. The cloud suddenly shifted from the front of Israel’s camp to the rear and it loomed as a pitch-black wall before the Egyptians. On the other side, the cloud provided a supernatural light, giving the Israelites clear visibility all night long (see Exodus 14:20).

Even though Pharaoh’s army was in total darkness, they could still raise their voices. And all night long they spewed forth threats and lies. Israel’s tents shook from this barrage of lies throughout that dark night. But it didn’t matter how loudly the enemy threatened them. An angel was on guard to protect them, and God had promised his people he would bring them through.

Dear saint, if you’re a blood-bought child of God, he has put a warrior angel between you and the devil. And he commands you, just as he told Israel, “Do not fear. Stand still. Believe in my salvation.” Satan may come against you breathing every evil threat. But at no time during your dark, stormy night is the enemy ever able to destroy you.

“Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night” (Exodus 14:21).

The windstorm that God brought down was so powerful, it began to part the waves of the sea: “The strong east wind…made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided” (14:21).

The Hebrew word for wind here means “violent exhaling.” In other words, God exhaled and the water congealed in walls. Israel’s tent-dwellings must have shaken fiercely as those mighty torrents blew through the camp. Why did God allow Israel to go through an entire stormy night, when he could have spoken a mere word and calmed the elements?

What a storm it must have been. And what a fearful time it had to be for Israel. I ask you, what was God up to here? Why would he allow such a terrible windstorm to go on all night? Why didn’t he just tell Moses to touch the water with his mantle, and part the waves supernaturally? What possible reason did God have for permitting this awful night to take place?

There was but one reason: The Lord was making worshippers. God was at work the whole time, using the terrible storm to make a path for his people out of the crisis. Yet the Israelites couldn’t see it at the time. Many were hiding in their tents, but those who came outside witnessed a glorious light show. They also beheld the glorious sight of waves mounting up, mighty walls of water rising to form a dry path through the sea. When the people saw this, they must have shouted, “Look, God has used the wind to make a way for us. Praise the Lord!”

I believe the answer is not in stocking up or hoarding up, running and hiding underground or declaring gloom and doom although I do agree that our nation is reaping the harvest of seeds that have been sown such as homosexuality and abortion. In spite of that fact, God says stand still, hold your peace, do not fear but see the salvation of the Lord... I sense that in the midst of all that is going on the Church will rise up as a reflection of God's power and Glory and it will be accompanied with a vast harvest of souls that we have never seen and signs, wonders and miracles. I believe we are about to see the body of Christ (not an individual) become a demonstration of Kingdom Impact. I believe that we must focus on seizing the moment and becoming an solution to the epidemics of the city we are assigned to. Here is what God said to me a few nights ago. He said do not fear but stretch your hand towards me in praise and surrender and as you stretch your hand I will stretch my hand and demonstrate my power like never before.

We are in the greatest day that the Church has ever seen and while the world may be getting darker and darker the Church sill shine brighter and brighter. Though many say we are in a recession, I spent the weekend with a Pastor whose Church is seeing increase in ever area. I asked why? The answer is simply that they are finding the problems in their community and solving them, such as a assisted living facility like I have never seen, a garden in which they will grow fresh vegetables and fruits and give them to those in need, angel food and a food pantry, a after school tutoring service and much more. If we will discover the problems closest to us and become solutions provision will be released. Another way God's power and provision are released is illustrated when Sarah forces Hagar and Ishmael to leave. They are in the wilderness and Ishmael is about to die and Hagar just settles with allowing the next generation to die, the angel comes and says the Lord has heard the cry of the lad (the next generation) and God days pick him up for I will make him into a great nation. After she embraced the lad the Lord opened her eyes and she saw a spring that was flowing. If we will embrace the next generation and become relevant to reaching them and embracing them, God had heard their cry and their will be a release of provision like we have never see.

No, I do not believe gloom and doom, I believe that there are up times and down times and we just happen to be in down times, yet we shall rise again. The Church and America will see in the midst of darkness and a cloud of despair that will linger for a season, the greatest move of God e have ever seen, if we will pray. We can't sit idly by, we must make the most of our opportunity and preach Kingdom, demonstrate Kingdom and become relevant to the city in which we live. We can longer just play Church and count how many people we have and sit in our offices pretending we are making an impact. It is time for the King and the Priest to merge and become one, that is a Church that will take the gospel to the marketplace. Could it be that the reason our Church is not growing and is not seeing God's provision is because we constitute success with our Sunday services rather that impacting the city we live in. What needs are you meeting and what problems are you solving?


1 comment:

Dr. Deanna DossShrodes said...

Thanks for this, Craig. It's so good and so needed. You are right on target as usual.

Re: meeting needs, in our church we are doing this to a degree especially through our Hopetown outreach (feeding and clothing hundreds weekly) but we still have not found other "keys" to unlock the city, which we have been praying for for some time. Other than Hopetown and our Sunday/Wed services and "programs" we have not been able to identify yet what other need God has called us to strategically meet in our city. Please agree with us that this will come to light so we can focus on it. We know there are many needs, but there is something that will be the key, we believe, the "God Thing" and not just the "Good Thing".

Thank you as always for your insights. They are so helpful.

Love you guys!