
"On the Road"

Vacation is finally here! We drove for 11 hours from Chicago to Alabama. Thank God for energy drinks, but man was it hard to go to sleep once I got there.We are in the south for a week with my family and friends. This week will be non spiritual as I will be keeping it real. The blogs will include video blogs of our vacation experience.

Here is my top ten list of things to do on this road trip. (Not neccessarily in this order)

10.Live without a schedule, clock, and a to do list, turn off the cell phone.
9. Do something crazy like bungee jump, jump out of a plane...
8. Go to the Auburn University campus store to buy a shirt and hat (go tigers!)
7. Spend time with some of our ministry friends.
6. Listen to country music and lip sync on the way. (done)
5. Talk to southern people who talk like I do, and are much nicer than northern people. (done)
4. Go to Sonic and get one of their fabulous drinks!
3. Get some boiled peanuts, a real southern treat.
2. Go to Sonney's Barbeque for the best barbeque in the south!
1. Eat at one of my favorite places in the world, Frontera Grill a real mexican restaurant. Chicago has great food, but I have not found one decent mexican place. (done)

This list is subject to change. (You can tell I'm hungry)



Guest Blogger Robbie Carroll

I just recently heard Bishop Tony Miller say that your tommorrow is in your today. Your life is nothing more than a series of choices. You are where you are today because of the choices you made yesterday, and your future is determined by the choices you make today. In the near future I will be dealing with the book of Proverbs (Success 101). I am studying principles of success the entire summer because I desire to be like the ant who prepares in the summer so that he can gather his food in the harvest (Proverbs 6:8). One of the things we must do is to master the art of immediate gratification. Some of us are trying to eat today what we should be eating tommorrow. We must learn to make wise choices. Enjoy this blog from one of my closest friends, a brother who is a powerful man of God!

Guest Blogger: Robbie Carroll


Our lives are like icebergs. Only 15 percent is visible; that’s reputation. It could also be looked at as other’s experience with us in life. The rest, our character, is below the surface, hidden.

Character is what we think but never share. It’s what we do when no one’s watching. It’s how we react to everyday aggravations. It’s how we handle failure – and success. The thing that has made us what we are is our choices. At the end of a successful career, Joshua challenges the people of Israel: “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” So the choice is yours!

French writer François de la Rochefoucauld asserted, “Almost all our faults are more pardonable than the methods we think up to hide them.”

Ever notice that people with the weakest character tend to place blame on their circumstances? They talk a lot about poor upbringing, financial difficulties, the unkindness of others, or other circumstances that have made them victims. Your circumstances may be beyond your control, but your character is not.

You can no more blame your character on your circumstances, than you can blame the mirror for your looks. Developing character is always your choice. Every time you make a character-based decision, you take another step forward in your growth.

Take a moment and jot down times when you have faced temptation and adversity. Next to each, note your choice: escape, excuses, capitulation, avoidance, perseverance, or victory. What problem areas do you see? How will you learn to do better? If many of the things you list are due to circumstances beyond your control, then choose to take greater control of your life.

As for me, in my faith, family and finances…I choose to develop a greater level of character. I am here to help each of your in any way I can as we continue our adventure together!

Great Stuff Robbie!

Craig Sloan


"Guest Blogger" Mark Batterson

Ten Blog Tips

In quantitative terms, blogging is the most important thing I do. I view it as a form of digital discipleship. Not a substitute for one-on-one. But a great supplement. As NCC grows larger, I feel like it's a way that our congregation can know what is going on in my head and my heart at any given moment. Twitter takes that to another level by the way!

Blogging came pretty naturally to me because I've always kept a journal. But over the years I've learned a few do's and don'ts. Here are ten of them. I view them as my personal guidelines for blogging.

1) Stay Positive

Life is too short and the Kingdom Cause is too important for the sideways energy of negativity! In my opinion, too many blogs try to stir up controversy. And it's almost always someone who has a very small readership. A blog is not a license to go negative or take potshots.

2) Include Hyperlinks

Remember the fear that technology would turn us into nameless, faceless autobots? That it would kill community. Again, it's no replacement for face-to-face. But I think it's had the exact opposite effect. It brings people together in amazing ways. And one way that happens is by linking to one another.

3) Keep it Short and Sweet

It's a blog not a book!

4) Don't let commentors hijack your blog

Here is a personal rule of thumb. When people post comments I try to discern the spirit behind the comment. If I feel like someone is trying to bait me or hijack my blog then I resist the temptation to go there. Here's one lesson learned. If someone's comment is longer than your post they might have an agenda! I do think it's healthy to engage in respectful debate. But don't let it cross the line.

5) Tell Your Wife About It Before You Blog About It

Guess how I learned this lesson? If your family has to read your blog to know what is going on in your life something is wrong! One critical decision you have to make is how transparent you're going to be. I try to be emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually transparent. But I do have boundaries. For example, I don't post pictures of my kids.

6) If You Wouldn't Say it to Their Face Don't Blog It

Again, I think we need civility and respect. I think there are ways to rebuke, exhort, and correct via blog. But do it in a gracious and redeeming way. Here's the problem. That takes far more work! Meanness is laziness. Tactfulness is hard work.

7) Know Your Audience

Would you blog if no one read it? I think that's a good litmus test. Obviously, if you are blogging you are doing it so people can read it. But I primarily blog for myself--it's my journal. It's the way I keep track of what God is doing in my life. But you also have to be cognizant of your audience. I have two primary audiences: pastors and NCCers. From a numbers standpoint, pastors are my primary audience. From a personal standpoint, NCC is my primary audience. I also know their is a growing audience amongst those who have read one of my books.

8) Be Yourself

A blog ought to be as unique as you are. It takes a while to find your voice. But don't worry if it's different. Different is good. I ought to be able to figure out your personality type by reading a month of entries!

9) Find Your Rhythm

Part of blogging is finding a way for it to fit your lifestyle. I think it's critical that you be consistent. Consistency is key! But don't revolve your life around your blog. Your blog needs to revolve around you! By the way, I used to think that my blog supplemented my sermons. Not so sure. Now I wonder if my sermons supplement my blog.

10) Stay Positive

Great stuff!


"How About Them Celtics" Promotion

Man, has it been a great night. After having to sweat it out all week, finally a game in which I can enjoy the domination of the Lakers. What is the most amazing thing about it is how bad this team was last year. They were one of the worst teams ever. In one season they have gone from the worst to the best, from last to first, from the bottom to the top. It it the greatest one year turnaround in NBA history.

Ps 75:6-7
6 For exaltation comes neither from the east
Nor from the west nor from the south.
7 But God is the Judge:
He puts down one,
And exalts another.

Exaltation means to rise from a low place, to ascend, to be promoted. Somebody reading this has had a horrible year, season... I want to encourage you, God can turn it around in one season if you won't quit. All it takes is just a couple of moves, adjustment, rearrangements. Maybe like Peter you have fished all night but caught nothing. Cast your net on the other side. You are about to get a net breaking, ship sinking harvest. One of the star players for the Celtics yelled several times, anything is possible if!

* Success silences the critics. What you going to say now?
* You are only one season from a turnaround, from the bottom to the top.
* Teams still win championships, not individuals. The key is finding out your strengths and building a team to complement your weaknesses.
* Doc Rivers had been labeled a average coach, in fact many fans called for him to be fired. Danny Ainge the General Manager was labeled a loser. The key is diligence, and diligence is doing a little thing a long time till the big thing happens.
* Success is not accidental or overnight, it is doing a little thing a long time till a big thing happens, it is taking one day at a time and living each day to the fullest.
* Maximize your opportunities and minimize your excuses.
* If man promotes you, then man can demote you, if God promotes you, no devil in hell can demote you.

Another interesting fact is they won their 17th championship on June 17th. Seven is the number of completion. Could it be that God is completing a season of your life, and you are about to be promoted to the top.




"The Father is Proud of You"

Matt 3:13-4:1

Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him. 14 And John tried to prevent Him, saying, "I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?"

15 But Jesus answered and said to him, "Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness." Then he allowed Him.

16 When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. 17 And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying,"This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

I am blessed to have 5 beautiful smart girls. The four who are in school all made straight A's this year. That has to be the grace of God cause I didn't. I remember as a young father watching one of my girls in a dance recital. When it came to her part she stumbled and fell in the middle of the performance. While the crowd stared in silence as what appeared to be a failure, I stood up and applauded he saying, that is my girl!

In the text, we find Jesus leaving His hometown where he grew up facing the stigma of being labeled a bastard child. From the time He was born he had to face rejection. The religious leaders rejected Him, his brothers rejected Him, the politically correct rejected Him.

When he turned the age of 30 He walked out of His hometown to the waters of the Jordan where He was baptized by John. He came up out of the water and God leaned over the corridor of heaven and echoed these words, "This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased".

What is interesting about this statement is that the Jewish Custom was when a son had proven himself faithful and obedient, at the age of 30 the father would stand him in front of the crowd and he would utter these words, "This is my son in whom I am well pleased".

This means three things:

1) He was able to represent the Father in his affairs, when you saw the son, you saw the father.

2) He was ready to take over the family business (Kingdom Business).

3) His identity was secure, meaning that he had access and advantages, everything in the Father's house was his.

In Luke 15 we see this played out in the story of the prodigal son. Most preachers focus on the son who not knowing who he was, took his inheritance (pre arranged blessing for a appointed time) and went out and wasted it. Those who don't know their true identity will waste their time, energy and resources. After he repents (re - to return)(pent-the top), meaning to return to the top, or your rightful place, the father throws a party.

Imagine that, this son had been out in the world living it up, had missed Church for 4 consecutive Sundays, hadn't picked up his bible in weeks and the Father is celebrating him. The Father puts his best robe on Him (clothed in Christ) and his ring (sonship) on his finger. He then kills the best calf.

* The Father's affirmation and acceptance of you is not based on your performance but His.
* Even after a bad week, I can walk into the Church throw my hands up and worship, why? Because what I did does not change who I am.
* My blessing is not based on my behaviour but on my relationship. I am blessed because of my relationship with Him.
* The father affirmed Jesus before He preached one sermon, performed one miracle. He gave him 1) Approval 2) Affirmation 3) Acceptance (Identity).
* Your doing flows out of being.
* You are not what you did, you are who the Father says you are.

You are not your job, your prophet card, Reverend so and so,your money or success, you are first and foremost a son or daughter of God. Your identity is not based on your performance, it is based on your relationship. If you do well, will He love you more? If you do bad, will He love you less. God's greatest cheering for you, is not when you succeed but when you mess up. He stands up and says that's my boy. That's why Paul says, who will bring charge against God's elect (Rom. 8). Would you disown your child because they messed up? No you would love them even more.

This delivers me, because I know I am not perfect on my best day. It lets me know that though I have been dropped by life (Mephibosheth) and my feet are crippled, I still have a place at the King's table. In fact if you would peer under the table, you would see, everyone at the table has crippled feet. I can come out of my (Lodebar - a low place) not because I can bring myself out, but because He brings me out and by grace gives me a place at his table. Let me ask this question, does your low self worth have you lying on the floor like a dog, when you have a place at the King's table? Your earthy condition does not change your kingly position. Get up, wipe the dust off you feet , and sit in your place!

I like to belive this is what David was talking about when he said, God prepares a table in the presence of my enemies (Psalms 23), he annoints my head with fresh oil. Watch this, your trouble is nothing more than an invitation for your enemies to come see God pour out a new and fresh annointing on your life. He is about to bless you in spite of your inadequcies, failures, disappointments, shortcomings. He is not going to do it because you are that good, He is going to do it because He is that good!

Hear the voice of your father tonight, saying "This is my son and I am well pleased". No matter what people say or do to you, if you can get this you will keep on walking. When they say no, you know that the Father has a yes. If the door you thought would open is closed, it is because the Father has a bigger door that is about to open for you. When they ridicule you, keep on walking, when they point out your failures, keep on walking, when they lie on you, and leave you keep on walking. The father is ordering your steps...

Tomorrow God willing, the other son in the house (Luke 15).



"Judah or Judas"

I found out yesterday that Judah and Judas come from the same root word.

Judah - Praiser or one who praises.

Judas - One who betrays.

Judah praises God. (Face kisser)
Judas kisses men (praises men)(butt kisser)

Judah is a yes God.
Judas is a yes man.

Judah has God motives.
Judas has self motives.

Judah is one who praises with all his might.
Judas is he that worships with his lips but his heart is far from God.

Judah has pure motives.
Judas has impure motives.

Judas attacks or judges in Judah what he is guilty of in himself. That's why the bible says do not be quick to judge, judge yourself, take the plank out of your own eye before you try to take the splinter out of their eye.

Whatever you attack in others is where you struggle yourself. You are quick to see in others what is enemy (in me). That's why Paul tells us to put on the whole armor of God. Paul only list one offensive weapon out of all the armor that is mentioned (Eph. 6). Why?

Our greatest enemy is not others, our greatest enemy is in me. God says I will take care of the enemies on the outside if you will take care of the enemies on the inside. The enemy destroys from the inside. Wherever you are quick to react is a place where you have not been healed. Wherever you are quick to judge is a place where you are guilty. Wherever you condemn others is where you are condemned. It is a heart issue. That's why the writer of Proverbs tells us to guard our heart with all diligence for from it flows the issues of life (Prov. 4:23). Meaning that most of our issues our self created.

Why do we need the armor of God if the battle belongs to the Lord. This sound contradicting but in reality God is saying of you can whip it in your head and heart you can whip it anywhere. God says I got it covered out here, you just take care of it in there.

Let me use King David for example. He had never lost a battle, He was successful in his reign, rich, powerful, famous, he was riding high. Then one day because of his own pride, complacency, when the Kings were to go to battle, he stayed home. In a moment of his own comfort he removed the guard from his heart and there began his downfall. He then begins a cycle of generational defeat in his lineage as he lusts after a woman, commit ts adultery, murders the husband, lies and covers it up... He later writes in Psalms 51 create in me a pure heart. Why?

If you keep your heart, God will keep your life. You can only be defeated from the outside. So when critics attack, talk about you, lie on you, manipulate situations to set you up, shoots darts out of secret places, exalt themselves when you have been faithful, you are passed over for a promotion for the lazy bum... Guard your heart, don't become a Judas, be a Judah. Don't complain, grumble, and judge them, judge yourself and praise God any how. If you take care of you, God will take care of them. The Battle is not yours, it is God's. Fight your battle, that is the battle of self.

Lastly how do you deal with the inside enemies and the outside enemies.

Gen 49:8-12

8 "Judah, you are he whom your brothers shall praise;
Your hand shall be on the neck of your enemies;
Your father's children shall bow down before you.
9 Judah is a lion's whelp;
From the prey, my son, you have gone up.
He bows down, he lies down as a lion;
And as a lion, who shall rouse him?
10 The scepter shall not depart from Judah,
Nor a lawgiver from between his feet,
Until Shiloh comes;
And to Him shall be the obedience of the people.

* Judah (praise) puts his hand on the neck of the enemy (choke hold).
* The enemy is paralyzed by praise.
* One of the words for Praise means to rip the enemy apart piece by piece.

The Scepter will not depart from Judah... Until Shiloh comes.

* The Praiser always wins, he dominates.
* You can't lose when you praise.
* Praise until perfect peace (Shiloh) comes, why because as you praise the God of peace will crush the enemy under his feet.

How do you guard your heart and overcome the spirit of betrayal, praise your way...

Craig Sloan


"The Focus Of the Attack"

This is a statement that has helped me to understand the motives and operations of the enemy. We are in a war and it is not against flesh and blood but against the forces of darkness.

Sin is the result of mistaken identity. Every sin that is being committed such as gossip, bitterness, jealousy, slander, murder, stealing is the result of mistaken identity. When you know who you are and whose you are, you will not give place to the devil, you will live above reproach. When you know who you are, you won't run with just anybody, or go anyplace.

Proverbs 29:18
A people without vision will run wild, aimlessly.

A vision is simply a progressive ongoing word from God. It is God's word for your life. Discipline comes as a result of identity. For example if you know that you are to be a Olympic gold medalist, you will not eat what others eat, do what others are doing, but you will apply discipline as a result of the call that you have received. You will pay the price to become great. People that live a life of crime are many times the product of a broken home, absentee father. There was no voice to affirm their identity. The greatest thing that our children need is to know their identity. Shame on us for allowing society, MTV, Hollywood to shape our children. If you don't tell them who they are someone else will (false identity).

Here is where the attack starts. Jesus after being rejected for 30 years of his life, walks out of his hometown to the waters of the Jordan river. John points him out of the crowd and says "Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world". Then as He is baptized in water the father speaks and says this is my son on whom I am well pleased.

Here is what I noticed:

* Jesus had not performed one miracle, one healing, preached one sermon and the Father was already pleased with him.

* Our relationship with the Father is not performance based on our part, Jesus fulfilled all the performing that needed to be done.

* When you are anointed and remain faithful in preparation and process, the Father will cause someone to point you out for greatness.

Lastly, as soon as Jesus received the affirmation of the father, he was driven into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. The first thing satan did was say " If you are the son of God?" In other words temptation, trials and testing are attacking your identity. The war is always over your identity. But when you know who you are and whose you are, no devil in hell can stop you. You are unstoppable!

Result of Identity:

* They may take your coat of favor, but the favor is not on you, it is you (Joseph). Every time they take your coat, God is fitting you for a better coat (Pharaoh's coat).
* No matter what they do to you to cause your down falling, you will always rise.
* You will not bow to the peer pressure of society (Daniel).
* You can walk in the fire and not be burned (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego).
* You will ignore the criticism of your brothers (David and Eliab( (not fight battles without spoil), to face the giant and become a giant killer.
* You will know that God works all things together... (Rom. 8:28)
* You can't die until you have fulfilled your purpose (Peter Acts 12)
* The more they talk about you more blessed you are (Abraham Gen. 12).
* You will not allow intemidation to control you or influence you. In spite of...
* You will pay the price that others are not willing to pay.

Undestand every attack against os a result of you knowing your identity and them having a mistaken identity. Those who do not know who they are will attack those who know who they are.

This is your journey to discover who you are and what you are to do and to do it before you die. That's true success!

Craig Sloan


"Don't Give Them Too Much Power"

Why do we allow other's opinions of us to sidetrack us from the call. When we allow what others say to sidetrack us, we are giving them way too much power. God chooses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, the base things, elementary things...

The enemies job is to create scenarios that are contrary to the call that you have received. What God has said to you is not a lie, it is what they say of you that is a lie. Jesus taught the disciples that there will always be some say (Mtt. 16), but what do you say? God never called you to win the popular vote, to fit in, to be accepted. If he was ostracized, criticized, ridiculed, talked about what makes you think you will receive any less. Let me encourage you with something that helps me to persevere. If all hell is fighting against you, then you are soing something right. If you are living in heaven now, then you are probably complacent and out of the will of God. Paul said through much tribulation... Persecution awaits me in every city... Jesus said in this world you will have much tribulation but be of good chear I have overcome the world. He has overcome your critics.

Let me use an example that is real to me. If God told you that you are to go to Africa. The moment you receive the word God has given you the permission, provision, and power to fulfill the word. The word you received comes prepackaged with everything you need. The battle that you face is over the word you received.

The seed eater comes immediately after the seed is sown (Mark 4). He doesn't come until God gives you the permission to do something. The enemies job is to surround you with people that say you are not able. It was the 10 spies who said we be not able that kept 2 million plus people out of the promise land (Numbers 13). Why? Because the enemy knew the only way he could keep them out was to get them to believe the lie.

Lastly, there are two facts about God and the devil we need to know. First, God is incapable of lying, it is impossible. That means if God says something that is totally impossible and ridiculous, it doesn't matter if all hell fights it, the lie would become the truth. Whatever He calls it, it will become.

Satan is the father of lies, meaning it is impossible for him to tell the truth. This means that whatever he whispers in your ear in the morning, the opposite is true. If he tells you that you won't have the money to go to Africa, get ready the money is on the way. If he tells you that you will die from that disease, get ready your miracle is on the way.

Which ever one you agree with will become your reality.

What do I do to keep the power:

1) Realize Your Critics are criticizing in you what they dream for themselves, they wouldn't know the truth if it hit them in the face. I have noticed that when someone wasn't willing to pay the price to become great, they become armchair quarterbacks, movie starts, politicians, pastors... Wherever they failed, they become a expert. They are obsessed with your demise. Only listen to those who have succeeded and are willing to help you. Why? Because critics operate out of the bitterness of their unfuliflled dreams.

2) Never allow others opinion of you to be your source of Confidence. If God said, it doesn't matter who likes it or not. God doesn't operate by Nelson ratings, or popular votes. He will choose to do the most impossible things, just to prove that He can. Great people have great enemies.

3) Keep speaking what God told you, no matter what. When you agree with the critics, you will see what they say. If you agree with God, you will see what He says. Say what you see (spiritual eyes) and you see what you say. The more impossible it is, the more credit God gets. He is going to show up and show off.

4) Realize those who verbally attack you are accusers of the brethren, they have not been sent by God. The sons of God are always peacemakers.

Lastly, how do you know that you are in the right place, doing the right thing? If you find a man of peace (people that need what is inside of you), then your blessing will rest upon that place. If there is no man of peace, then shake the dust off your feet... (Luke 10)


PS - Never give your emotions or feelings to critical people, in fact all people. If your confidence is in them, they will fail you. God is your confidence.

Guest Blogger Mark Batterson

A Gut Check for Growing Churches

Just thought I'd share the ten reminders I shared at Healing Place in their staff meeting. Think of them as a gut check for growing churches. These are personal reflections on our journey @ NCC.

The more we grow...

1) ...the greater the PRIVILEGE

I never want myself or anyone on our staff to have a sense of entitlement. We're only servants--I Cor. 3:5.

2) ...the more COMPLICATED things get

Sin complicates your life in negative ways. Growth complicates your life in positive ways. Learn to thank God for complications!

3) ...the harder it is to maintain UNITY

Vision is the key to unity! The larger you get the more frequently you need to cast vision. Unity doesn't happen by default--Eph 4:3.

4) ...the better STEWARDS we need to be

Growth raises the stakes. With greater responsibility comes greater accountability.

5) ...the more ABOVE REPROACH we need to be

I Corinthians 10:23 says, "Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial." As our leadership expands, there can be an unhealthy and unholy tendency toward the permissible end of the spectrum! Guard against it. As our influence expands, leaders need to move toward the beneficial end of that spectrum!

6) ...the easier it is to exist for those who ALREADY BELONG

As a church grows it is very easy to give in to centripetal force--we become inward-focused and ingrown. The Great Commission is centrifugal--go into all the world.

7) ...the easier it is to do ministry out of MEMORY instead of ministry out of IMAGINATION

The beginning of the end for every entreprenurial organization is the moment they stop doing what got them to where they are! You need to keep making mistakes. You need to keeping experimenting. Don't repeat the past. Create the future!

8) ...the more we have to remind ourselves of WHY we're doing what we're doing and WHO we're doing it for

There is a fine line between building Thy Kingdom and My Kingdom. As your circle of influence grows, you need to stay Christ-centered.

9) ...the more you have to guard your heart

As you grow, so does the target on your back. Leaders need to keep a pure heart in the midst of criticism and temptation. The blessings of God backfire when they produce pride. Stay humble.

10) ...the bigger our DREAMS need to get

The size of our dreams is one of the best barometers of spiritual maturity. People with a big God have big dreams!

Great blog,
Craig Sloan


"Letter to the Church Hopper"

I found this on Tim Steven's blig. It is too good to pass up.

Dearest Career Church Hopper:

I met you again on Wednesday, the same person smiling at me through a different face, telling me that you've been shopping for churches for months now, and that darn it, you "just can't find one (you) like." The music's too rocky at this one, you said; the preacher too funny at that one. The latest one might make the cut, though: you'd had the pastor and his wife over the previous evening for a little "dinner audition" -- your words, not mine -- and he said things that made you feel good and comfortable, things that you already agree with, so you're thinking about sticking around. At the very least, you could get your teaching from this church and your worship from that one.

I'm sure we'll run into each other again, but before we do, I'd like to suggest some things you could perhaps think about before you move on to the next church, as I'm sure you will, whether this weekend or next year:

Christ didn't bleed for the Church so you could treat your search for one like an episode of Survivor, deciding who to vote off the island this week.

The Church was not commissioned by Christ to meet your needs. You ARE the Church, and you've been commissioned to meet the needs of the world. Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her (Eph 5:25).

Quit treating his bride like a Jesus buffet where you can pick and choose what you like, hedging your bets against the pain and sacrifice of making a commitment.

Per scripture's instructions to use your gifts in service to the Body of Christ -- and its lack of instruction to search for a church that scratches you where you itch -- you might want to consider what the Church you're visiting needs from you, rather than the other way around.

If you only want to hear things you already know and agree with, save your Sundays and talk to yourself in the bathroom mirror.

The Preacher's Wife

"The Cost of the Call"

I remember Fushia Pickett telling a story concerning the cost of the call. Someone came to her in a prayer line and asked her to pray for them that God would put a double portion of what was in her on them. She then replied " I am going to pray that God puts you through twice as much hell as I have been through, to which the person quickly ran away. Your call is realized through the process of time and preparation. Through much difficulty, testing and trials...

The greatest the preparation the greater the potential of the call. In fact when you start you must start with the end in mind. You must determine that you will finish before you start. Habakkuk says write the vision down and make it plain. Why?

1. If you don't make it plain then no one can run with you. If it is not clear to you... Resources and relationships that God has assigned to help you will not be released to you till it is written in your heart what you are to do and be.

2. If you have not written in your heart, the devil will try to erase it through testing and trials. Where purpose is not known abuse is inevitable. It would be like using a fork to brush your teeth, or using a hammer to comb your hair. When you don't know your identity, you will let those close to you define who you are and what you are to do. Labels and stereotypes are nothing more than false identity. Sin is the result of mistaken identity. If you don't define who you are, they will.

3. Resolve is necessary to becoming everything you are to be. If you don't start with a photograph of your potential then you will get sidetracked. You will waste your time, energy and resources. You will let people talk you out of what God said.

4. The attack against you is not because of what you are doing, it is the result of who you claim to be. When the religious leaders wanted to stone Jesus, He said, when I performed the miracles you didn't stone me, but now that I declare who I am...

The attack comes as a result of you knowing who you are and what you are to do.

Here is some of the cost of the call:

1. Betrayal of those close to you. The attack validates what God put in you. Wherever the enemy attacks, God has spoken greatness over you.

2. Loneliness as the result of isolation. The moment God speaks of your future potential, people will attack you and identify you by who you are presently. Don't share your dreams with people that can't help you.

3. Jealousy. People hate another persons success, even family members will hate your dream because they don't know who they are. They will become obsessed with your failure.

4. Ridicule and misunderstanding, people will laugh at you because of their own securities. I have found that if I surround myself with bigger people than me, they pull me up to their level. If people are ridiculing you, they are smaller than you.

5. Rejection, Jesus was rejected, Joseph was rejected, Gideon, Jepthath, Moses, David... Rejection from men is broken by the affirmation of your heavenly father. He will point you out of the crowd and separate you saying this is my son... Why? Because God's acceptance of you is not based on performance but identity as a son or daughter. If your call is genuine, you will be rejected.

6. Testing, Testing, Testing... God will first make a boast of you concerning greatness. He will give you a 24 by 24 word while you are still a 5 by 8 person. He calls you a prince while you are still a trick (Jacob), a rock (Peter) while you are still water (Simon). God will then put you through a series of test to validate the potential He put in you. If a company makes a 2009 car that they say goes from 0-60 in thirty seconds, they don't put it on the car lot with a price tag, they first put it through a series of test to validate the claims they make on it. The test is the very indicator that greatness is coming out, and the greater the test...

Craig Sloan


"Get Ready For a Momentum Shift"

I was ecstatic last night when the Celtics beat the Lakers. I have been a Boston Celtics fan since I was a kid. There was a point in the game when Paul Pierce got hurt so bad that they had to carry him off the court and take him to the lockeroom in a wheelchair. Here is two things I felt God spoke to me:

1) He was hurt by his own team member. It is not usually those on another team that hurt us. It is those who are a part of our inner circle. The reason it happened is because Perkins was in the wrong place. People who hurt us are out of place so they put their pain and frustration on us. It also tells us that when the enemy attacks us it is because we are in the right place.

2) The Lakers had the momentum in their favor when Pierce was injured. Amazingly Pierce came back on the court and Boston garden went nuts. Instantly the momentum shifted towards the Boston Celtics. Many of you have been hurt but you are about to make a comeback and when you do everything is going to shift in your favor. You are about to dominate the enemy. People are going to receive strength from your comeback. Your setback is a set up for a step up into your comeback!

3) When Pierce made his comeback, the Lakers lost confidence while the Celtics gained confidence. I want to declare to you that the enemy is losing confidence. You are about to take over!

Craig Sloan

PS - I predict the Celtics will win in 5 games.

Tommorrow I will deal with the topic conversations with the enemy.


"Family Matters"

Matt 12:48-13:1

48 But He answered and said to the one who told Him, "Who is My mother and who are My brothers?" 49 And He stretched out His hand toward His disciples and said, "Here are My mother and My brothers! 50 For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother."

Mark 10:29-31

29 So Jesus answered and said, "Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel's, 30 who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time -- houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions -- and in the age to come, eternal life. 31 But many who are first will be last, and the last first."

Why is it that the devil often attacks us through those closest to us? David even said it was him who used to break bread and fellowship with me who has betrayed me. Betrayal often starts with those who are closest to you in proximity. As we look throughout scripture we see many examples of betrayal from family members.

* Miriam and Moses (questions his authority).

* Aaron and Moses, leads people into sin and rebellion in Moses absence (While on a prayer retreat).

* Cain kills Abel because he is jealous of him, jealousy stills kills in the Church today, one of the test you will have to pass is those who are close to you being promoted while you are still in process. Can you celebrate their ascension? Or will you be like John who said after his ministry was decreasing and Jesus was increasing, are you the one or is there another?

* The relationship between Jesus and John had changed, and now he is in prison, he is offended because Jesus didn't come to see him. Jesus said blessed is the man who is not offended by me. In other words, I am about my father's business, you should be secure in our relationship.

* David is questioned by his brother Eliab, what are you doing here? Go back to those few sheep. I have learned that the place that your family attacks you is the place they are bitter. Eliab did not know who he was, he had a mistaken identity. Why is it that when we accept a call that they refused, they hate us for it. The reality is they hate you for what they never responded to.

* David wasn't even invited to the ordination service. Most theologians believe it was because he was conceived in sin (Psalms 51).

* Joseph's brother's said here comes the dreamer... They attempted to sabotage his dream and destiny when in fact they accelerated Joseph ahead of them. Joseph later sad what you did to me sent me before you. Any time there is a attack against you, there is an ascension.

* Jephthah (Judges 11) The bible tells us that he was the son of a harlot. His brothers drove him out and labeled him as a bastard child. The later came to him and asked him to lead them into battle and God gave him a great victory! God will cause those who have persecuted you to promote you!

* Jesus brothers rejected him and often questioned him. Here is something that has bothered me. How come you never here of Joseph after the age of twelve. Scripture never tells us what happened to Joseph. I am inclined to believe that if he died scripture would have mentioned it. Could it be that Joseph struggled with the fact that Jesus was not his offspring? Could the persecution he received from the hometown (Jesus borne of a virgin) have forced him out of the picture. Could this have been the first example of a fathers abandonment?

*Job's wife cursed him and told him to curse God. What if Job had listened, he would have not received the call to double blessing (inheritance).

* Many times we see favoritism in the family. The funny thing is the one left out usually got the blessing.

Jesus tells us that in the last days mothers and fathers will persecute their children... Family members will turn on those who have responded to the call.

Jesus also tells us that:

* Those who will be more committed to the Kingdom (heavenly citizenship), they will receive a hundred times more in this life and the life to come. This is only the second time in scripture where the hundred fold blessing is mentioned.

* Kingdom relationships are of higher priority than earthly relationships. In fact the earthly family was derived from the heavenly family.

Eph 3:14-16

For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15 from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, (Family was God's idea).

* I have never seen anyone great who did not first face and overcome conflict in the family, never.

Why should I receive Christ's call?

* Because he was nailed to the cross. Are your family members willing to be crucified?

* I will stand before God and give an account, you will not stand before your family and they will not stand with you.

* If you have been marked by your family, it is because God has marked you for greatness. The sibling that receives the greatest persecution received the greatest promise.

How do you respond?

1. Ignore your critics, love them but ignore their criticism.
2. Focus on the prize (desired end)
3. Pray for them that they will discover who they are.
4. Kill them with kindness, a soft answer turns away wrath.
5. Recognize if they did it to you, then God has a purpose (promotion) in it.
6. Recognize it is only a test.
7. Put the Kingdom of God first and foremost.
8. Know that your destiny is not in their hands.
9. Forgive and go forward.

Craig Sloan


"Accepting the Call"

Return to Home
Luke 14:25-33

Now great multitudes went with Him. And He turned and said to them, 26 "If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. 27 And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. 28 For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it -- 29 lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, 30 saying, 'This man began to build and was not able to finish.' 31 Or what king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? 32 Or else, while the other is still a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks conditions of peace. 33 So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.

This is one of my favorite text in the entire bible. Jesus is transitioning the disciples from following him, to being willing to die for Him. The relationship is about to change, and the requirements of following are about to be raised. Notice Jesus does not focus on the benefits of following Him, but rather the costs of following. Here are some things I noticed.

* In ministry there will always come a point of separation from those who are close to you because they do not understand the commitment to your call.

* You will face the test of family and friends, Jesus family told Jesus to go to the passover before His time and when it was His time, they questioned Him. His brothers did not believe in Him.

* Throughout the bible great men had to pass the test of the opinion of the family. Why? Because most family members are too familiar with you to see the greatness in you. They will many times misunderstand and misrepresent your call.

* I really struggled with Jesus saying that you had to hate your mother... to follow Him. He is not referring to the English word for hate, He is saying you must be more committed to me than even your mother.

* Why is it that the critics that try to talk you out of your call, are the ones that most of the time do not know their call. Maybe misery loves company.

* Jesus goes on to say that if you are not commit ed to the call, you are salt that is no good. In other words when you listen to the critics who want you to stay the same as them, you lose your uniqueness and ability to impact.

* Not everyone will agree with your call and commitment. The true test is can anyone talk you out of it? If they can, you are not ready.

* before you respond to the call, count the cost, lest you are not able to finish. There is something very negative about those who do not finish. Can you go the whole way with me? (Jesus)

* One of the ways you know you are really anointed is the odds are stacked against you.

* Who is your voice for God's will, is it people or is it God?

* You must be convinced that God spoke to you before you can commit.

Here is a final question to ask yourself. Is the person trying to talk you out of accepting the call life worth emulating. Do you want the kind of life they have. Usually not!

We see a transition from a call to follow to a call to die with Christ. Are you willing to die for Him/ Are you willing to ignore family, and those close to you when they try to talk you out of it? Tomorrow I will share a story of how my parents tried to keep me from doing what God called me to do. I knew I was supposed to serve my Pastor but they said he was brainwashing me.

Craig Sloan

Guest Blogger "Steven Furtick"

This is a great blogg by Steven Furtick.

This blog is not based on any current situation in my life. I actually wrote it after a conversation with a friend about something he was going through. Honest.)

Mark this:
People will turn on you.
They just will. You’re not the exception. I’m a young man, but I’ve lived long enough to see:

Children turn on their natural parents, who loved them an did an above average job raising them
Staff members turn on their pastors…and yank half the donor base out from under the church in the process
Pastors turn on their congregations, committing unthinkable acts of immorality and deceit
Husbands turn on faithful wives of 24 years because the girl at the office made him feel young, funny, and relatively attractive.
I probably haven’t lived long enough to speak exhaustively on
What to do when someone turns on you just yet.
But I think I can suggest a few things not to do.

1. Don’t fancy yourself a martyr. Yes, betrayal hurts. But Jesus was betrayed by the bum who managed His money and murdered by the people that He came to save. That puts “poor poor me” in perspective.
2. Don’t punish the loyal people in your life by becoming a stone cold, arm’s length, “I’ll never let anyone hurt me like that again, the world is out to get me” leader. That’s not fair. Paranoia is not a road to recovery. It’s a sure fire recipe for eventual collapse.
3. Don’t miss the blessing in betrayal. Because of betrayal, Joseph saved a nation. Because of betrayal, Jesus saved the world. If you walk in integrity and process your pain Biblically, your biggest betrayal could be the delivery system for your greatest blessing.

This post turned out to be a bit of a downer. Sorry!
I’ll make it up to you with a verse that has helped me through every time someone has turned on me:

Isaiah 54:17
“No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me,” says the Lord.

I will deal with this more tommorow.

Craig Sloan


"The Predictable Church"

I heard Ed Young give a great statement today concerning communicating the gospel. He said "The more predictable you are, the less you connect with your audience". Man, that is awesome and true. Most of our Church services in America are so predictable that if the congregants stayed home, they would be able to predict the flow of the service by their watch. If we keep doing every Church service the same way, our services become boring, powerless and non impacting. Is it possible that our people are sleep walking through Church, that we could do our services with our eyes closed.

As I have mentioned before, the word entertain means to captivate and keep your audiences attention. If we do not connect we will not we will not make a impact. I am presently reading a great book called "Pop Goes The Church". The author states that there are three elements to a successful service, 1. Relevant Topic 2. Cultural Theme 3. Biblical Truth.

It is not changing the message but packaging it in such a way that when a person leaves they never forget the message, it becomes a part of them. It is the art of learning to engage your culture. I will deal with this more tomorrow.

What Are Some Ways You Can Make Church Less Predictable?