
"God DNA"

My job as a Pastor is to help you discover who am I and why am I here? There is a great frustration in the earth of people who are locked in ordinary when they are called to be exceptional. They get up, punch in at 8:00 am and punch out at 5:00 pm, and they are crying out, please tell me there is more to life than this.

The fact is we don't even ask the right questions in America, as soon as a kid graduates from High School we ask him, "What are you going to do?" When you take an entrance exam, they ask, "What do you want to do in life?" The priority is imbalanced, why? Because doing flows out of being. Nobody ask what are you going to be? They ask, what are you going to do? We start out in life asking the wrong questions.

We start life out by doing things, we go get a job and start doing, and nobody has ever told us who we are. What if I tell you to go walk and you are a bird meant to fly? What if I tell you to go fly and you are a fish meant to swim. Here is the principle: If I don't know who I am then I don't know what to do. I can't roll till you tell me I'm a wheel, I can't fly till you tell me I'm a bird, I can't swim till you tell me I'm a fish.

This is why we have powerless, impotent, puny Christians. Because we are good at doing Church but we have never become the Church. We are great doers but lousy becomers. We do praise and worship but we have never become worshipers, we try to do ministry but we have never become ministers. We have to become it, before we can do it.

Jesus never did anything, never preached a sermon, perform signs and wonders, heal someone until His Father told Him who He was. He was baptized in the Jordan, the dove descended, and He hears the voice of His father say this is my son in whom I am well pleased. Meaning that His Father was pleased before He ever did anything. Could it be that one of the reasons we are powerless is because we operate out of insecurity instead of identity.

In closing it wasn't until after His Father told Him who He was that he walked into the temple and stood up and said, the spirit of the Lord is upon me and He has anointed me... (to do). In other words He said I'm God's son therefore I can do... The first question we have to answer is who am I? We have to become something to do something.

To be continued...

Craig Sloan

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