
"Being a Positive in a Negative" Part 5

The negative voices in life is the birthing place of new ideas. You will have allot more negative voices in life than you do positive voices. If you will learn to listen (not be fed by), you will get your greatest ideas from unhappy people. It is simply the articulation of a problem that you are created to solve. Problems are the revealers of solutions. You can turn that problem into your promotion.

Your dominant gift will emerge out of your greatest dilemma. Goliath created a tremendous dilemna. He was in their face daring them to send someone to fight him, he even said I will rip them apart and feed them to the birds. David moved into what he was born for by answering the call to negative voices. Unfulfillment is the result of not listening to the negative voices around you.

There was a man who was a cook who worked in a high rise building as a janitor. He was unfulfilled and miserable so one day he went to his Pastor and asked why am I so miserable in what i am doing? The Pastor answered him by asking a question. What do people complain about down there? The man replied they complain about having to go out to get something for lunch. The Pastor then said, you are a cook, why don't don't you provide a service for them. He had a secondary gift which was cleaning but his dominant gift was cooking. The dilemna provided a opportunity for the real person to emerge. Today, he is fulfilled, happy and prosperous, doing what he loves.

Your city has a dilemna, your boss has a dielmna, your neighborhood has a dilemna. Instead of complaining about it, why don't you turn lemons into lemonade. Out of the greatest problem will arise the greatest solution which is in you. I wonder what is inside of you that no one has ever seen that has the power to change your city. What is in you, is not for you, it is for somebody, somewhere. But you keep running from the problem. People who are always avoiding problems will live a limited life. Every door of opportunity has a giant standing in front of it.

Remember your greatest success, fulfillment, and reward is locked up in your dominant gift. That's why Jesus said out of you will flow rivers of water (John 7:37). Rivers of creativity, rivers of wealth, rivers of expansion... In the garden of Eden which was a perfect place of total dominion, there were four rivers. These four rivers watered the garden. You have rivers in you that will water your garden (life). If you study the history of great men and women you will find out that they did not enjoy true success until they had proven themselves faithful in a place of using their secondary gifts, where character is developed. Once they proved themselves faithful, then they came into their season where their dominant gift emerged and they began to prosper.

The bible tells a story of Jacob (Gen. 26). See below.

Gen 26:1-33Genesis 26
26:1 Isaac and Abimelech
There was a famine in the land, besides the first famine that was in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went to Abimelech king of the Philistines, in Gerar. 2 Then the LORD appeared to him and said:"Do not go down to Egypt; live in the land of which I shall tell you. 3 Dwell in this land, and I will be with you and bless you; for to you and your descendants I give all these lands, and I will perform the oath which I swore to Abraham your father. 4 And I will make your descendants multiply as the stars of heaven; I will give to your descendants all these lands; and in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed; 5 because Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws." 6 So Isaac dwelt in Gerar. 7 And the men of the place asked about his wife. And he said, "She is my sister"; for he was afraid to say, "She is my wife," because he thought, "lest the men of the place kill me for Rebekah, because she is beautiful to behold." 8 Now it came to pass, when he had been there a long time, that Abimelech king of the Philistines looked through a window, and saw, and there was Isaac, showing endearment to Rebekah his wife. 9 Then Abimelech called Isaac and said, "Quite obviously she is your wife; so how could you say, 'She is my sister'?"Isaac said to him, "Because I said, 'Lest I die on account of her.'" 10 And Abimelech said, "What is this you have done to us? One of the people might soon have lain with your wife, and you would have brought guilt on us." 11 So Abimelech charged all his people, saying, "He who touches this man or his wife shall surely be put to death." 12 Then Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the LORD blessed him. 13 The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous; 14 for he had possessions of flocks and possessions of herds and a great number of servants. So the Philistines envied him. 15 Now the Philistines had stopped up all the wells which his father's servants had dug in the days of Abraham his father, and they had filled them with earth. 16 And Abimelech said to Isaac, "Go away from us, for you are much mightier than we." 17 Then Isaac departed from there and pitched his tent in the Valley of Gerar, and dwelt there. 18 And Isaac dug again the wells of water which they had dug in the days of Abraham his father, for the Philistines had stopped them up after the death of Abraham. He called them by the names which his father had called them. 19 Also Isaac's servants dug in the valley, and found a well of running water there. 20 But the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, "The water is ours." So he called the name of the well Esek, because they quarreled with him. 21 Then they dug another well, and they quarreled over that one also. So he called its name Sitnah. 22 And he moved from there and dug another well, and they did not quarrel over it. So he called its name Rehoboth, because he said, "For now the LORD has made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land." 23 Then he went up from there to Beersheba. 24 And the LORD appeared to him the same night and said,"I am the God of your father Abraham; do not fear, for I am with you. I will bless you and multiply your descendants for My servant Abraham's sake." 25 So he built an altar there and called on the name of the LORD, and he pitched his tent there; and there Isaac's servants dug a well. 26 Then Abimelech came to him from Gerar with Ahuzzath, one of his friends, and Phichol the commander of his army. 27 And Isaac said to them, "Why have you come to me, since you hate me and have sent me away from you?" 28 But they said, "We have certainly seen that the LORD is with you. So we said, 'Let there now be an oath between us, between you and us; and let us make a covenant with you, 29 that you will do us no harm, since we have not touched you, and since we have done nothing to you but good and have sent you away in peace. You are now the blessed of the LORD.'" 30 So he made them a feast, and they ate and drank. 31 Then they arose early in the morning and swore an oath with one another; and Isaac sent them away, and they departed from him in peace. 32 It came to pass the same day that Isaac's servants came and told him about the well which they had dug, and said to him, "We have found water." 33 So he called it Shebah. Therefore the name of the city is NKJV

Jacob was in a place of famine (dilemna) and his first tendency was to run somewhere else. God commanded him to remain in Gerar. He sowed in that land (was faithful in releasing what he had, made an exchange), in other words he exchanged his secondary gifts for a paycheck. In the midst of nothing, he released what he had and the bible says in the same year he reaped a hundredfold blessing. He began to prosper, continued prospering, and became very prosperous. Where did the prosperity come from. Did it come from the land (famine)? No, the land was in a time of famine. Jesus said it is not what enters from the outside that defiles man (Mark 7:20) but what comes from within. Meaning that the power to affect a atmosphere both positive and negative comes from within. Jacob by remaining in a negative environment released prosperity that was locked up inside of him, resulting in a changes environment. The prosperity was not in the land it was in him.

The story goes on to tell us that the wells of Abraham which had been stopped up with dirt, were redug and the waters of generational blessing began to flow again. There is a generational blessing waiting to be redug of you will face that dilemna and let whats in you change it. God will turn the famine into feast! I hear the Lord saying for somebody, your famine is over! You can break a negative cycle with the dominant gift that is in you. In conclusion, God trains you by putting you in a place where you operate out of your secondary gift doing something you don't like for the sole purpose of developing your character. Then He brings a dilemna into your life that is the door for you dominant gift to emerge. When you move into your dominat gift, propserity begins to flow through your life and the wells of potential are untapped. I have to be honest with you, this word is more for me than you. I can't get away from it. God let the real me come forth. Let the people that see me as my secondary gift be amazed by the dominant gift that is in me, to the point they begin to say, where did he get such things, where did he get this power? Where did he get this wisdom, power and authority. I will answer it came by me remaining faithful in my secondary gifts, while God was positioning me for the dominant gift to be revealed.

Where you are is not where you are going. I remember the religious leaders asking is he here or is he coming. Jesus said Elijah has come and he is coming. Meaning that your greatest day is here but it is also coming. We have learned to live in what is coming but we haven't learned to live in what is here now. When greatness shows up that is the point of manifestation but it was there all along waiting to be revealed.



Jessica Smith said...


I just wanted to tell you what a blessing you have been in my life...I am claiming that our famine is over!! That word is for Greg and I.

Lov you all lots!

~Jessica Smith

Positioned for Greatness said...


We are praying for you guys. We will declare with you your famine is over.
