
"Wild Goose Chase" Mark Batterson Book Review

Tomorrow the second book for Mark Batterson is released nationwide, "Wild Goose Chase: Rediscover the Adventure of Pursuing God" I had the opportunity to review it early. My wife was given the opportunity to participate in the "Wild Goose Chase" blog tour. She is also giving away a FREE copy of "Wild Goose Chase" at her blog, Destiny Driven. Stop by and check out Tara's review of "Wild Goose Chase" and sign up for the drawing! It is a GREAT book. Mark Batterson has an unique way of communicating powerful truth's in a way that sticks. This book is one of those that is very hard to put down once you start reading it. I predict that Mark Batterson is going to be one of the nations top Christian Authors.

Here are the highlights fo a couple of my favorite chapters:

Chapter 1 Yawning Angels

* The theme of this book is chasing after the Holy Spirit, living an adventurous life of faith, making your life count.

* If you will chase the Wild Goose, he will take you places you could never have imagined going by paths you never knew existed.

* How many of us have clipped the wings of the Wild Goose and settled for something less than what God originally intended for us.

* Most of us are trying to figure God out. Intellectual analysis usually results in spiritual paralysis. The will of God is neither logical or linear. The truth is most of us have absolutely no idea where we are going most of the time. But if we will chase after the Holy Spirit we will live an life of adventure and fulfillment.

* A life without the Holy Spirit is boring. How many of us are bored with our lives because we are stuck in the routines of average. Better yet, how many of our angels who are assigned to us are bored?

* Inverted Christianity is when we think we are following the Spirit, but in reality we are expecting Him to follow us.

* I wonder of Churches do to people what zoos do to animals? How many of us live in the cages of responsibility, routine, assumptions, guilt, failure, and fear?

Chapter 6 "Sometimes It Takes a Shipwreck"

* This chapter deals with the fear of failure.

* In Acts 28:1-10, we find Paul experiencing a really bad day, he was both shipwrecked and bitten by a deadly viper. If these circumstances had never happened to Paul, the island of Malta would have never experienced a powerful revival and Publius and many others would have died instead of being healed. What seems to be a obstacle is really God's opportunity. Most of Paul's missionary journeys were not even on his itinerary but they were part of God's bigger plan.

* Closed doors are really detours to bigger and better doors. If God has closed a door it is bigger it was too small. Your worst day can become your best day.

* God wants to get you where you want to go more than we want to get to where we want to go. God is far more concerned about your future than you are. God wants to reveal His plans to you, more than you want to know them.

* If you think your mistakes can frustrate the providential plans of the Omnipotent one then your God is way too small.

* If you keep your motives pure and spirits sensitive, He will make sure you meet the right people at the right place at the right time.

* The wind (storm) blew Paul right where he was supposed to be. Chasing the wild goose is recognizing which way the wind is blowing and responding to it.

Revelation 3:17
God is about to open a door for you that no man can shut.

* The size of your dream is the measure of your spiritual maturity.

George Bernard Shaw said " People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstance they want and if they can't find them they make them."

* Your failures were not setbacks they were setups and divine detours to get you to the right place. God is ordering your steps, trust Him and chase after Him and He will fulfill His plans for you. Let's chase after the wild goose.

To be continued...


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