
What's In Store For 2009?

Recently as I was ministering at New Harvest Church, the Lord began to speak to me concerning 2009. I will begin to share here what he spoke to me and then deal with it in more detail in the weeks to come.

I had read some time ago that most marriages end between the 7th and 8th year (87%), successful sitcoms have a lifetime of 7-8 years then they begin to decline, the cells in our body replace themselves in the 7th to 8th year. The economy operates in 7-8 year cycles meaning that the present President really sees the repercussions of the decisions of the former President. In Egypt there were 7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine.

I asked God why did the years of famine come later and the years of plenty were first. I don't know about you but I would rather get the famine out of the way so I could enjoy the years of plenty. This is what I feel He spoke to me. The difficulty is always between two season of great blessing and when you study the history of Egypt you see that there was at least 14 years of great blessing following the famine. What am I saying?

I declare that 2009 will be a year of double blessing, it will be a year of dominating, multiplying, and subduing. It will be a year of repentance which means to return to the top. The cycle of failure, disappointment, and lack will be broken and there will begin a cycle of blessing, favor, fulfillment, and prosperity.

Later I found out that the Pastors had been pastoring there 7 years and 2009 will be there 8th year, I received a email that some Pastor friends of mine were beginning to see a turnaround and that they had Pastored in their Church 7 years, My wife called me and shared with me that we had been sent out 7 years ago to begin full time ministry together from our home Church, then two more Pastors told me they had been Pastoring (you guessed it) for 7 years at their present location. Coincidence, I think not!

Get ready God is about to break the cycle and I believe we will see great miracles, signs and wonders and the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit like never before. This next season will be marked by two main characteristics.

1) Financial Miracles
2) Physical Miracles

As I have returned to full time traveling every place I have been has been marked by at least one financial or physical miracle. One place there was a man in his thirties who has a tumor on his liver and in a time of faith I began to call out people who had infirmities in their bodies. I layed hands on him and prayed a simple prayer. A couple of weeks later I received a report that the tumor was completely gone! Get ready for the greatest season the Church has ever seen.

To Be Continued


1 comment:

Pastor Shelisa Hull said...

Awesome testimony Craig! I am also anticipating the physical and financial miracles and I stand with you declaring that it shall come to pass!