Acts 12:5-17
5 Peter Freed from Prison
Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church. 6 And when Herod was about to bring him out, that night Peter was sleeping, bound with two chains between two soldiers; and the guards before the door were keeping the prison. 7 Now behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shone in the prison; and he struck Peter on the side and raised him up, saying, "Arise quickly!" And his chains fell off his hands. 8 Then the angel said to him, "Gird yourself and tie on your sandals"; and so he did. And he said to him, "Put on your garment and follow me." 9 So he went out and followed him, and did not know that what was done by the angel was real, but thought he was seeing a vision. 10 When they were past the first and the second guard posts, they came to the iron gate that leads to the city, which opened to them of its own accord; and they went out and went down one street, and immediately the angel departed from him.
11 And when Peter had come to himself, he said, "Now I know for certain that the Lord has sent His angel, and has delivered me from the hand of Herod and from all the expectation of the Jewish people."
12 So, when he had considered this, he came to the house of Mary, the mother of John whose surname was Mark, where many were gathered together praying. 13 And as Peter knocked at the door of the gate, a girl named Rhoda came to answer. 14 When she recognized Peter's voice, because of her gladness she did not open the gate, but ran in and announced that Peter stood before the gate. 15 But they said to her, "You are beside yourself!" Yet she kept insisting that it was so. So they said,"It is his angel."
16 Now Peter continued knocking; and when they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished. 17 But motioning to them with his hand to keep silent, he declared to them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison. And he said, "Go, tell these things to James and to the brethren." And he departed and went to another place. NKJV
In this text we find that Peter is arrested and his head is about to be cut off the next morning. What does Peter do, does he stay up all night with anxiety, does he toss and turn, does he take medication to knock him out, does he try to escape from the situation? No, Peter is snoring! That's right he is sleeping.
Verse 12 tells us that the Church was praying for him. Here is what I am learning, you can't fight all the time (even Batman). The word of the Lord for some of you is rest! Take a chill pill! Selah! You can't fight 24 hours a day, there comes a time when you have bound everything you can bind, buked everything you can buke, fasted, praised, wept, sowed seeds... You have done everything you know to do, so what do you do now?
Sometimes you have to quit doing, and rest in what you've already done. After you have done all to stand, stand therefore. This is not being lazy, it is simply realizing that you can't fight 24 hours a day. You need to say I have already fought, the battle is not mine anyway, it is already won! I am not fighting for victory, I'm fighting from victory.
Tomorrow we will talk about, what if you don't see any results from your prayer?
Craig Sloan
"Friends or Fans"
John 2:23-3:1
23 The Discerner of Hearts
Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed in His name when they saw the signs which He did. 24 But Jesus did not commit Himself to them, because He knew all men, 25 and had no need that anyone should testify of man, for He knew what was in man.
Oral Roberts once said, "If you get to the end of your life and you have five close friends you are blessed."
If you have more than three to five friends, they are most likely not friends but fans. Jesus is accumulating alot of fans in this text. They are people from a distance that love your gift not you. They love you based on what you bring to the table, what they can get from you to advance them. Most people come after you for what they want from you, not the real you.
T.D Jakes in some's opinion the world's greatest preacher, and leader of a powerful movement, shared at one of His Leadership conferences with tears in his eyes that when his mother died, he had a funeral service and only a handful of people showed up. He said he was devastated. He learned that they don't love him, they love his gift.
The root word for fan is fantasy. Fantasy means to project a unreal image. When you love my gift, you love a unreal image. I am not my gift 24 hours a day. That's why alot of famous people die tragically, the fans fall in love with the way they look after 100 plastic surgeries. They project a image that is not real. Many of them die tragic deaths because every time they walk out of their house they feel the pressure of projecting a image that is not real.
A fan has a picture of what is not real, and they want you to project that image all the time. They put expectations on you to be something you can't be. To provide something to them that you weren't intended to provide. This is how we get idols and gods.
Jesus is trying to give us the wisdom of who are to commit our lives to with the understanding that the masses will never love the real you. It is only a handful of people that can look beyond the exterior and love the real you.
This also helps you to understand the nature of people. For example let's look at critical people. Critical people are people that criticize what they don't understand. That is their nature, so I base my expectation of them on their nature and I'm not offended or hurt.
Who is your friends and who is your friends?
* Fans love you for what you can do for them, but when you need something, they are no where to be found.
* Friends can see your behind and still love you. Fans want to share your behind with everybody else.
* Fans are perfomance based, Friends are permanant. They don't love you more or less based on your performance. They are constant.
* Fans put false expectations on you, and when you can't meet them, they become offended at you, friends are flexible in the relationship realizing things change.
* Fans will leave when something better comes along, Friends stick with you through hell or high water.
* Fans will praise you one moment and crucify you the next, friends will die with you.
* Fans share inside information with others to make themselves look more important, friends keep your secrets.
Why do people leave us? It is not because of something you've done, it is because they expected you to do something you didn't. Disappointment is the child of a unrealistic expectation.
23 The Discerner of Hearts
Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed in His name when they saw the signs which He did. 24 But Jesus did not commit Himself to them, because He knew all men, 25 and had no need that anyone should testify of man, for He knew what was in man.
Oral Roberts once said, "If you get to the end of your life and you have five close friends you are blessed."
If you have more than three to five friends, they are most likely not friends but fans. Jesus is accumulating alot of fans in this text. They are people from a distance that love your gift not you. They love you based on what you bring to the table, what they can get from you to advance them. Most people come after you for what they want from you, not the real you.
T.D Jakes in some's opinion the world's greatest preacher, and leader of a powerful movement, shared at one of His Leadership conferences with tears in his eyes that when his mother died, he had a funeral service and only a handful of people showed up. He said he was devastated. He learned that they don't love him, they love his gift.
The root word for fan is fantasy. Fantasy means to project a unreal image. When you love my gift, you love a unreal image. I am not my gift 24 hours a day. That's why alot of famous people die tragically, the fans fall in love with the way they look after 100 plastic surgeries. They project a image that is not real. Many of them die tragic deaths because every time they walk out of their house they feel the pressure of projecting a image that is not real.
A fan has a picture of what is not real, and they want you to project that image all the time. They put expectations on you to be something you can't be. To provide something to them that you weren't intended to provide. This is how we get idols and gods.
Jesus is trying to give us the wisdom of who are to commit our lives to with the understanding that the masses will never love the real you. It is only a handful of people that can look beyond the exterior and love the real you.
This also helps you to understand the nature of people. For example let's look at critical people. Critical people are people that criticize what they don't understand. That is their nature, so I base my expectation of them on their nature and I'm not offended or hurt.
Who is your friends and who is your friends?
* Fans love you for what you can do for them, but when you need something, they are no where to be found.
* Friends can see your behind and still love you. Fans want to share your behind with everybody else.
* Fans are perfomance based, Friends are permanant. They don't love you more or less based on your performance. They are constant.
* Fans put false expectations on you, and when you can't meet them, they become offended at you, friends are flexible in the relationship realizing things change.
* Fans will leave when something better comes along, Friends stick with you through hell or high water.
* Fans will praise you one moment and crucify you the next, friends will die with you.
* Fans share inside information with others to make themselves look more important, friends keep your secrets.
Why do people leave us? It is not because of something you've done, it is because they expected you to do something you didn't. Disappointment is the child of a unrealistic expectation.
'Launch Network"
For those of you that are senior pastors or Church planters I am making available my notes from Launch network that I am a part of. Some really great stuff. Feel free to email me if you want more info. The notes are extensive, I reccomend that you copy and paste them into your word document.
Launch Network
July 24, 2008
Kerrick Thomas
The Call to Start a New Church (Most important thing).
The number one reason Churches fail is because of the lack of call.
Second reason is a lack of strategy.
Thirdly lack of funding.
Fourthly is lack of competence of lead planter.
Calling – Strong inner impulse to a particular course of action accompanied by conviction of divine influence.
The majority of Church plants fail in the first year.
It begins with a personal calling not a personal choice.
It is different than any other call (Pastoring existent Church, being in ministry)
Is the idea my idea or God’s idea (Key to success)
Common sources of improper calling.
Resentment to present Pastor.
Think easier than taking an existent Church.
Runs in the family.
Ego or ambition
The in thing to do, fad. Think it is cool because it is thing to do.
Frustrated with existent systems in present Church.
Example: Marriage counseling, attempt to talk them out of being married. Must know you are called.
Proper sources of calling.
Prayer and bible study, seeking God’s wisdom.
Surprise, when you weren’t expecting to be called (God Encounter)
Holy discontent, passion focused on what could be done to reach lost people, to impact a city for God. Fire shut up in bones (Jer. 20:9).
Burden for the Unchurched. God’s heart for the lost.
Godly counsel. Call being confirmed by those who are in your life (Mentors, peers). Not everybody will agree with you.
4 Calls to Consider. (This week write out call)
Call to Start a Church. (Not just call to ministry).
My spouses call, you can’t start a Church if spouse not called, many marriages fail because of lack of spouse call.
Timing must be in agreement. The intensity level of spouse call may not be the same.
The goal is to confirm mutual calling not mutual intensity.
Never move forward without being in agreement. A house divided against itself. Puts a strain on the marriage.
Call to a Place.
A specific place, city, an assignment to a location.
People who are like us (young families, white collar, culture). Some are called to cross culturally, most are not.
Not because a great place to live, but a burden for that area.
Call to a People
Your assignment is to a place, a people and a purpose.
You are created to solve a problem for somebody. You have something they need.
Who is your target? If aim for nothing, will hit it every time.
Write down the call.
Reason: There will come a time when you feel like giving up, think it is a mistake, if not called you will throw in the towel. If called go back to journal and reaffirm the call.
Write the vision down, so that when testing comes you can go back to the vision. It gives you the ability to persevere.
When You Answer God’s Call (Preparation)
* Prepare to Lead
Teams, staff…
Develop your Leadership Capacity
* Prepare to Teach
Must be developing communication skills.
Take opportunity to teach, develop your skills.
* Prepare to Depend on God.
Future uncertain must depend on God.
Pilgrim’s Progress (Journey of Christian Life). God shows the end result but not every step, valley, the vision evolves. Every step requires dependency upon God. May not know what is twenty years down the road.
II. 8 Contrarian Church Launching Ideas
Your Call to Start a Church is the Most Critical factor to Church Success.
Don’t Be Afraid To Raise Funds From Other Churches.
Toughest thing to do.
Read Aladdin Factor (Chicken Soup For the Soul). How to make the big ask. Have not because don’t ask.
Best partner in starting a Church is another Church.
Why Churches are Great Partner.
Understand what is going on.
Role of lead Pastor. Don’t want to micromanage.
Can support with mission teams and prayer.
Identify potential Churches.
Write down every Church, Pastor… Call them talk to them. Make the big ask!
* Read “The Art of the Start”, how to make a sales pitch.
* Who do they know that might be interested?
* Never allocate the control of the Church for money. Selling out the vision for man’s provision.
* Don’t sacrifice your vision for someone else help.
* Don’t build your Church with other Churches govt; you must be the lead person in the movement of the vision.
* When set up bylaws, set up minimal by law. Don’t know what the structure will be. Allow room for future adjustments.
When Partnering Churches come, you lay out expectations based on who you are trying to reach. (Servant Evangelism)
Build Your New Church From The Outside In.
Most Churches start with core group with the focus of bible study, pasturing, worship service, the problem is that they become inward focus core group, view you as their Pastor, stop reaching out drawing new people in.
The people who you start the Church with, most of them will leave.
Example: First membership at Journey no one still attending.
No one person in the Church is more value than the vision.
Example: Scafflion people, they are there to help you get started, but eventually the scafflion is torn down.
Outside in means to start by reaching people outside.
Outward focused.
Time limited.
Goal oriented.
Not a bible study. You invite people personally.
Monthly services.
Get to know people
Ask people to be part of launch team.
Not a requirement for them to be believers.
Goal: To Launch with as many people as possible for the Launch Service.
Launch Team does not exist after Launch (Time Limited).
Goal is to prepare for Launch service.
Main Idea is to be focused outwardly rather than just have bible studies.
Resist the Temptation to Do Everything at First.
Focus on Sunday service, children’s ministry.
Christians will come wanting new ministries, say no, spread energy out so thin, that main thing is mediocre.
Journey started small groups 6 months into Launch. Gives time to build up leadership and focus on what is important.
Gives time to build systems (Financial, evangelism, assimilation)
Don’t do membership out of gate (8 months).
If try to do too much at the beginning the Sunday services will suffer.
Must build the foundation first.
When start small groups, with focus of finding leaders.
Use Three to Six Monthly Services to Build up To Weekly Services.
Six is the best. Gives more time to gather people, gather funds…
Homework: Set a Launch Date (When set up monthly services, and weekly services).
Gives big advantage, allows you to become a better teacher, leader, work out kinks.
Don’t Try to Gather the Churched, Focus on the Unchurched.
Avoid the temptation to do inward focused things.
If not willing to reach the lost don’t launch a Church.
You are surrounded by more unchurched people than churched.
Every county in USA is unchurched.
You Can Start a Church Must Faster Than You Think.
Always reason to postpone.
If do it in short period of time, more passionate about seizing time.
The longer you wait, more likely won’t start, or you will start slowly.
Keeps you focused, motivated, trusting in God.
You Can Grow A Church Must Faster Than You Think
Great Stuff!
Launch Network
July 24, 2008
Kerrick Thomas
The Call to Start a New Church (Most important thing).
The number one reason Churches fail is because of the lack of call.
Second reason is a lack of strategy.
Thirdly lack of funding.
Fourthly is lack of competence of lead planter.
Calling – Strong inner impulse to a particular course of action accompanied by conviction of divine influence.
The majority of Church plants fail in the first year.
It begins with a personal calling not a personal choice.
It is different than any other call (Pastoring existent Church, being in ministry)
Is the idea my idea or God’s idea (Key to success)
Common sources of improper calling.
Resentment to present Pastor.
Think easier than taking an existent Church.
Runs in the family.
Ego or ambition
The in thing to do, fad. Think it is cool because it is thing to do.
Frustrated with existent systems in present Church.
Example: Marriage counseling, attempt to talk them out of being married. Must know you are called.
Proper sources of calling.
Prayer and bible study, seeking God’s wisdom.
Surprise, when you weren’t expecting to be called (God Encounter)
Holy discontent, passion focused on what could be done to reach lost people, to impact a city for God. Fire shut up in bones (Jer. 20:9).
Burden for the Unchurched. God’s heart for the lost.
Godly counsel. Call being confirmed by those who are in your life (Mentors, peers). Not everybody will agree with you.
4 Calls to Consider. (This week write out call)
Call to Start a Church. (Not just call to ministry).
My spouses call, you can’t start a Church if spouse not called, many marriages fail because of lack of spouse call.
Timing must be in agreement. The intensity level of spouse call may not be the same.
The goal is to confirm mutual calling not mutual intensity.
Never move forward without being in agreement. A house divided against itself. Puts a strain on the marriage.
Call to a Place.
A specific place, city, an assignment to a location.
People who are like us (young families, white collar, culture). Some are called to cross culturally, most are not.
Not because a great place to live, but a burden for that area.
Call to a People
Your assignment is to a place, a people and a purpose.
You are created to solve a problem for somebody. You have something they need.
Who is your target? If aim for nothing, will hit it every time.
Write down the call.
Reason: There will come a time when you feel like giving up, think it is a mistake, if not called you will throw in the towel. If called go back to journal and reaffirm the call.
Write the vision down, so that when testing comes you can go back to the vision. It gives you the ability to persevere.
When You Answer God’s Call (Preparation)
* Prepare to Lead
Teams, staff…
Develop your Leadership Capacity
* Prepare to Teach
Must be developing communication skills.
Take opportunity to teach, develop your skills.
* Prepare to Depend on God.
Future uncertain must depend on God.
Pilgrim’s Progress (Journey of Christian Life). God shows the end result but not every step, valley, the vision evolves. Every step requires dependency upon God. May not know what is twenty years down the road.
II. 8 Contrarian Church Launching Ideas
Your Call to Start a Church is the Most Critical factor to Church Success.
Don’t Be Afraid To Raise Funds From Other Churches.
Toughest thing to do.
Read Aladdin Factor (Chicken Soup For the Soul). How to make the big ask. Have not because don’t ask.
Best partner in starting a Church is another Church.
Why Churches are Great Partner.
Understand what is going on.
Role of lead Pastor. Don’t want to micromanage.
Can support with mission teams and prayer.
Identify potential Churches.
Write down every Church, Pastor… Call them talk to them. Make the big ask!
* Read “The Art of the Start”, how to make a sales pitch.
* Who do they know that might be interested?
* Never allocate the control of the Church for money. Selling out the vision for man’s provision.
* Don’t sacrifice your vision for someone else help.
* Don’t build your Church with other Churches govt; you must be the lead person in the movement of the vision.
* When set up bylaws, set up minimal by law. Don’t know what the structure will be. Allow room for future adjustments.
When Partnering Churches come, you lay out expectations based on who you are trying to reach. (Servant Evangelism)
Build Your New Church From The Outside In.
Most Churches start with core group with the focus of bible study, pasturing, worship service, the problem is that they become inward focus core group, view you as their Pastor, stop reaching out drawing new people in.
The people who you start the Church with, most of them will leave.
Example: First membership at Journey no one still attending.
No one person in the Church is more value than the vision.
Example: Scafflion people, they are there to help you get started, but eventually the scafflion is torn down.
Outside in means to start by reaching people outside.
Outward focused.
Time limited.
Goal oriented.
Not a bible study. You invite people personally.
Monthly services.
Get to know people
Ask people to be part of launch team.
Not a requirement for them to be believers.
Goal: To Launch with as many people as possible for the Launch Service.
Launch Team does not exist after Launch (Time Limited).
Goal is to prepare for Launch service.
Main Idea is to be focused outwardly rather than just have bible studies.
Resist the Temptation to Do Everything at First.
Focus on Sunday service, children’s ministry.
Christians will come wanting new ministries, say no, spread energy out so thin, that main thing is mediocre.
Journey started small groups 6 months into Launch. Gives time to build up leadership and focus on what is important.
Gives time to build systems (Financial, evangelism, assimilation)
Don’t do membership out of gate (8 months).
If try to do too much at the beginning the Sunday services will suffer.
Must build the foundation first.
When start small groups, with focus of finding leaders.
Use Three to Six Monthly Services to Build up To Weekly Services.
Six is the best. Gives more time to gather people, gather funds…
Homework: Set a Launch Date (When set up monthly services, and weekly services).
Gives big advantage, allows you to become a better teacher, leader, work out kinks.
Don’t Try to Gather the Churched, Focus on the Unchurched.
Avoid the temptation to do inward focused things.
If not willing to reach the lost don’t launch a Church.
You are surrounded by more unchurched people than churched.
Every county in USA is unchurched.
You Can Start a Church Must Faster Than You Think.
Always reason to postpone.
If do it in short period of time, more passionate about seizing time.
The longer you wait, more likely won’t start, or you will start slowly.
Keeps you focused, motivated, trusting in God.
You Can Grow A Church Must Faster Than You Think
Great Stuff!
"Prophetic Praise"
Something just hit me, a thought, a revelation, a rhema. It is called prophetic praise. Most people praise God for what He did, something that happened, a victory, promotion, unexpected blessing, breakthrough but there is a higher level of praise and that is when you don't just praise God for what He did but you praise Him before He does it, while you are still in a contrary situation, when you see everything but your miracle, you praise him not for what He did but for what He is going to do, before He does it, and in end result you are prophesying to your situation what God is about to do before he does it, causing the thing that is about to happen to come right down in the middle of your situation becoming a portal into the thing you praised Him for!
Proverbs 18:21 Death and Life are in your tongue...
By Praising God for the thing that hasn't happened yet, in a impossible situation, you are releasing death, shutting a door on your present situation and releasing life to your next thing and opening a door into your unseen future causing your future to become a present reality!
Isa 43:18-1918 "Do not remember the former things,Nor consider the things of old. 19 Behold, I will do a new thing,Now it shall spring forth;Shall you not know it?I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert. NKJV
God says I will do a new thing! And Now it shall spring forth! When will it spring forth? It will spring forth now! When is now, when you quit considering the former thing (What happened to you, the situation you are in), and you start saying what God says, God will cause a road (access point, portal) to open in your wilderness (Hebrew-tongue). In other words your mouth releases a road out of your present sitauation!
Wow! That is powerful, in fact I dare you to do it right now, I double dare you! Praise God by saying back to God what he is saying to you!
Proverbs 18:21 Death and Life are in your tongue...
By Praising God for the thing that hasn't happened yet, in a impossible situation, you are releasing death, shutting a door on your present situation and releasing life to your next thing and opening a door into your unseen future causing your future to become a present reality!
Isa 43:18-1918 "Do not remember the former things,Nor consider the things of old. 19 Behold, I will do a new thing,Now it shall spring forth;Shall you not know it?I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert. NKJV
God says I will do a new thing! And Now it shall spring forth! When will it spring forth? It will spring forth now! When is now, when you quit considering the former thing (What happened to you, the situation you are in), and you start saying what God says, God will cause a road (access point, portal) to open in your wilderness (Hebrew-tongue). In other words your mouth releases a road out of your present sitauation!
Wow! That is powerful, in fact I dare you to do it right now, I double dare you! Praise God by saying back to God what he is saying to you!
"Stop Clinging To Me"
John 20:11-19
11 Mary Magdalene Sees the Risen Lord
But Mary stood outside by the tomb weeping, and as she wept she stooped down and looked into the tomb. 12 And she saw two angels in white sitting, one at the head and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain. 13 Then they said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping?"
She said to them, "Because they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid Him."
14 Now when she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, and did not know that it was Jesus. 15 Jesus said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?"
She, supposing Him to be the gardener, said to Him, "Sir, if You have carried Him away, tell me where You have laid Him, and I will take Him away."
16 Jesus said to her, "Mary!"
She turned and said to Him, "Rabboni!" (which is to say, Teacher).
17 Jesus said to her, "Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brethren and say to them,'I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.'"
18 Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that He had spoken these things to her.
19 The Apostles Commissioned
Here are some thought I had from this passage.
* Mary didn't recognize Jesus and supposed him to be the Gardener. When He spoke to her she turned around and didn't recognize Him. Could it be that Jesus is coming to us through people around us and we don't recognize Him. Could it be that we think they are just the Gardener, school teacher, grocery clerk, but Jesus is wanting to reveal another side of Himself through that person. Could it be that the miracle you need is coming to you through a person you don't recognize because you are expecting Him to come another way?
* Thank God for women, only she had the courage to actually look in the tomb herself, the other disciples didn't go all the way in. Because of the investigating nature of women she went all the way in and saw the angels who said He is not here. Women have the ability to see things men don't. In fact the first evangelist was a woman. When God was about to introduce someone great He always announced it to a woman. Why? Because it was the woman that birthed the next move of God.
* When Jesus called her name he recognized her, but when she saw Him she didn't. We must live by what we hear not by what we see. Why? faith comes by hearing not seeing. Jesus is calling your name.
* Lastly, one translation says "Stop Clinging to Me!" She wanted to embrace Him in His present form (He had not yet ascended) but He was telling her it is better if you let me go, Why? Because I'm about to go to the next dimension, and if you hold me here, you will miss me in my next dimension, in fact when I return I will take you to where I am.
Who or what are you clinging to that is keeping them or you from the next dimension?
Why are you fighting to keep your present life, when God is trying to use death (pride, self, old things) to take you to your next dimension. You want to cling to your present life, But God has another level for you.
Who in you life is trying to keep you at your present level so they can be comfortable with you?
Many of you are going through a death process because God is wanting to elevate you to another dimension of power, living, and victory. Stop clinging!
Many of us are crying over something that is dying, when in reality it is an indication that God has a Resurrection for you (a glorified thing). Let it go so that God can give you something better!
11 Mary Magdalene Sees the Risen Lord
But Mary stood outside by the tomb weeping, and as she wept she stooped down and looked into the tomb. 12 And she saw two angels in white sitting, one at the head and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain. 13 Then they said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping?"
She said to them, "Because they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid Him."
14 Now when she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, and did not know that it was Jesus. 15 Jesus said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?"
She, supposing Him to be the gardener, said to Him, "Sir, if You have carried Him away, tell me where You have laid Him, and I will take Him away."
16 Jesus said to her, "Mary!"
She turned and said to Him, "Rabboni!" (which is to say, Teacher).
17 Jesus said to her, "Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brethren and say to them,'I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.'"
18 Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that He had spoken these things to her.
19 The Apostles Commissioned
Here are some thought I had from this passage.
* Mary didn't recognize Jesus and supposed him to be the Gardener. When He spoke to her she turned around and didn't recognize Him. Could it be that Jesus is coming to us through people around us and we don't recognize Him. Could it be that we think they are just the Gardener, school teacher, grocery clerk, but Jesus is wanting to reveal another side of Himself through that person. Could it be that the miracle you need is coming to you through a person you don't recognize because you are expecting Him to come another way?
* Thank God for women, only she had the courage to actually look in the tomb herself, the other disciples didn't go all the way in. Because of the investigating nature of women she went all the way in and saw the angels who said He is not here. Women have the ability to see things men don't. In fact the first evangelist was a woman. When God was about to introduce someone great He always announced it to a woman. Why? Because it was the woman that birthed the next move of God.
* When Jesus called her name he recognized her, but when she saw Him she didn't. We must live by what we hear not by what we see. Why? faith comes by hearing not seeing. Jesus is calling your name.
* Lastly, one translation says "Stop Clinging to Me!" She wanted to embrace Him in His present form (He had not yet ascended) but He was telling her it is better if you let me go, Why? Because I'm about to go to the next dimension, and if you hold me here, you will miss me in my next dimension, in fact when I return I will take you to where I am.
Who or what are you clinging to that is keeping them or you from the next dimension?
Why are you fighting to keep your present life, when God is trying to use death (pride, self, old things) to take you to your next dimension. You want to cling to your present life, But God has another level for you.
Who in you life is trying to keep you at your present level so they can be comfortable with you?
Many of you are going through a death process because God is wanting to elevate you to another dimension of power, living, and victory. Stop clinging!
Many of us are crying over something that is dying, when in reality it is an indication that God has a Resurrection for you (a glorified thing). Let it go so that God can give you something better!
Driven to Pray
My wife, Tara is leading this prayer event with an incredible team of ladies. It is free and will be a powerful time of prayer... Check it out! This is a post from her blog, Destiny Driven sharing about the event...
I am so excited about an upcoming event I am hosting with several other awesome women of God! It is a FREE Tele-conference event called Women Driven to Pray. Here is the basic run down on the event.. you can also click on the link above to find out more... don't pass it by... take part, it is going to be incredible and it is FREE!!!!
Here is a little bit about the event....
Over the last month I have received numerous phone calls, emails and had conversations with many women who have been battling the enemy's attacks. Mind you these are some powerful women of God who have managed to keep the enemy at bay by prayer, fasting and faith. However, they are tired and some of them weary.
My heart has been grieving for them. Just this week as I was praying for one of my dearest friends the Lord spoke to me that we needed to pray TOGETHER. As I sought Him further He laid out a plan for His daughters, His precious girls to come together as sisters and get in agreement for one another, for our nation and for the lost.
On August 3, 2008 at 8 pm EST hundreds of women will come together over a FREE conference call and we will pray together. I have put together a team of women from all over the nation who will lead the call with me. Each participant will receive an agenda for the prayer event and a list of prayer requests compiled through the online request form here.
I am believing for a great move of God! We will be activating Matthew 18:19-20, "Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
Will you join me that evening? Will you stand in agreement for your brothers and sisters in Christ, for our nation's leaders and future, for our church leaders, for the lost?
I would also like to encourage those of you in churches, women's groups, or in relationship with women who would like to join in this event to please pass on the link and information. As a matter of fact, make an evening of it! Perhaps you could host the call for a group in your home! If you decide to do this, please email me and let me know so we can have an accurate count of those participating.
Following the prayer event, a form and email address will be put up to gather feedback and testimonies of God's goodness. As I said, we are expecting GREAT things!

I am so excited about an upcoming event I am hosting with several other awesome women of God! It is a FREE Tele-conference event called Women Driven to Pray. Here is the basic run down on the event.. you can also click on the link above to find out more... don't pass it by... take part, it is going to be incredible and it is FREE!!!!
Here is a little bit about the event....
Over the last month I have received numerous phone calls, emails and had conversations with many women who have been battling the enemy's attacks. Mind you these are some powerful women of God who have managed to keep the enemy at bay by prayer, fasting and faith. However, they are tired and some of them weary.
My heart has been grieving for them. Just this week as I was praying for one of my dearest friends the Lord spoke to me that we needed to pray TOGETHER. As I sought Him further He laid out a plan for His daughters, His precious girls to come together as sisters and get in agreement for one another, for our nation and for the lost.
On August 3, 2008 at 8 pm EST hundreds of women will come together over a FREE conference call and we will pray together. I have put together a team of women from all over the nation who will lead the call with me. Each participant will receive an agenda for the prayer event and a list of prayer requests compiled through the online request form here.
I am believing for a great move of God! We will be activating Matthew 18:19-20, "Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
Will you join me that evening? Will you stand in agreement for your brothers and sisters in Christ, for our nation's leaders and future, for our church leaders, for the lost?
I would also like to encourage those of you in churches, women's groups, or in relationship with women who would like to join in this event to please pass on the link and information. As a matter of fact, make an evening of it! Perhaps you could host the call for a group in your home! If you decide to do this, please email me and let me know so we can have an accurate count of those participating.
Following the prayer event, a form and email address will be put up to gather feedback and testimonies of God's goodness. As I said, we are expecting GREAT things!


"Wait on God"
Matt 10:39
39 He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.
James 4:1-6
Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? 2 You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. 3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures. 4 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. 5 Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain,"The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously"?
6 But He gives more grace. Therefore He says:
"God resists the proud,
But gives grace to the humble."
He that seeks to gain his life will lose it, but he that loses his life will find it. God has been dealing with me that If I seek to save myself from being attacked, ostracized, criticized, from pain, being crucified, being attacked, you will lose your life. But if you will give up, surrender, trust God, stand still, not react, quit defending yourself, quit trying to make it happen, quit striving, then you will find your life, the life God had prepared for you before the foundation fo the world, the life that is fixed, finished, completed.
Most of my life I have arrived early in God's plan for me, I have jumped the gun, made it happen, resulting in a mess. Recently for the fist time, I had a oppotunity that I could have made happen but God kept dealing with me to wait on Him. You can make it happen and get second best or let it happen and get God's best.
James tells us that you have not because you don't ask. You ask all the wrong people, you run to everybody but God for help, you share your struggles with everyone but the one who can turn it on a dime. God is saying my intervention will only come on the backside of your willingness to ask. What you have been stiving for, desiring for, go to God and just ask. You have filled out the resume, gone back to school, fought, kicked and screamed but you won't ask God.
Adultey here does not mean fornication it is talking about those who try to bring about their dreams and desire through their own abilities. James says the spirit is in you yearning intensely, that while you are trying to make it happen, He is crying out, "Why don't you let me do my job", I have been put on the inside of you to give you everything you need to live the abundant life, but you won't let me help you. I can give you favor, heal your marriage, fix your Church, give you the financial miracle, let me do my job!
What are in your life are you striving to make something happen, looking at every alternative but to go to God?
What situation are you trying to fix, but it keeps getting worse and you still won't go to God and ask for help?
When you pray are you really communicating to God what you feel, need, desire?
Have you tried to make something happen, force a door to open, rather than waiting on God?
Are you doing everything but praying concerning that situation? Are you drawing conclusions and you have not gotten on your face to see what God says about it? God says be still and know that I am God. Watch me turn this thing around!
Craig Sloan
39 He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.
James 4:1-6
Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? 2 You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. 3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures. 4 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. 5 Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain,"The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously"?
6 But He gives more grace. Therefore He says:
"God resists the proud,
But gives grace to the humble."
He that seeks to gain his life will lose it, but he that loses his life will find it. God has been dealing with me that If I seek to save myself from being attacked, ostracized, criticized, from pain, being crucified, being attacked, you will lose your life. But if you will give up, surrender, trust God, stand still, not react, quit defending yourself, quit trying to make it happen, quit striving, then you will find your life, the life God had prepared for you before the foundation fo the world, the life that is fixed, finished, completed.
Most of my life I have arrived early in God's plan for me, I have jumped the gun, made it happen, resulting in a mess. Recently for the fist time, I had a oppotunity that I could have made happen but God kept dealing with me to wait on Him. You can make it happen and get second best or let it happen and get God's best.
James tells us that you have not because you don't ask. You ask all the wrong people, you run to everybody but God for help, you share your struggles with everyone but the one who can turn it on a dime. God is saying my intervention will only come on the backside of your willingness to ask. What you have been stiving for, desiring for, go to God and just ask. You have filled out the resume, gone back to school, fought, kicked and screamed but you won't ask God.
Adultey here does not mean fornication it is talking about those who try to bring about their dreams and desire through their own abilities. James says the spirit is in you yearning intensely, that while you are trying to make it happen, He is crying out, "Why don't you let me do my job", I have been put on the inside of you to give you everything you need to live the abundant life, but you won't let me help you. I can give you favor, heal your marriage, fix your Church, give you the financial miracle, let me do my job!
What are in your life are you striving to make something happen, looking at every alternative but to go to God?
What situation are you trying to fix, but it keeps getting worse and you still won't go to God and ask for help?
When you pray are you really communicating to God what you feel, need, desire?
Have you tried to make something happen, force a door to open, rather than waiting on God?
Are you doing everything but praying concerning that situation? Are you drawing conclusions and you have not gotten on your face to see what God says about it? God says be still and know that I am God. Watch me turn this thing around!
Craig Sloan
"Pirating" Guest Blogger Ed Young Jr.
Allow me to share this great insight by Pastor Ed Young No folks, I ain't stealing his thunder.. I am just sharing some great revelation he has recently imparted. Enjoy....
Pastor Ed Young...
Because of the response that Christianity Today received on their blog, Out of Ur, they've asked me to do a follow-up to the pirate post. Here are their questions and my responses. Hopefully this keeps the conversation going!
CT: Some people are taking issue with the idea that a pastor’s sheep can be stolen because, they say, the sheep really belong to Christ. Where does the church member’s loyalty reside—with Christ, the church, the pastor, or all three?
I agree that the church members, attendees don’t belong to the pastor. They are God’s people, called by him to serve him above all. We are called to shepherd them, not own them.
The issue of pirating, though, isn’t about the members’ loyalty. It’s not about the attendees finding another church. It’s not about the visitors going somewhere else.
We tell people all the time that if Fellowship Church isn’t for them to leave. And we lovingly and directly point them to any one of the phenomenal churches in our area.
The issue with pirating is all about what happens in the church leadership—specifically the staff.
I’ve discovered there are several types of people around you: those who are with you, those who are for you and those who use you. Pirates are the ones you thought were with you, but end up using you for their own agenda.
It’s the people you, as a leader, pour your heart into. It’s the people you laugh with, cry with and share your life with. The ones you mold and shape.
Pirating rears its ugly head when those leaders that you cultivate maliciously and intently work behind your back and the church’s back to gather their own “kingdom” and head out the door. The real issue is betrayal.
I have no problem with leaders being cultivated in the church and then being sent out to start new churches. But the key there is that they are sent. When someone on your staff usurps the authority of the church, starts a rogue movement and does their own thing, then you are dealing with a pirate.
CT: Employees leaving a corporation to begin their own business often sign a non-competition clause. What do you think is an appropriate geographic distance for a church planter to operate who was nurtured, given their start, at Fellowship Church?
This is an interesting question, because it brings up a core issue that many people seem to be missing in this whole thing. Ethics.
In the corporate world, if you work for someone and at the same time work to steal their clients, that’s illegal. You are getting paid by that person to work for them; yet, at the same time you are taking the rug from underneath their feet. You will go to jail for that. And that’s why there are non-competition clauses.
I’m not saying that the church should be run like a business. I’m not saying that we should model everything we do after the corporate world. I don’t think we need to sign non-competition clauses. I’m simply pointing out that the ethics of this situation are all out of whack.
In the church, our ethics should be so far above the corporate world that competition isn’t even an issue (‘above reproach’ sound familiar?).
To use the old adage, there are plenty of fish in the sea. It’s not about placing some building in a certain position on a map. It’s about ethics and how you go about fulfilling your call.
CT: Is competition always bad? Lyle Schaller has a book titled “From Cooperation from Competition” in which he calls for more churches to compete in the same area for the same people. This, he says, will cause all the churches to improve their ministries. (It’s free-market capitalism meets seeker-driven church.) Should we be upset by the presence of a competitive church down the street, or should we celebrate and welcome it?
Simply put, no, competition isn’t bad. I believe it helps us become better at what we do. It’s the thing that drives us. Everything we do at Fellowship is about competition. We’re in competition against the evil forces in the world to reach lives. That’s the same battle we all face. But pirating has nothing to do with competition.
We celebrate every church that is preaching and teaching God’s Word and going after those far from God. We’re all called to depopulate hell by making it hard for people to go there.
But so many of these comments are about sheep swapping; they are so concerned about the competition down the street that they miss the point of reaching the lost. I’m not worried about competition. Again, there are plenty of people for every church.
We are here to reach the lost. And I think every church leader would agree with that. But when someone in your staff becomes a pirate, that mission is jeopardized. The focus gets taken away from reaching out to the world for Christ. And instead, we have to deal with issues that Christ never wanted us to face when he prayed in John 17, “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.”
It ultimately comes down to one question: who are you reaching? Because pirates are all about reaching into the church first for their own agenda rather than reaching out to the world to save lives and fulfill Christ's agenda.
Great Stuff Pastor Ed Young Jr.
Pastor Ed Young...
Because of the response that Christianity Today received on their blog, Out of Ur, they've asked me to do a follow-up to the pirate post. Here are their questions and my responses. Hopefully this keeps the conversation going!
CT: Some people are taking issue with the idea that a pastor’s sheep can be stolen because, they say, the sheep really belong to Christ. Where does the church member’s loyalty reside—with Christ, the church, the pastor, or all three?
I agree that the church members, attendees don’t belong to the pastor. They are God’s people, called by him to serve him above all. We are called to shepherd them, not own them.
The issue of pirating, though, isn’t about the members’ loyalty. It’s not about the attendees finding another church. It’s not about the visitors going somewhere else.
We tell people all the time that if Fellowship Church isn’t for them to leave. And we lovingly and directly point them to any one of the phenomenal churches in our area.
The issue with pirating is all about what happens in the church leadership—specifically the staff.
I’ve discovered there are several types of people around you: those who are with you, those who are for you and those who use you. Pirates are the ones you thought were with you, but end up using you for their own agenda.
It’s the people you, as a leader, pour your heart into. It’s the people you laugh with, cry with and share your life with. The ones you mold and shape.
Pirating rears its ugly head when those leaders that you cultivate maliciously and intently work behind your back and the church’s back to gather their own “kingdom” and head out the door. The real issue is betrayal.
I have no problem with leaders being cultivated in the church and then being sent out to start new churches. But the key there is that they are sent. When someone on your staff usurps the authority of the church, starts a rogue movement and does their own thing, then you are dealing with a pirate.
CT: Employees leaving a corporation to begin their own business often sign a non-competition clause. What do you think is an appropriate geographic distance for a church planter to operate who was nurtured, given their start, at Fellowship Church?
This is an interesting question, because it brings up a core issue that many people seem to be missing in this whole thing. Ethics.
In the corporate world, if you work for someone and at the same time work to steal their clients, that’s illegal. You are getting paid by that person to work for them; yet, at the same time you are taking the rug from underneath their feet. You will go to jail for that. And that’s why there are non-competition clauses.
I’m not saying that the church should be run like a business. I’m not saying that we should model everything we do after the corporate world. I don’t think we need to sign non-competition clauses. I’m simply pointing out that the ethics of this situation are all out of whack.
In the church, our ethics should be so far above the corporate world that competition isn’t even an issue (‘above reproach’ sound familiar?).
To use the old adage, there are plenty of fish in the sea. It’s not about placing some building in a certain position on a map. It’s about ethics and how you go about fulfilling your call.
CT: Is competition always bad? Lyle Schaller has a book titled “From Cooperation from Competition” in which he calls for more churches to compete in the same area for the same people. This, he says, will cause all the churches to improve their ministries. (It’s free-market capitalism meets seeker-driven church.) Should we be upset by the presence of a competitive church down the street, or should we celebrate and welcome it?
Simply put, no, competition isn’t bad. I believe it helps us become better at what we do. It’s the thing that drives us. Everything we do at Fellowship is about competition. We’re in competition against the evil forces in the world to reach lives. That’s the same battle we all face. But pirating has nothing to do with competition.
We celebrate every church that is preaching and teaching God’s Word and going after those far from God. We’re all called to depopulate hell by making it hard for people to go there.
But so many of these comments are about sheep swapping; they are so concerned about the competition down the street that they miss the point of reaching the lost. I’m not worried about competition. Again, there are plenty of people for every church.
We are here to reach the lost. And I think every church leader would agree with that. But when someone in your staff becomes a pirate, that mission is jeopardized. The focus gets taken away from reaching out to the world for Christ. And instead, we have to deal with issues that Christ never wanted us to face when he prayed in John 17, “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.”
It ultimately comes down to one question: who are you reaching? Because pirates are all about reaching into the church first for their own agenda rather than reaching out to the world to save lives and fulfill Christ's agenda.
Great Stuff Pastor Ed Young Jr.
"Unstoppable Conference" Guest Blogger Tara Sloan
As many of you know, Unstoppable 2008 will take place September 4-6 in Tampa, FL. Unstoppable is hosted by my dear friend Pastor Deanna Shrodes. This conference is second to none. If you are a woman in ANY ministry capacity, ever have been or desire to be in the future, you MUST not miss Unstoppable 2008. The vision Pastor Deanna has for Unstoppable and the Pastoring Partners Network would BLOW YOUR MIND if you ever sat down with her. This ministry is God ordained and is life changing… let me share my own story with you.
Last year I made it a priority to attend Unstoppable 2007. Craig and I had to scrimp, save and plan, but we both knew the importance of my attending. To say the very least I had had a very rough year. Every fiber of my being had been through the ringer, my calling questioned and scrutinized. I was near my breaking point. On the very first night after a beautiful and delicious banquet, Unstoppable launched with a powerful time of praise and worship. I remember losing myself in the presence of God, almost melting into Him. I was determined to suck every bit of marrow out of Unstoppable.
Pastor Sherri Hawley brought the Word that night. As she spoke I felt myself begin to break, all of my walls came shattering down around me. At the time of ministry I collapsed into the arms of Pastor Deanna who prayed and encouraged me for quite a long time. After the service I felt so light, so refreshed. I slept better than I had in months. The days following were just as powerful. There were sessions for EVERY woman and hours of fellowship and networking. Pastor Deanna spoke on Friday night on the topic of, “Why Women Stop.” As Pastor Deanna and the other speakers made themselves available for one on one ministry so many woman received a fresh impartation from the Lord. I watched many women who walked into Unstoppable downcast become filled with the joy of the Lord once again.
Unstoppable 2007 was one of if not THE BEST conference for women I have ever attended. And allow me to say, I have been to MANY! One thing that separates Unstoppable from every other Christian Women’s Conference venue is the personal touch that is given. There are women on hand to serve and love on every one of the attendees. The speakers are accessible and available to minister corporately and individually. The facility is gorgeous and very reasonable!
I could go on and on and on but I won’t keep you! For more information, including excerpts from last year’s speakers, go to
Are you in need of a touch from the Lord? Do you desperately need to hear from Him away from present influences? Are you looking for a place to gather with other women you can network with and call on at any time for encouragement and or prayer? Do you just need to get away????? Unstoppable 2008 is the place where you can experience ALL of those things and SO much more!!!!
I know the economy is not great right now, but I also know that if you are determined to go and you commit to do so, God WILL provide! You may have to get a little creative, but it will be possible! Need some ideas on how to get creative? Email me and I’ll brainstorm with you! I don’t want you to miss this opportunity!!!!
If you haven’t made a decision to attend, let me encourage you one more time to take the plunge. Do it! You will be so glad you did. Do whatever is necessary to be there. I can’t wait to hug your neck!
Be Blessed!
Tara Sloan
Last year I made it a priority to attend Unstoppable 2007. Craig and I had to scrimp, save and plan, but we both knew the importance of my attending. To say the very least I had had a very rough year. Every fiber of my being had been through the ringer, my calling questioned and scrutinized. I was near my breaking point. On the very first night after a beautiful and delicious banquet, Unstoppable launched with a powerful time of praise and worship. I remember losing myself in the presence of God, almost melting into Him. I was determined to suck every bit of marrow out of Unstoppable.
Pastor Sherri Hawley brought the Word that night. As she spoke I felt myself begin to break, all of my walls came shattering down around me. At the time of ministry I collapsed into the arms of Pastor Deanna who prayed and encouraged me for quite a long time. After the service I felt so light, so refreshed. I slept better than I had in months. The days following were just as powerful. There were sessions for EVERY woman and hours of fellowship and networking. Pastor Deanna spoke on Friday night on the topic of, “Why Women Stop.” As Pastor Deanna and the other speakers made themselves available for one on one ministry so many woman received a fresh impartation from the Lord. I watched many women who walked into Unstoppable downcast become filled with the joy of the Lord once again.
Unstoppable 2007 was one of if not THE BEST conference for women I have ever attended. And allow me to say, I have been to MANY! One thing that separates Unstoppable from every other Christian Women’s Conference venue is the personal touch that is given. There are women on hand to serve and love on every one of the attendees. The speakers are accessible and available to minister corporately and individually. The facility is gorgeous and very reasonable!
I could go on and on and on but I won’t keep you! For more information, including excerpts from last year’s speakers, go to
Are you in need of a touch from the Lord? Do you desperately need to hear from Him away from present influences? Are you looking for a place to gather with other women you can network with and call on at any time for encouragement and or prayer? Do you just need to get away????? Unstoppable 2008 is the place where you can experience ALL of those things and SO much more!!!!
I know the economy is not great right now, but I also know that if you are determined to go and you commit to do so, God WILL provide! You may have to get a little creative, but it will be possible! Need some ideas on how to get creative? Email me and I’ll brainstorm with you! I don’t want you to miss this opportunity!!!!
If you haven’t made a decision to attend, let me encourage you one more time to take the plunge. Do it! You will be so glad you did. Do whatever is necessary to be there. I can’t wait to hug your neck!
Be Blessed!
Tara Sloan
"Sleeping With The Enemy"
1 Sam 1:1-7
Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an Ephraimite. 2 And he had two wives: the name of one was Hannah, and the name of the other Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children. 3 This man went up from his city yearly to worship and sacrifice to the LORD of hosts in Shiloh. Also the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, the priests of the LORD, were there. 4 And whenever the time came for Elkanah to make an offering, he would give portions to Peninnah his wife and to all her sons and daughters. 5 But to Hannah he would give a double portion, for he loved Hannah, although the LORD had closed her womb. 6 And her rival also provoked her severely, to make her miserable, because the LORD had closed her womb. 7 So it was, year by year, when she went up to the house of the LORD, that she provoked her; therefore she wept and did not eat.
What do you do when the enemy of your destiny is not a stranger or someone from without but it is someone from within? Even Paul said that there are two types of enemies, one that is from the outside and one from within. The one from the outside is the most dangerous, because they cover their hatred with a smile and flattery. They appear to be for you but all the while they are plotting your demise, they are Cain, Miriam, Joseph's brother's, Noah's son, Jacob (stole birthright), Judas, and so much more.
Here we find a story of two women living in the same house sharing the same husband. One gives birth and the other is barren. Why is it that the one who is blessed always despises the one who is barren? Could it be that their security is in the fact that they have more than you. Could it be that rather than praying for your blessing they want to beat you while they you are down. Recently someone called me from Tennessee that had a dream about me. He said there are voices that are speaking against you trying to curse you. There is one problem with this, and it is the fact that you can't curse what God has blessed (Numbers 23:8). In fact the more you try to curse me, the more blessed I will be.
Though Hannah was barren she recieved a double blessing. God is about to take those who have not birthed, who have not arrived, who have not reached success, who are still waiting, and He is going to give them double for their trouble. Why? Because when God gets done with you, He will be the only one who will be able to get the credit for it. It is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in their eyes!
Friends create comfort but your enemy creates movement. They are the provoker of forward progress in your life. God is using them to position you for the greatest blessing yet.
What do you do if you are barren!
1) Rejoice for more are the children of the barren woman... (Iss. 54:1-3)
* Every time God got ready to do something great in the earth, he chose a barren woman.
2) Prophecy over yourself, call those things that are not as though they were...
3) Hang around people who are pregant, what's on them will get on you.
4) Be passionate about your dream. Speak it, dream it, write it, sing it...
5) Sing, God gives a song for every season. Most people are like Miriam who sang a song after God delivered the Isrealites from the Egyptians, but you must learn to sing the right song on the wrong side. It is called a song of deliverance (Ps. 32:7). In other words the song you sing becomes the song of deliverance. What was designed to frustrate you and hold you can not hold you anymore (Acts 12)
6) Encourage someone else in their dream. What you make happen for others God will make happen for you. What you release towards others will boomerang onto you.
Now there was a certain man of Ramathaim Zophim, of the mountains of Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an Ephraimite. 2 And he had two wives: the name of one was Hannah, and the name of the other Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children. 3 This man went up from his city yearly to worship and sacrifice to the LORD of hosts in Shiloh. Also the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, the priests of the LORD, were there. 4 And whenever the time came for Elkanah to make an offering, he would give portions to Peninnah his wife and to all her sons and daughters. 5 But to Hannah he would give a double portion, for he loved Hannah, although the LORD had closed her womb. 6 And her rival also provoked her severely, to make her miserable, because the LORD had closed her womb. 7 So it was, year by year, when she went up to the house of the LORD, that she provoked her; therefore she wept and did not eat.
What do you do when the enemy of your destiny is not a stranger or someone from without but it is someone from within? Even Paul said that there are two types of enemies, one that is from the outside and one from within. The one from the outside is the most dangerous, because they cover their hatred with a smile and flattery. They appear to be for you but all the while they are plotting your demise, they are Cain, Miriam, Joseph's brother's, Noah's son, Jacob (stole birthright), Judas, and so much more.
Here we find a story of two women living in the same house sharing the same husband. One gives birth and the other is barren. Why is it that the one who is blessed always despises the one who is barren? Could it be that their security is in the fact that they have more than you. Could it be that rather than praying for your blessing they want to beat you while they you are down. Recently someone called me from Tennessee that had a dream about me. He said there are voices that are speaking against you trying to curse you. There is one problem with this, and it is the fact that you can't curse what God has blessed (Numbers 23:8). In fact the more you try to curse me, the more blessed I will be.
Though Hannah was barren she recieved a double blessing. God is about to take those who have not birthed, who have not arrived, who have not reached success, who are still waiting, and He is going to give them double for their trouble. Why? Because when God gets done with you, He will be the only one who will be able to get the credit for it. It is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in their eyes!
Friends create comfort but your enemy creates movement. They are the provoker of forward progress in your life. God is using them to position you for the greatest blessing yet.
What do you do if you are barren!
1) Rejoice for more are the children of the barren woman... (Iss. 54:1-3)
* Every time God got ready to do something great in the earth, he chose a barren woman.
2) Prophecy over yourself, call those things that are not as though they were...
3) Hang around people who are pregant, what's on them will get on you.
4) Be passionate about your dream. Speak it, dream it, write it, sing it...
5) Sing, God gives a song for every season. Most people are like Miriam who sang a song after God delivered the Isrealites from the Egyptians, but you must learn to sing the right song on the wrong side. It is called a song of deliverance (Ps. 32:7). In other words the song you sing becomes the song of deliverance. What was designed to frustrate you and hold you can not hold you anymore (Acts 12)
6) Encourage someone else in their dream. What you make happen for others God will make happen for you. What you release towards others will boomerang onto you.
Guest Blogger: Perry Noble
Enjoy this great blog by Perry Noble.
I didn’t take a nap yesterday afternoon. I tried…but I could not shut it down. All I could keep thinking over and over in my mind is, “Jesus, thank You for allowing me to be a part of this!”
When we started back in a living room in 1999 NONE of us would have ever thought that on Sunday, July 13, 2008 we would launch a NewSpring campus in Greenville that would have 1,710 people in attendance. Heck, we didn’t even think our Anderson campus would have that many people coming to it!
But it happened yesterday…and the thought that I really feel the Lord keeps bringing to my mind is, “This is ONLY the beginning if you will just stay faithful to me!”
I have a confession! I am OBSESSED with reaching people for Christ (read this if you didn’t last week!) AND…I’m obsessed with doing it through the local church. People have accused me in the past of being all about the numbers. Guess what–THEY ARE RIGHT! I am passionately dedicated to seeing LARGE NUMBERS of people step across the line of faith and become fully devoted followers of Christ. If that is what people want to say I am all about…that is AWESOME.
I can’t turn my back on telling people about Jesus. I refuse to reduce HIS church to 10-15 guys sitting in a room, all of them being white and my age, and entering into discussions about meaningless theological issues that will never be settled this side of heaven and then turn my back on people who need Christ the most.
NewSpring, we are not called to play it safe. We MUST be willing to continually passionately obsessed with who we are reaching rather than who we are keeping! We MUST keep in mind that in the NUMBERS I often talk about are people who happen to be near and dear to our hearts…and that seeing them step over the line of faith would be one of the most incredible things we can experience.
I am more committed to the vision of reaching 100k for Christ than I’ve ever been…and with what we saw happen yesterday in Greenville…not only do I now believe it can happen, I believe it WILL happen!
Jesus’ plans for His church are so much larger than ours!!! AND…the only people who get mad at the church for dreaming big are those who think the work of God should remain small and isolated. (hmmm, wonder what spiritual force is behind that line of reasoning!)
Jesus is blowing my mind…and what is coming our way is HUGE. Yesterday was just a taste…like I said back in June, “Hold on to your fork–there’s something sweeter in the kitchen!”
ONE MORE THING - To the pastor/church planter out there who may be reading this–DO NOT EVER APOLOGIZE TO ANYONE FOR DREAMING BIG!!! Don’t ever let anyone make you feel bad about wanting to reach large numbers of people for Christ!!! (Seriously, who is behind that? Jesus or satan?) Do not ever apologize for praying bold prayers, taking God-sized risks and offending those who wear the religious robes.
God is HUGE…and if you have an enormous dream for the church you are serving…guess what, God’s dream is BIGGER! In fact, I would argue that our dreams for His church would be small if He didn’t empower us to dream big simply because we all tend to want to play it safe.
But…if there is a risk you know you should be taking, a move you know you should be making, you know that God has set your heart on FIRE and you can’t keep it in…GO FOR IT! Life is TOO SHORT and hell is TOO HOT for us to worry about who likes us & who doesn’t!
Be who God called you to be–do what He has called you to do! Lift up Jesus, honor Him every single step of the way…walk intimately and passionately with Him and let HIM move your heart to attempt what others have told you is impossible.
Let Jesus blow your mind…and know that because you are willing to follow Him…eternal destinations will be impacted!!!
I didn’t take a nap yesterday afternoon. I tried…but I could not shut it down. All I could keep thinking over and over in my mind is, “Jesus, thank You for allowing me to be a part of this!”
When we started back in a living room in 1999 NONE of us would have ever thought that on Sunday, July 13, 2008 we would launch a NewSpring campus in Greenville that would have 1,710 people in attendance. Heck, we didn’t even think our Anderson campus would have that many people coming to it!
But it happened yesterday…and the thought that I really feel the Lord keeps bringing to my mind is, “This is ONLY the beginning if you will just stay faithful to me!”
I have a confession! I am OBSESSED with reaching people for Christ (read this if you didn’t last week!) AND…I’m obsessed with doing it through the local church. People have accused me in the past of being all about the numbers. Guess what–THEY ARE RIGHT! I am passionately dedicated to seeing LARGE NUMBERS of people step across the line of faith and become fully devoted followers of Christ. If that is what people want to say I am all about…that is AWESOME.
I can’t turn my back on telling people about Jesus. I refuse to reduce HIS church to 10-15 guys sitting in a room, all of them being white and my age, and entering into discussions about meaningless theological issues that will never be settled this side of heaven and then turn my back on people who need Christ the most.
NewSpring, we are not called to play it safe. We MUST be willing to continually passionately obsessed with who we are reaching rather than who we are keeping! We MUST keep in mind that in the NUMBERS I often talk about are people who happen to be near and dear to our hearts…and that seeing them step over the line of faith would be one of the most incredible things we can experience.
I am more committed to the vision of reaching 100k for Christ than I’ve ever been…and with what we saw happen yesterday in Greenville…not only do I now believe it can happen, I believe it WILL happen!
Jesus’ plans for His church are so much larger than ours!!! AND…the only people who get mad at the church for dreaming big are those who think the work of God should remain small and isolated. (hmmm, wonder what spiritual force is behind that line of reasoning!)
Jesus is blowing my mind…and what is coming our way is HUGE. Yesterday was just a taste…like I said back in June, “Hold on to your fork–there’s something sweeter in the kitchen!”
ONE MORE THING - To the pastor/church planter out there who may be reading this–DO NOT EVER APOLOGIZE TO ANYONE FOR DREAMING BIG!!! Don’t ever let anyone make you feel bad about wanting to reach large numbers of people for Christ!!! (Seriously, who is behind that? Jesus or satan?) Do not ever apologize for praying bold prayers, taking God-sized risks and offending those who wear the religious robes.
God is HUGE…and if you have an enormous dream for the church you are serving…guess what, God’s dream is BIGGER! In fact, I would argue that our dreams for His church would be small if He didn’t empower us to dream big simply because we all tend to want to play it safe.
But…if there is a risk you know you should be taking, a move you know you should be making, you know that God has set your heart on FIRE and you can’t keep it in…GO FOR IT! Life is TOO SHORT and hell is TOO HOT for us to worry about who likes us & who doesn’t!
Be who God called you to be–do what He has called you to do! Lift up Jesus, honor Him every single step of the way…walk intimately and passionately with Him and let HIM move your heart to attempt what others have told you is impossible.
Let Jesus blow your mind…and know that because you are willing to follow Him…eternal destinations will be impacted!!!
Guest Blog: A Cure for Discouragement (Steven Furtick)
Here's some awesome wisdom from Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church...
A cure for discouragement
July 2nd, 2008
One of the best things I can do when I feel my attitude drifting toward discouragement is to switch from defense to offense. Instead of sitting around waiting for someone else to encourage me, I try to go on the attack and encourage someone else.
If I’m feeling down because our attendance isn’t where I want it to be, I might call a pastor who is struggling big time in this area, and try to speak increase over his life and ministry.
If I’m hurting because someone I trusted let me down, I may write a short letter of encouragement to someone who I let down in the past. It helps me keep my own imperfection in perspective when I’m upset by the imperfections of others.
If I’m feeling sorry for myself for a vague, unnamed reason, I like to leave encouraging comments on a few random blogs-especially guys’ whose ministries may not receive a lot of attention-and say a short prayer for those guys.
I’ll bet Satan hates this strategy, because in effect, it turns his heaviest artillery against him. And when I venture away from my dilemma for a few minutes to bless someone else, I often find that the discouragement has greatly subsided by the time I return.
Thanks Pastor Steven
A cure for discouragement
July 2nd, 2008
One of the best things I can do when I feel my attitude drifting toward discouragement is to switch from defense to offense. Instead of sitting around waiting for someone else to encourage me, I try to go on the attack and encourage someone else.
If I’m feeling down because our attendance isn’t where I want it to be, I might call a pastor who is struggling big time in this area, and try to speak increase over his life and ministry.
If I’m hurting because someone I trusted let me down, I may write a short letter of encouragement to someone who I let down in the past. It helps me keep my own imperfection in perspective when I’m upset by the imperfections of others.
If I’m feeling sorry for myself for a vague, unnamed reason, I like to leave encouraging comments on a few random blogs-especially guys’ whose ministries may not receive a lot of attention-and say a short prayer for those guys.
I’ll bet Satan hates this strategy, because in effect, it turns his heaviest artillery against him. And when I venture away from my dilemma for a few minutes to bless someone else, I often find that the discouragement has greatly subsided by the time I return.
Thanks Pastor Steven
"The Call To Discipleship"
Below I have placed a link to a great teaching on "Developing a Culture of Discipleship" from Destiny World Outreach Center. Here are the highlights.
* The primary call is to be discipled and make disciples.
* You never arrive, you are always leading and following.
* We have failed in most of our Churches in this area.
* Large numbers does not mean you are disciplining.
* Discipleship is turning your audience into a army.
* Discipleship is the merging of the word (one camp) and power experience (Holy Spirit).
* Your talent will take you to the next level, but your character must sustain you.
* discipleship is changed people changing other people.
* It is influencing others to live changed lives.
* It is the dynamic of change that attracts others to you so their lives can be changed.
* The whole issue of discipleship is that people must become self feeding.
* True disciples have a self sustained relationship with God.
* Many Churches have trained their people to dependent upon them rather than teaching them how to fill their own wells so that they can draw from it.
* God wants you to have a direct connection, not just being a echo of what others are saying. We live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
* The average pastor prays less than 5 minutes a day.
* Fellowship doesn't take place through the word (Christian E's) but under the word.
* The result of true discipleship is discovering your true identity in Christ.
* The expectation of discipleship is transformed people who are filled with power to change others.
* Undiscipled people are high maintenance, need driven, all about themselves.
More on this later (methods of effective discipleship).
* The primary call is to be discipled and make disciples.
* You never arrive, you are always leading and following.
* We have failed in most of our Churches in this area.
* Large numbers does not mean you are disciplining.
* Discipleship is turning your audience into a army.
* Discipleship is the merging of the word (one camp) and power experience (Holy Spirit).
* Your talent will take you to the next level, but your character must sustain you.
* discipleship is changed people changing other people.
* It is influencing others to live changed lives.
* It is the dynamic of change that attracts others to you so their lives can be changed.
* The whole issue of discipleship is that people must become self feeding.
* True disciples have a self sustained relationship with God.
* Many Churches have trained their people to dependent upon them rather than teaching them how to fill their own wells so that they can draw from it.
* God wants you to have a direct connection, not just being a echo of what others are saying. We live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
* The average pastor prays less than 5 minutes a day.
* Fellowship doesn't take place through the word (Christian E's) but under the word.
* The result of true discipleship is discovering your true identity in Christ.
* The expectation of discipleship is transformed people who are filled with power to change others.
* Undiscipled people are high maintenance, need driven, all about themselves.
More on this later (methods of effective discipleship).
"The Purpose of your Trouble"
Ex 3:20-22
20 So I will stretch out My hand and strike Egypt with all My wonders which I will do in its midst; and after that he will let you go. 21 And I will give this people favor in the sight of the Egyptians; and it shall be, when you go, that you shall not go empty-handed. 22 But every woman shall ask of her neighbor, namely, of her who dwells near her house, articles of silver, articles of gold, and clothing; and you shall put them on your sons and on your daughters. So you shall plunder the Egyptians."
Ex 12:34-36
35 Now the children of Israel had done according to the word of Moses, and they had asked from the Egyptians articles of silver, articles of gold, and clothing. 36 And the LORD had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they granted them what they requested. Thus they plundered the Egyptians.
Many of you are experiencing trouble in some form or fashion, it may be the betrayal of someone close to you, a loss of a job, death of a loved one, marriage, financial... One thing I have learned about trouble is that it is not prejudice, it will hit everybody at some time or another. It is not whether it will come but will you be ready when it comes?
Why is it that the harder we try to get out of the trouble, the more it locks us in? You try to get out of the relationship, job, leave the Church but to no avail. I believe the reason you are still in it is that God has an exit strategy.
What is the exit strategy? It is the reality that God has allowed the trouble to come to reposition you, to increase your capacity to receive more, to be multiplied, to get to you what He can only get through you. Trouble is not your enemy it is your friend. Why?
God has designed for the trouble to put in you what you need for the next level. The trouble will remain until it has fulfilled God's purpose. If you are in trouble it is an indicator that your next level is near.
* Trouble is a multiplier. God transitioned Israel from a family to a nation, and when they came out they were a powerful force to be reckoned with. The more Pharaoh afflicted them the more they multiplied.
* When you exit you will leave with some stuff you didn't have when you went in.
* Why did God command Israel to plunder (steal) from the Egyptians? If you take something from somebody and you never pay it back, isn't that stealing? Yesterday I saw the reason why God commanded them to take all of Egypt's economy in their pockets out of Egypt. Israel had worked for free for 400 years. It was time for them to get paid.
It is your time to be paid! Everything that the enemy has done to you, God has allowed, He has recorded everything that has ever happened to you, with the intention that the enemy will pay you back with interest.
* They plundered the Egyptians, God gave them favor with their enemies, God is about to cause people who don't even like you to bless you, advance you, promote you, and strongly assist you. If you will remain Christlike in your attitude and response to your enemy God will eventually cause them to come back to bless you.
* Pharaoh decreased the straw with the expectation that they were to make more bricks. Then they multiplied in number, why? Because the more the enemy afflicts you, the deeper the intimacy of your relationships. The more trouble that came, the more children that were birthed.
* Praise is the re leaser out of trouble. In Acts 12 there was a prison that was designed to hold captives. It had chained and locked up thousand of people but when somebody began to praise God, it had to release them. Most people praise after they come out, but when you hold your praise, it prolongs your trouble, when you release your praise it demands that the trouble release you with great blessing!
*God will cause an enemy to pay for your vision (Nehemiah).
James tells us that when trouble comes and we endure it with the right attitude, you will be complete lacking nothing.
Let me close with this thought. Trouble brings pressure. And pressure is designed to pull out of you what God put in you (potential). If you put pressure on a hose, it increases the power that comes out. The pressure on you has a purpose, and it is to release greater power out of you. Peter tells us that when the trouble comes, God's hand is on you in greater power.
1 Peter 4:12-15
Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; 13 but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. 14 If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. On their part He is blasphemed, but on your part He is glorified.
James 1:2-5
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience (the devil is on God's payroll). 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
Whever trouble hits, that is the place you are about to be multiplied, God's strength is perfected in your place of weakness.
Can you remain in the trouble till it multiplies you, or are you running from God's multiplier? Can you endure the pain of the cross, so that you can be raised up in great power? Can you be dead in Christ placed in a tomb with a seal on it, until it can't hold you no more? Will you see trouble in a different light so you can understand it's purpose.
20 So I will stretch out My hand and strike Egypt with all My wonders which I will do in its midst; and after that he will let you go. 21 And I will give this people favor in the sight of the Egyptians; and it shall be, when you go, that you shall not go empty-handed. 22 But every woman shall ask of her neighbor, namely, of her who dwells near her house, articles of silver, articles of gold, and clothing; and you shall put them on your sons and on your daughters. So you shall plunder the Egyptians."
Ex 12:34-36
35 Now the children of Israel had done according to the word of Moses, and they had asked from the Egyptians articles of silver, articles of gold, and clothing. 36 And the LORD had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they granted them what they requested. Thus they plundered the Egyptians.
Many of you are experiencing trouble in some form or fashion, it may be the betrayal of someone close to you, a loss of a job, death of a loved one, marriage, financial... One thing I have learned about trouble is that it is not prejudice, it will hit everybody at some time or another. It is not whether it will come but will you be ready when it comes?
Why is it that the harder we try to get out of the trouble, the more it locks us in? You try to get out of the relationship, job, leave the Church but to no avail. I believe the reason you are still in it is that God has an exit strategy.
What is the exit strategy? It is the reality that God has allowed the trouble to come to reposition you, to increase your capacity to receive more, to be multiplied, to get to you what He can only get through you. Trouble is not your enemy it is your friend. Why?
God has designed for the trouble to put in you what you need for the next level. The trouble will remain until it has fulfilled God's purpose. If you are in trouble it is an indicator that your next level is near.
* Trouble is a multiplier. God transitioned Israel from a family to a nation, and when they came out they were a powerful force to be reckoned with. The more Pharaoh afflicted them the more they multiplied.
* When you exit you will leave with some stuff you didn't have when you went in.
* Why did God command Israel to plunder (steal) from the Egyptians? If you take something from somebody and you never pay it back, isn't that stealing? Yesterday I saw the reason why God commanded them to take all of Egypt's economy in their pockets out of Egypt. Israel had worked for free for 400 years. It was time for them to get paid.
It is your time to be paid! Everything that the enemy has done to you, God has allowed, He has recorded everything that has ever happened to you, with the intention that the enemy will pay you back with interest.
* They plundered the Egyptians, God gave them favor with their enemies, God is about to cause people who don't even like you to bless you, advance you, promote you, and strongly assist you. If you will remain Christlike in your attitude and response to your enemy God will eventually cause them to come back to bless you.
* Pharaoh decreased the straw with the expectation that they were to make more bricks. Then they multiplied in number, why? Because the more the enemy afflicts you, the deeper the intimacy of your relationships. The more trouble that came, the more children that were birthed.
* Praise is the re leaser out of trouble. In Acts 12 there was a prison that was designed to hold captives. It had chained and locked up thousand of people but when somebody began to praise God, it had to release them. Most people praise after they come out, but when you hold your praise, it prolongs your trouble, when you release your praise it demands that the trouble release you with great blessing!
*God will cause an enemy to pay for your vision (Nehemiah).
James tells us that when trouble comes and we endure it with the right attitude, you will be complete lacking nothing.
Let me close with this thought. Trouble brings pressure. And pressure is designed to pull out of you what God put in you (potential). If you put pressure on a hose, it increases the power that comes out. The pressure on you has a purpose, and it is to release greater power out of you. Peter tells us that when the trouble comes, God's hand is on you in greater power.
1 Peter 4:12-15
Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; 13 but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. 14 If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. On their part He is blasphemed, but on your part He is glorified.
James 1:2-5
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience (the devil is on God's payroll). 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
Whever trouble hits, that is the place you are about to be multiplied, God's strength is perfected in your place of weakness.
Can you remain in the trouble till it multiplies you, or are you running from God's multiplier? Can you endure the pain of the cross, so that you can be raised up in great power? Can you be dead in Christ placed in a tomb with a seal on it, until it can't hold you no more? Will you see trouble in a different light so you can understand it's purpose.
"Time for a Sweep"
Luke 15:8-10
8 The Parable of the Lost Coin
"Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it? 9 And when she has found it, she calls her friends and neighbors together, saying, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found the piece which I lost!'
I saw something in this text that I have never seen before. Before you can start seeking something, you have to realize it is lost (marriage, effectiveness in ministry, prayer life, passion, cutting edge). And when you lose something, God will throw you into a seeking mode because He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. There are some of you that have lost something, it is an indicator that God has something better for you, and He had to provoke you into a seeking mode.
She found the coin, but maybe her finding the coin is not the most important thing. Could it be that the thing Jesus wants us to see is that in the process of seeking the coin, she cleaned house. Why?
Because the byproduct of seeking is in the process of seeking you are cleaning everything up. Could it be that God is wanting you clean things up, to replace the old wineskin(structures, sytems, programs, man's methods) so that He can pour out new wine (move of God). Could it be that the reason you are stuck is because you are trying to get God to put a new thing in an old thing? Could it be that you are wanting to put a new experience in an old habit. God has challenged me recently to survey the wineskins in my life (how I pray, the time I spend with my wife, giving my wife control of the finances because she is better at it). Could it be that you have lost something because God has prepared something better? A relationship, a Church member, staff member, job... Could it be that God has closed a door because it is too small to get the big thing he has in store for you to you.
Could it be that the reason you didn't catch any fish though you fished all night is because God wants you to cast your net on the other side. Could it be that the reason your Church is not growing and you are down to just a few members is because God is demanding that you sweep the house to get ready for something new? Why stay in love with as old thing, when the new thing is much better (God always saves the best for last).
Some of you have lost some things recently, God is about to cause something bigger and better to come to you. Get ready, get ready, get ready!
Craig Sloan
8 The Parable of the Lost Coin
"Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it? 9 And when she has found it, she calls her friends and neighbors together, saying, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found the piece which I lost!'
I saw something in this text that I have never seen before. Before you can start seeking something, you have to realize it is lost (marriage, effectiveness in ministry, prayer life, passion, cutting edge). And when you lose something, God will throw you into a seeking mode because He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. There are some of you that have lost something, it is an indicator that God has something better for you, and He had to provoke you into a seeking mode.
She found the coin, but maybe her finding the coin is not the most important thing. Could it be that the thing Jesus wants us to see is that in the process of seeking the coin, she cleaned house. Why?
Because the byproduct of seeking is in the process of seeking you are cleaning everything up. Could it be that God is wanting you clean things up, to replace the old wineskin(structures, sytems, programs, man's methods) so that He can pour out new wine (move of God). Could it be that the reason you are stuck is because you are trying to get God to put a new thing in an old thing? Could it be that you are wanting to put a new experience in an old habit. God has challenged me recently to survey the wineskins in my life (how I pray, the time I spend with my wife, giving my wife control of the finances because she is better at it). Could it be that you have lost something because God has prepared something better? A relationship, a Church member, staff member, job... Could it be that God has closed a door because it is too small to get the big thing he has in store for you to you.
Could it be that the reason you didn't catch any fish though you fished all night is because God wants you to cast your net on the other side. Could it be that the reason your Church is not growing and you are down to just a few members is because God is demanding that you sweep the house to get ready for something new? Why stay in love with as old thing, when the new thing is much better (God always saves the best for last).
Some of you have lost some things recently, God is about to cause something bigger and better to come to you. Get ready, get ready, get ready!
Craig Sloan
What's In You?
I was counseling someone recently that is about to step out and take a risk concerning their future. They have been stuck in the same place waiting for something to happen and they are going nowhere. God has spoken to this person to do something they have never done before. God will never take you to a new place without first challenging your faith to go there. If you can do what you are doing with your eyes closed in your pajamas then you are not walking in faith. If you are not taking a risk, doubting yourself, your flesh screaming this is impossible, then you probably have not heard God. I don't know about you but I'm tired of living life in the slow lane in cruise control, I'm ready to put the pedal to the medal and go to a place in God I have never been.
There are two questions you must ask yourself for this to happen.
1) What is in me? Proverbs 30 tells us about the wisdom of the spider. The amazing thing about the spider is that everything that is needed to build its house and to live in the dominating zone is already inside of it. God has put everything you need to live in the sweet spot, to hit the bulls eye inside of you.
Your gift will make room for you and bring you before mighty men (Kings). There were four rivers that watered the garden of Eden. There is not just one gift inside of you but there are several. The day of depending on outside people and going to a job thinking it is supposed to feed you is over. It is not supposed to feed you, but you are there to feed it. The reason people can not stay in one place very long and their job performance is low is because they are going to their job to get something they didn't get from their daddy.
Your performance is not based on how many people pat you on the back, and whether they affirm you. You have to go to your assignment with you garments of Christ already on.
The level of your financial wealth is determined by the gifts you have inside of you. Every gift has an element of increase and promotion attached to it. Find out what you are great at and build it, don't operate in your weakness but compensate it by surrounding yourself with people who are strong in your area of weakness. One of the reason we see so many Church splits in this nation is because preachers hire people like them who want to do what they do. Don't hire a staff of preachers, hire people who can flourish in your weak spots (accounting, administration, details).
When you are starting it may require doing things you hate till you get to the things you love. Most people procrastinate because they hate doing something only to live in constant dread of that one thing they keep putting off. This causes us to attack big projects with minimal energy. Attack it while your energy level is high.
Find out what is inside of you, what are you great at? What is it that you naturally thrive in? Increase and promotion are attached to those things.
One last thing about the spider. It has oil that comes out of its feelers. This oil is designed to cause the spider to be able to walk on what others get stuck in. Why is it everybody else is getting caught in the spider web but you keep walking. Could it be that you are anointed to walk in what others get stuck in? Could it be that God has put you in that difficult place because He has anointed you to change it. You are anointed to get contracts others can't get. To walk in and do jobs others can't do, to deal with difficult people others can't deal with. Could it be that the reason you haven't had a nervous breakdown is because God has anointed you solve a problem. The world will pay you millions of dollars to solve a problem.
Dentist solve teeth problems, Burger King solves a food problem, Lawyers solve legal problems, Television and movies solve boredom problems. What problem have you been anointed to solve, that's where your next level is.
Tomorrow we will talk question number two.
PS - I have some awesome exciting news to share with you soon. Stay tuned!
There are two questions you must ask yourself for this to happen.
1) What is in me? Proverbs 30 tells us about the wisdom of the spider. The amazing thing about the spider is that everything that is needed to build its house and to live in the dominating zone is already inside of it. God has put everything you need to live in the sweet spot, to hit the bulls eye inside of you.
Your gift will make room for you and bring you before mighty men (Kings). There were four rivers that watered the garden of Eden. There is not just one gift inside of you but there are several. The day of depending on outside people and going to a job thinking it is supposed to feed you is over. It is not supposed to feed you, but you are there to feed it. The reason people can not stay in one place very long and their job performance is low is because they are going to their job to get something they didn't get from their daddy.
Your performance is not based on how many people pat you on the back, and whether they affirm you. You have to go to your assignment with you garments of Christ already on.
The level of your financial wealth is determined by the gifts you have inside of you. Every gift has an element of increase and promotion attached to it. Find out what you are great at and build it, don't operate in your weakness but compensate it by surrounding yourself with people who are strong in your area of weakness. One of the reason we see so many Church splits in this nation is because preachers hire people like them who want to do what they do. Don't hire a staff of preachers, hire people who can flourish in your weak spots (accounting, administration, details).
When you are starting it may require doing things you hate till you get to the things you love. Most people procrastinate because they hate doing something only to live in constant dread of that one thing they keep putting off. This causes us to attack big projects with minimal energy. Attack it while your energy level is high.
Find out what is inside of you, what are you great at? What is it that you naturally thrive in? Increase and promotion are attached to those things.
One last thing about the spider. It has oil that comes out of its feelers. This oil is designed to cause the spider to be able to walk on what others get stuck in. Why is it everybody else is getting caught in the spider web but you keep walking. Could it be that you are anointed to walk in what others get stuck in? Could it be that God has put you in that difficult place because He has anointed you to change it. You are anointed to get contracts others can't get. To walk in and do jobs others can't do, to deal with difficult people others can't deal with. Could it be that the reason you haven't had a nervous breakdown is because God has anointed you solve a problem. The world will pay you millions of dollars to solve a problem.
Dentist solve teeth problems, Burger King solves a food problem, Lawyers solve legal problems, Television and movies solve boredom problems. What problem have you been anointed to solve, that's where your next level is.
Tomorrow we will talk question number two.
PS - I have some awesome exciting news to share with you soon. Stay tuned!
"I Didn't Sow For This"
Matt 13:24-30
Another parable He put forth to them, saying: "The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. 26 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. 27 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, 'Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?' 28 He said to them, 'An enemy has done this.' The servants said to him, 'Do you want us then to go and gather them up?' 29 But he said, 'No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, "First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn."'"
I felt prompted by the Lord to write this for somebody out there in the blog world who needs a little encouragement.
There are many out there that over the course of this year you have expereinced things in your life such as difficulty, adversity, broken relationships, betrayal of a staff member, financial upheaval that you have asked yourself did I sow for this. Though I do believe in the law of sowing and reaping and that there are many things that we face in life that our the consequence of a action sown this parable reveals that there are times in our lives that we expereince things that were not a harvest of a seed sown but the result of a seed that the enemy has sown.
Let me summarize it. While he was sleeping the enemy snuck in and sowed a bad seed. He wakes up to find that there is mess in his life and he is not sure how it got there. The servant comes and says, sir, did you not sow good seed (pray, fast, give, do right, love your enemies, turn the other cheek, admitted you were wrong). You did all the right things, you have been faithful, you have worked harder... The man replies the enemy has done this.
Some of you have searched, prayed, fasted, and confessed till the cows have gone home but you still see the same mess. Why? Because you didn't sow for this, it was the enemies doing. It is a sabotage, plot, scheme, takeover attempt, suprise attack by the devil himself. So you say this still doesn't make it go away, it doesn't solve my problem. Hold yourr horses.
Here is the good news, if you sowed it, then you have to fix it, but if the devil sowed it, then God says leave it alone (don't pull up the tares but leave them alone till the harvest...) Don't react to that person in your life that is tying to destroy you, don't yell and cuss at that rebellious teenager, don't go into a defensive mode over that unfair accusation. When we react, we destroy the good in the attempt to remove the bad. Don't try to run off negative boyfriend (of your daughter)... Instead of getting into a shouting match why don't you go to their room when they are asleep and slap some Holy Ghost oil on that door and say devil you will not influence my children...
If the devil did it, the God will deal with it, and when God deals with it, He does a better job than you (ask the Pharoah and the Egyptians who drowned in thr Red Sea). You may be between a rock and a hard place with the Red Sea in front of you, and the Egyptians hot on your trail, But God will make a way where there is no way, keep your peace, and stand still and having done all to stand...
God is about to clean up that mess and restore you to your rightful place. Lastly, there is a interesting verse in the bible in Exodus chapter one, that says the more that Pharoah afflicted the people of Isreal the more God multiplied them. Could it be that God allowed the trouble you didn't sow for because he is going to use it as an instrument to multiply you. God has put enough Dunamis power inside of you to turn your city upside down and inside out and the way He gets it out is through pressure. I was outside filling up my kids waterpool when I noticed that the more pressure I put on the hose the more powerful the squirt that comes out. God is applying pressure to get the greatness that is in you unseen to come out. If there is no pressure applied, there is no great power released. Jesus said I can handle the pressure (Garden), because after you nail me to the cross, I am coming out...!
1) You didn't sow for it!
2) It is the enemies doing!
3) God has to deal with it!
4) Trouble is a multiplier!
6) God is announcing your coming out party!
PS - I had to get that out.
Another parable He put forth to them, saying: "The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. 26 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. 27 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, 'Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?' 28 He said to them, 'An enemy has done this.' The servants said to him, 'Do you want us then to go and gather them up?' 29 But he said, 'No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, "First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn."'"
I felt prompted by the Lord to write this for somebody out there in the blog world who needs a little encouragement.
There are many out there that over the course of this year you have expereinced things in your life such as difficulty, adversity, broken relationships, betrayal of a staff member, financial upheaval that you have asked yourself did I sow for this. Though I do believe in the law of sowing and reaping and that there are many things that we face in life that our the consequence of a action sown this parable reveals that there are times in our lives that we expereince things that were not a harvest of a seed sown but the result of a seed that the enemy has sown.
Let me summarize it. While he was sleeping the enemy snuck in and sowed a bad seed. He wakes up to find that there is mess in his life and he is not sure how it got there. The servant comes and says, sir, did you not sow good seed (pray, fast, give, do right, love your enemies, turn the other cheek, admitted you were wrong). You did all the right things, you have been faithful, you have worked harder... The man replies the enemy has done this.
Some of you have searched, prayed, fasted, and confessed till the cows have gone home but you still see the same mess. Why? Because you didn't sow for this, it was the enemies doing. It is a sabotage, plot, scheme, takeover attempt, suprise attack by the devil himself. So you say this still doesn't make it go away, it doesn't solve my problem. Hold yourr horses.
Here is the good news, if you sowed it, then you have to fix it, but if the devil sowed it, then God says leave it alone (don't pull up the tares but leave them alone till the harvest...) Don't react to that person in your life that is tying to destroy you, don't yell and cuss at that rebellious teenager, don't go into a defensive mode over that unfair accusation. When we react, we destroy the good in the attempt to remove the bad. Don't try to run off negative boyfriend (of your daughter)... Instead of getting into a shouting match why don't you go to their room when they are asleep and slap some Holy Ghost oil on that door and say devil you will not influence my children...
If the devil did it, the God will deal with it, and when God deals with it, He does a better job than you (ask the Pharoah and the Egyptians who drowned in thr Red Sea). You may be between a rock and a hard place with the Red Sea in front of you, and the Egyptians hot on your trail, But God will make a way where there is no way, keep your peace, and stand still and having done all to stand...
God is about to clean up that mess and restore you to your rightful place. Lastly, there is a interesting verse in the bible in Exodus chapter one, that says the more that Pharoah afflicted the people of Isreal the more God multiplied them. Could it be that God allowed the trouble you didn't sow for because he is going to use it as an instrument to multiply you. God has put enough Dunamis power inside of you to turn your city upside down and inside out and the way He gets it out is through pressure. I was outside filling up my kids waterpool when I noticed that the more pressure I put on the hose the more powerful the squirt that comes out. God is applying pressure to get the greatness that is in you unseen to come out. If there is no pressure applied, there is no great power released. Jesus said I can handle the pressure (Garden), because after you nail me to the cross, I am coming out...!
1) You didn't sow for it!
2) It is the enemies doing!
3) God has to deal with it!
4) Trouble is a multiplier!
6) God is announcing your coming out party!
PS - I had to get that out.
"What God Endorses You Don't Have To Force"
For most of my life I have had the right plan, I knew what God had called me to do but because of the thorn in my flesh (impatience) I have rushed into the God thing in my timing instead of God's. David wrote that my times are in the hands of God (Psalms 31:15).
Yes it is God's will for your life, yes it is the right dream, but many times we try to make it happen instead of letting it happen. In sports terminology it is learning not to press but to let the ball come to you.
In the bible there are two primary words for time. The first word is Chronos, it is a general time, not a specific time. It is when like Abraham you get a prophetic word that says you are going to have a baby. Abraham receives a logos from God, a general word for a general time. When this happens all you can do is walk by faith in obedience doing the last thing God told you. You don't know when, you just know. You don't know how, you just know. This causes us to many times be frustrated and because we don't properly discern our season, we curse the tree not understanding that it is winter season and thought the tree looks dead, the reality is the sap that produces life and fruitfulness is in the roots waiting for the right season. Many abort their promise in this stage because they lose faith and perseverance.
The other primary word for time is Kairos, it is a specific time when God speaks a specific word, like Peter come. Peter steps out of the boat and walks on a rhema word that causes him to walk on what he would have naturally sunk in. It is a window of opportunity that when step through it, you receive divine enablement to do what you couldn't do before. There are two words for word (logos) and (rhema). The word of God is a two edged sword (logos) which is learning to stay in the general word until you get a (rhema). You don't fight with a logos, you fight with the sword of the spirit which is rhema (Eph. 6:18). This means that you can't just grab any word for your battle, you have to have a specific word. Half of the battle is learning to appropriate the right word for the right situation. For example if you get a report from the Doctor that you have cancer, you don't quote Phil 4:19. You have to fight with the right word (Iss 53).
God comes to Abraham after 21 years of walking in Chronos in the logos and gives him a rhema, by this time next year you will have a baby. Abraham receives a specific word for a specific time. In the in between, He tries to create God's promise in his own timing resulting in Israel's greatest enemy to this day (Ishmael). Why, because what you create in your timing (flesh) will always fight God's timing (spirit). In fact what you create God is not obligated to clean up.
Most of my life I have arrived early causing the promise of God to be premature resulting in a sickly promise that I had to fight just to keep alive (life support). As I was recently trying to force something God has spoken to me, I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me these words, "What God endorses you don't have to force". What does that mean.
Tune in tomorrow to find out!
Craig Sloan
Yes it is God's will for your life, yes it is the right dream, but many times we try to make it happen instead of letting it happen. In sports terminology it is learning not to press but to let the ball come to you.
In the bible there are two primary words for time. The first word is Chronos, it is a general time, not a specific time. It is when like Abraham you get a prophetic word that says you are going to have a baby. Abraham receives a logos from God, a general word for a general time. When this happens all you can do is walk by faith in obedience doing the last thing God told you. You don't know when, you just know. You don't know how, you just know. This causes us to many times be frustrated and because we don't properly discern our season, we curse the tree not understanding that it is winter season and thought the tree looks dead, the reality is the sap that produces life and fruitfulness is in the roots waiting for the right season. Many abort their promise in this stage because they lose faith and perseverance.
The other primary word for time is Kairos, it is a specific time when God speaks a specific word, like Peter come. Peter steps out of the boat and walks on a rhema word that causes him to walk on what he would have naturally sunk in. It is a window of opportunity that when step through it, you receive divine enablement to do what you couldn't do before. There are two words for word (logos) and (rhema). The word of God is a two edged sword (logos) which is learning to stay in the general word until you get a (rhema). You don't fight with a logos, you fight with the sword of the spirit which is rhema (Eph. 6:18). This means that you can't just grab any word for your battle, you have to have a specific word. Half of the battle is learning to appropriate the right word for the right situation. For example if you get a report from the Doctor that you have cancer, you don't quote Phil 4:19. You have to fight with the right word (Iss 53).
God comes to Abraham after 21 years of walking in Chronos in the logos and gives him a rhema, by this time next year you will have a baby. Abraham receives a specific word for a specific time. In the in between, He tries to create God's promise in his own timing resulting in Israel's greatest enemy to this day (Ishmael). Why, because what you create in your timing (flesh) will always fight God's timing (spirit). In fact what you create God is not obligated to clean up.
Most of my life I have arrived early causing the promise of God to be premature resulting in a sickly promise that I had to fight just to keep alive (life support). As I was recently trying to force something God has spoken to me, I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me these words, "What God endorses you don't have to force". What does that mean.
Tune in tomorrow to find out!
Craig Sloan
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