
What's In You?

I was counseling someone recently that is about to step out and take a risk concerning their future. They have been stuck in the same place waiting for something to happen and they are going nowhere. God has spoken to this person to do something they have never done before. God will never take you to a new place without first challenging your faith to go there. If you can do what you are doing with your eyes closed in your pajamas then you are not walking in faith. If you are not taking a risk, doubting yourself, your flesh screaming this is impossible, then you probably have not heard God. I don't know about you but I'm tired of living life in the slow lane in cruise control, I'm ready to put the pedal to the medal and go to a place in God I have never been.

There are two questions you must ask yourself for this to happen.

1) What is in me? Proverbs 30 tells us about the wisdom of the spider. The amazing thing about the spider is that everything that is needed to build its house and to live in the dominating zone is already inside of it. God has put everything you need to live in the sweet spot, to hit the bulls eye inside of you.

Your gift will make room for you and bring you before mighty men (Kings). There were four rivers that watered the garden of Eden. There is not just one gift inside of you but there are several. The day of depending on outside people and going to a job thinking it is supposed to feed you is over. It is not supposed to feed you, but you are there to feed it. The reason people can not stay in one place very long and their job performance is low is because they are going to their job to get something they didn't get from their daddy.

Your performance is not based on how many people pat you on the back, and whether they affirm you. You have to go to your assignment with you garments of Christ already on.

The level of your financial wealth is determined by the gifts you have inside of you. Every gift has an element of increase and promotion attached to it. Find out what you are great at and build it, don't operate in your weakness but compensate it by surrounding yourself with people who are strong in your area of weakness. One of the reason we see so many Church splits in this nation is because preachers hire people like them who want to do what they do. Don't hire a staff of preachers, hire people who can flourish in your weak spots (accounting, administration, details).

When you are starting it may require doing things you hate till you get to the things you love. Most people procrastinate because they hate doing something only to live in constant dread of that one thing they keep putting off. This causes us to attack big projects with minimal energy. Attack it while your energy level is high.

Find out what is inside of you, what are you great at? What is it that you naturally thrive in? Increase and promotion are attached to those things.

One last thing about the spider. It has oil that comes out of its feelers. This oil is designed to cause the spider to be able to walk on what others get stuck in. Why is it everybody else is getting caught in the spider web but you keep walking. Could it be that you are anointed to walk in what others get stuck in? Could it be that God has put you in that difficult place because He has anointed you to change it. You are anointed to get contracts others can't get. To walk in and do jobs others can't do, to deal with difficult people others can't deal with. Could it be that the reason you haven't had a nervous breakdown is because God has anointed you solve a problem. The world will pay you millions of dollars to solve a problem.

Dentist solve teeth problems, Burger King solves a food problem, Lawyers solve legal problems, Television and movies solve boredom problems. What problem have you been anointed to solve, that's where your next level is.

Tomorrow we will talk question number two.


PS - I have some awesome exciting news to share with you soon. Stay tuned!

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