
'Launch Network"

For those of you that are senior pastors or Church planters I am making available my notes from Launch network that I am a part of. Some really great stuff. Feel free to email me if you want more info. The notes are extensive, I reccomend that you copy and paste them into your word document.

Launch Network
July 24, 2008
Kerrick Thomas


The Call to Start a New Church (Most important thing).

The number one reason Churches fail is because of the lack of call.
Second reason is a lack of strategy.
Thirdly lack of funding.
Fourthly is lack of competence of lead planter.

Calling – Strong inner impulse to a particular course of action accompanied by conviction of divine influence.

The majority of Church plants fail in the first year.

It begins with a personal calling not a personal choice.

It is different than any other call (Pastoring existent Church, being in ministry)
Is the idea my idea or God’s idea (Key to success)

Common sources of improper calling.

Resentment to present Pastor.
Think easier than taking an existent Church.
Runs in the family.
Ego or ambition
The in thing to do, fad. Think it is cool because it is thing to do.
Frustrated with existent systems in present Church.

Example: Marriage counseling, attempt to talk them out of being married. Must know you are called.

Proper sources of calling.

Prayer and bible study, seeking God’s wisdom.
Surprise, when you weren’t expecting to be called (God Encounter)
Holy discontent, passion focused on what could be done to reach lost people, to impact a city for God. Fire shut up in bones (Jer. 20:9).
Burden for the Unchurched. God’s heart for the lost.
Godly counsel. Call being confirmed by those who are in your life (Mentors, peers). Not everybody will agree with you.

4 Calls to Consider. (This week write out call)

Call to Start a Church. (Not just call to ministry).
My spouses call, you can’t start a Church if spouse not called, many marriages fail because of lack of spouse call.

Timing must be in agreement. The intensity level of spouse call may not be the same.
The goal is to confirm mutual calling not mutual intensity.
Never move forward without being in agreement. A house divided against itself. Puts a strain on the marriage.

Call to a Place.

A specific place, city, an assignment to a location.
People who are like us (young families, white collar, culture). Some are called to cross culturally, most are not.

Not because a great place to live, but a burden for that area.

Call to a People

Your assignment is to a place, a people and a purpose.
You are created to solve a problem for somebody. You have something they need.
Who is your target? If aim for nothing, will hit it every time.

Write down the call.

Reason: There will come a time when you feel like giving up, think it is a mistake, if not called you will throw in the towel. If called go back to journal and reaffirm the call.

Write the vision down, so that when testing comes you can go back to the vision. It gives you the ability to persevere.

When You Answer God’s Call (Preparation)

* Prepare to Lead

Teams, staff…
Develop your Leadership Capacity

* Prepare to Teach

Must be developing communication skills.
Take opportunity to teach, develop your skills.

* Prepare to Depend on God.

Future uncertain must depend on God.
Pilgrim’s Progress (Journey of Christian Life). God shows the end result but not every step, valley, the vision evolves. Every step requires dependency upon God. May not know what is twenty years down the road.

II. 8 Contrarian Church Launching Ideas

Your Call to Start a Church is the Most Critical factor to Church Success.

Don’t Be Afraid To Raise Funds From Other Churches.

Toughest thing to do.
Read Aladdin Factor (Chicken Soup For the Soul). How to make the big ask. Have not because don’t ask.
Best partner in starting a Church is another Church.

Why Churches are Great Partner.

Understand what is going on.
Role of lead Pastor. Don’t want to micromanage.
Can support with mission teams and prayer.
Identify potential Churches.

Write down every Church, Pastor… Call them talk to them. Make the big ask!

* Read “The Art of the Start”, how to make a sales pitch.

* Who do they know that might be interested?

* Never allocate the control of the Church for money. Selling out the vision for man’s provision.

* Don’t sacrifice your vision for someone else help.

* Don’t build your Church with other Churches govt; you must be the lead person in the movement of the vision.

* When set up bylaws, set up minimal by law. Don’t know what the structure will be. Allow room for future adjustments.

When Partnering Churches come, you lay out expectations based on who you are trying to reach. (Servant Evangelism)

Build Your New Church From The Outside In.

Most Churches start with core group with the focus of bible study, pasturing, worship service, the problem is that they become inward focus core group, view you as their Pastor, stop reaching out drawing new people in.

The people who you start the Church with, most of them will leave.

Example: First membership at Journey no one still attending.

No one person in the Church is more value than the vision.

Example: Scafflion people, they are there to help you get started, but eventually the scafflion is torn down.

Outside in means to start by reaching people outside.

Outward focused.
Time limited.
Goal oriented.

Not a bible study. You invite people personally.

Monthly services.

Get to know people
Ask people to be part of launch team.
Not a requirement for them to be believers.

Goal: To Launch with as many people as possible for the Launch Service.

Launch Team does not exist after Launch (Time Limited).
Goal is to prepare for Launch service.

Main Idea is to be focused outwardly rather than just have bible studies.

Resist the Temptation to Do Everything at First.

Focus on Sunday service, children’s ministry.

Christians will come wanting new ministries, say no, spread energy out so thin, that main thing is mediocre.

Journey started small groups 6 months into Launch. Gives time to build up leadership and focus on what is important.

Gives time to build systems (Financial, evangelism, assimilation)

Don’t do membership out of gate (8 months).

If try to do too much at the beginning the Sunday services will suffer.

Must build the foundation first.

When start small groups, with focus of finding leaders.

Use Three to Six Monthly Services to Build up To Weekly Services.

Six is the best. Gives more time to gather people, gather funds…

Homework: Set a Launch Date (When set up monthly services, and weekly services).

Gives big advantage, allows you to become a better teacher, leader, work out kinks.

Don’t Try to Gather the Churched, Focus on the Unchurched.

Avoid the temptation to do inward focused things.
If not willing to reach the lost don’t launch a Church.
You are surrounded by more unchurched people than churched.
Every county in USA is unchurched.

You Can Start a Church Must Faster Than You Think.

Always reason to postpone.
If do it in short period of time, more passionate about seizing time.
The longer you wait, more likely won’t start, or you will start slowly.
Keeps you focused, motivated, trusting in God.

You Can Grow A Church Must Faster Than You Think

Great Stuff!


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