
"Don't Be Intimidated"

"Don't be Intimidated"

I am going to start sharing one nugget each day on what God is teaching me through my present situation. Today I want to focus on this thought. "The enemy can manifest as anyone who speaks of your past more than your future". They will tell you that you are not fit for God to use you, that you have too much hurt in your life. I only have one thing to say to that, hogwash!

When the religious leaders brought the woman caught in the act of adultery to Jesus, how much time did he spend on her lifestyle? He said, where are the accusers? Neither do I condemn you and with one broad stroke he painted a picture of her future in this saying, "Go and sin no more!What did the religious leaders remind her of? They wanted to put in front of her everything she had done. Jesus says go!

Religious people hate this because they want you to pay for what Jesus already paid for. Jesus said, I'm only interested from here forward, Go! In other words He was saying, don't stay here, in what they constantly remind you of, get out of this moment and do it without this being a part of your life. Don't let these people who are stained with the iniquity of sin. The religious spirit judges you for the sin it is gripped by.

People today want to be around somebody who tells them who they can be and is not constantly reminding them of what they have done. I would like to say this to a Pastor who is always beating the people down for what they have done, you are tying them to their past. If you can see what people can be, you will never have a problem drawing a crowd to your Church. Why?Everybody looks for someone who will forget their mistakes and let the Love of God cover a multitude of sins and they see a picture of your future of what God has called you to be that nobody has seen before.

The enemies number one goal is to intimidate you. Paul told Timothy that we do not have a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. The word timid is the root word of intimidation. Paul was saying you have not been given a spirit of intimidation but a spirit of power, love and a sound mind.What is a sound mind? You know you win before you go into the battle. You refuse to be intimidated. Intimidation is not victory is is when I get in your head and convince you that you can't beat me, to the point you don't try. If you intimidate your opponent, you have convinced him that he will lose before he starts. Paul says, you have not been given the spirit of believing you lose even before you get started.

What is the method of intimidation? Words! Goliath paralyzed the entire nation of Israel because for 40 days he stood before them and cursed them with words. I truly believe that if they would have engaged him sooner, they would have whipped him, but for 40 days they listened to his negative words (crap). David on the other hand when he heard the negative words of Goliath, he responded with words of faith that said who is this enemy that thinks he can defy my God! The same God that delivered me before will whip this giant, and I will cut his head off!Goliath was not killed by the pebble that hit his forehead, he was killed by David's words of faith and power. The bible says that he ran at Goliath with his mouth open. He was prophesying defeat to his adversary.

So if someone whispers in your ear, sends you a nasty letter, don't rehearse it, delete it and speak back to the enemy, knowing that the enemy is not a person, it is a spirit. The person is simply a vessel that the enemy is using to accomplish his purpose. Don't take it personal, it is for righteousness sake and great is your reward!

Tomorrow, An enemy is the multiplier of your blessings!



Dr. Deanna DossShrodes said...

Craig, I'm going to forward this to many's great stuff that people need to hear.

Getting ready to go into Wednesday night service so I only have a second, but I'll be back to share some more thoughts later...I just wanted to say, the things you are learning through this are priceless and the ticket to your destiny.

Who-da thunk it?! God works in mysterious ways.

Love you guys

Dr. Deanna DossShrodes said...

Okay, I'm back...

You said: "So if someone whispers in your ear, sends you a nasty letter, don't rehearse it, delete it and speak back to the enemy, knowing that the enemy is not a person, it is a spirit. The person is simply a vessel that the enemy is using to accomplish his purpose. Don't take it personal, it is for righteousness sake and great is your reward!"

So true, Craig. I believe we have to learn how to press our delete button or block emails or use caller ID or whatever - - these can be protections from God when we need them. God doesn't want us to injest that JUNK into our spirits.

I did a really stupid thing one time. I had some letters from someone years ago who had said some things above me, untrue. I kept them (even though they were lies) because I wanted to use them to prove what they said to me if I needed to at some point. I had them all in a large 10 x 13 envelope and kept them in my locked briefcase so no one would find them. One day my husband saw them in there when I had it open and he said, "what's this? Have you actually been CARRYING THESE AROUND?" I said, "well, yeah to prove my point if I have to someday about how nasty they talked to me!" Larry said, "I think it has done you more harm than good to carry around their horrible words. We need to destroy this." And he went and burned the letters that day. You know my husband -- he is the least "mystical" person ever but he said when he put it in the fire he felt a spirit on those letters. I must say after he burned them I did feel different. I thought I had carried them for my benefit but they were actually doing me harm.

I agree with you, you have to protect yourself from this evil spirit that works through those who are deceived. They think they are doing God's work but they are a puppet.

Blessings and love to you and yours,

Deanna (Larry too) :-)