
"The Power of Inner Images"

Continued from yesterday.

An enemy constantly reminds you of your past while Jesus paints a picture on the inside changing the negative image on the inside of you. With one broad stroke he changed the image of this woman caught in adultery. Go and sin no more! Jesus was changing the image inside her of a life locked up in a negative cycle of sin.

David is reminded of his covenant with Jonathan, and says is there anyone left of the house of Saul that I may show kindness to? He discovers that there is Mephibosheth who is down in Lo Debar (cut off, no revelation). He sends his servant to bring him out of his lowly place and into his rightful place in the palace. Ziba carries him to David (Grace picks you up and brings you into the King's presence) and when David greets him as a prince, Mephibosheth replies that he is just a dog. It is possible to be delivered from your condition, brought into a new position but you still are stuck in your past condition because of an inner image.

Naomi prepares Ruth to meet her Boaz (Kingsmen Redeemer, Full Redemption or Destiny), and she gives this young girl who was is an orphan from a lowly place a final instruction. Before you meet your destiny, you must wash yourself (wash the residue of where you have come from). You can't meet your Boaz and be redeemed until you wash away the old image you have of yourself. (I feel like running a lap now!)

There is a woman in the bible, a Syro Phoenician woman who came to Jesus requesting that He cast a demon out of daughter. Jesus says let the children (Jews) be fed first, for it is not good to throw the children's bread to the dogs. Most of us would have stopped here and went home remaining stuck in our present condition, but not this woman, she replied, Yes Lord but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the table. Wow! Why did she refuse to take no for an answer, because she had an inner image of her daughter being whole.

What happened in these stories? Each of the individuals changed the image on the inside of themselves and they painted a picture of something never done before, a life they didn't know was possible.

Close your eyes to what is around you and look in you because what's in you will change what's around you. What you see on the outside is a lie, what's in you is your reality. Close your eyes and see a day different than what you are presently living in. See your financial situation much different than it is right now. See your body healthy without the need of medicine to sustain life. See yourself not having to rely on other people to help you all the time. See yourself in a place prospering and increasing not living from paycheck to paycheck. See yourself not failing all the time but succeeding. See people not firing you but wanting you to come work for them because you are so valuable and your gifts are necessary.

You can't just pray about it, sow for it, you have to see it. You don't need me to pray for you, you just need to see it! Some of you have been experiencing pain for so long you don't know what whole looks like. I break the images of depression, pain and suffering, of having to go to doctor's all the time, of medical bills, I speak into your spirit life, you will live a long life and goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life!

I speak a picture of you coming out of poverty, of you not having to put groceries on your visa. What does your life look like? Can you see it changing, turning... I break the images of struggle, eviction notices, scared to answer the phone because of the creditors calling, of not having anything.

Can you see your life whole? Can you see your life outside of the recovery stage? Recovering from divorce, going to Church in recovery, recovering from bad marriages, bad debts, trying to regain momentum, life broken into a million pieces, trying to put it back together. Can you see a life that when you wake up you are not filled with anxiety and worry but joy and peace? I declare complete turnaround, favor is falling, your situations are changing. I break the power of regret, hurt, disappointment, guilt.

See yourself in the future cause you look a lot better in the future than you do right now!


PS - Thank you for all your prayers and support. Continue to pray for us. I will be working on the book that will be a sequel to "The Tale of Three Kings".

1 comment:

Dr. Deanna DossShrodes said...


Again, such an awesome word. Just a few thoughts I have to encourage you...

When you pray that God would take you into your destiny, He schedules an adversary for you to overcome. An enemy tries to destroy the hope that is within you, but greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world!

What you thought was your greatest problem will be your exit from trouble!

You can rise above if you continue to see yourself as God sees you instead of how your adversary tries to get you to see yourself. You know the touch of God is upon your life. This is the main thing that drives the adversary crazy...they can clearly see the undeniable touch of God upon your life.

Every man or woman that ever rose to greatness had to overcome something. Read everything the Word of God says will be given to those who OVERCOME...

Craig Sloan, you and Tara are OVERCOMERS! Keep going. Don't stop! The Word He has put in your mouth will go forth to the nations! You have blessed many over the years with your words of life when they were in their trial by fire. Now it is their turn to remind you of the many promises you have declared over the years. They are YES AND AMEN for you! The many words you have spoken and seeds you have sown are coming in as a harvest of victory and blessing for you.

We love you,

Deanna & Larry