
"Do it Again" The Prayer of Faith

The other day I was talking to a Pastor in Florida for whom myself and my wife will be ministering at their missions conference. As we were winding down the conversation, I felt compelled to encourage the Pastor to read the book of Haggai. I wasn't sure why but I knew it was the word of the Lord. Later I found out that the Pastor read Haggai in one of the newer versions which listed the dates in the Western Culture. The date in which Haggai was ministering the word of the Lord is the same date we will be ministering at their Church. Man, does God know what He is doing or what. Pray for a genuine move of God.

I want to ask those of you that are our prayer warriors and friends to continue to pray. I am booking preaching appointments through next year. I want divine appointments and divine connections. Bishop Tony Miller taught me years ago that the three most important things you can pray for are:

1) Divine Appointments and Divine Connections
2) Favor that Ain't Fair
3) Wisdom
4) Open Doors (I added)

We are beginning to get direction on the next step so continue to pray with us.

I will share with one more thing concerning the prayer of faith.

James 5:15-1815 And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. 16 Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. 17 Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. 18 And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit. NKJV

What is the prayer of faith, it is not just believing for something to happen or that you prayed in faith. the prayer of faith is when you pray and you keep on praying, you ask and you keep on asking, you knock and you keep on knocking. You plant the seed of the word, you water it, you confess it, declare it again, confess it, and thank God for the manifestation again, and when you don't see it, you do it again. There has been a wrong theology that has crept into the Church that teaches that if you pray for something more than once you don't have enough faith. I guess that's why you see many different miracles such as the woman with the issue of blood that persisted and pressed even when everything else had already been done.

The prayer of faith is refusing to take no for an answer, it is having pit bull tenacity and locking your teeth into what you are believing for and praying till something happens (Daniel 9,10). He that endures unto the end shall be saved. To endure is to outlast your opposition until you get what you are promised.

Know this, that just as you have an assignment in life, you have an enemy that has been assigned to stop you. The key to getting the victory is to focus not on the enemy but to focus on the spoils (Heb. 12:1-2). It is not saying look how big the giant is but look how big the prize is. Jesus endured because he saw you on the other side of his struggle, and you gave Him the power to endure.

Before quitting why don't you stick around and see what you have been fighting for. If you have had 10 year battle, then I would say to you, you are at least entitled to a ten year blessing! Why is that the devil has been fighting you so hard? If you have been fighting this hard, what kind of breakthrough is at the end of the fight?

So what is the prayer of faith, it is after you have fished all night and caught nothing, throw your net in again, and if you don't catch anything throw it in again. It is Elijah hearing the sound of the abundance of rain, and getting in a birthing position, why? Because what God is about to do isn't natural and it isn't going to fall out of heaven, no, you are going to push it out of your spirit! The frustration you are feeling is heaven trying to break into the earth through you!

When the servant went 6x's and saw nothing, Elijah said, go look again! For those of you that haven't seen anything, the word of the Lord is look again! And on the seventh time he saw a cloud the size of a man's hand. It ain't much but what you don't know is that God can pour a whole lot of blessings out of that little cloud. Pray the prayer of faith and refuse to quit!


1 comment:

Pastor Shelisa Hull said...

You were right....this was for me. Thanks for the call, thanks for the word!! I am in the birthing position; I am pushing and I refuse to quit until I see my destiny!!