
"Diligence A Key to Success"

Diligence is doing a little thing a long time till the big thing comes (what created for).

Potential is discovering all that you were created to be and do.

"Nothing great every comes easily."

Success is doing everything that God created you to do and be.

We live in society that is a microwave crazy. We want everything the way we want it and we want it now. We don't like process, preparation, waiting... We watch television and define our lives by what is a false reality. We see what we believe is perfect lives but in reality is imperfect lives covered by the glitz and glamour of shiny lights but when the lights are off what seems perfect is filled with confusion and emptiness (see Britney Spears, Heath Ledger).

Here is the hard core truth. Nothing great ever comes easily. The promises of God come by faith and sweat. I come from a Pentecostal background that believes that God shows up in gold dust and smoke. I believe that God shows up in our faith and endurance (hard work). The bible tells us that it is through faith and perseverance (hard work) that we inherit the promises of God, not by staying in a cloud waiting for God to come down. The reality is that God has done everything he is going to do, it is now up to us to roll up our sleeves and begin to activate God's promises through much endurance.

We often blame God for our lack of receiving but it is not a God problem it is a me problem. We need to quit chasing fantasies and begin to be diligent with what God has given us. Don't give up on your dream, pay the price. Pray as if it depends on God, and work as if it depends on you. be diligent and God's blessings and favor will come on you.

Here are a few examples:

Noah preached the same sermon for 800 years and built the ark (it was huge). He spent most of his life preparing for something he had never seen while everyone else was partying.

Gideon was in a wine press threshing wheat (wrong place doing the wrong thing) but at least he was doing something.

David was watching his father's sheep (killed a lion and a bear).

Moses was working for his father in law (40 years) in the backside of the desert.

Ruth was working in the field when one moment of favor came and caused her to own the field she was working in.

Joshua was serving Moses...

Elisha was plowing with oxen when Elijah came and threw his mantle on him.

Peter, James and John were mending their nets.

Nehemiah was serving the King.

Paul was persecuting the Christians (thought he was serving God).

Whatever your potential is, it is up to you to work out what God has worked in you. You never know when your moment will come. You may be like Colonel Sanders who was past the age of sixty when he took what he had (a chicken leg) and stepped into his moment.

You may be like Kurt Warner who went from bagging groceries to winning a Super Bowl and setting the record for completion percentage.

Take what you got and work it. Your day is coming. Don't become weary in doing good, for in due season (your time is due) you will reap a harvest if you don't give up (Gal. 6:9). God is getting you ready for what he has ready for you. You may not think you have much but take it and work it. Just do it!

Craig Sloan

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