
"My Favorite Lady"

Before I continue to talk about change, I would like to honor a true Proverbs 31 woman. She is my wife, my best friend, my lover and my partner in ministry and so much more. She is the most unselfish person I know. Years ago when I traveled as an evangelist all over the world she supported me without ever complaining. I was gone for most of four years straight during that time. I was scheduled to preach many times for a weekend and would end up staying at one Church preaching for weeks every night (one Church for 7 weeks). I would call home and inform my wife that the Pastor had requested I stay another week, she would support me and encourage me although I was ready to go home (She stayed with our four daughters). Here is some of the things she represents to me.

* Loving and compassionate
* Diligent, hard worker yet she never complains.
* Giving
* Doesn't gossip but speaks positive about others, even when they don't.
* Positive influence of others
* Non religious (not just going through the motions)
* Amazingly creative (wait till you see some of the things she is working on).
* Patient (I'm not)
* Powerful communicator of God's word, with a prophetic in season anointing.
* Non judgmental of others (I'm tired of the Church's self made rules), she loves people for who they are.
* Unbelievable mom, because of her all five of are girls are wonderful (4 in school make A honor roll).
* Futuristic, is always planning ahead.
* Amazing writer and author.

She has at times been looked down upon because of the priority she places on her family and home. She has refused to allow the ministry to become more important than her family. Because of her faithfulness God is going to reward her with a world wide impacting ministry, in fact He already is.

Doors have began to open for her to minister in major women's conferences. I am so proud of her. One am honored to return the favor by supporting her in the doors of opportunity that God is opening for her. Tara, you are the best!

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