
"What is Success?"

I want to share some thoughts with you concerning Potential. Here goes...

Where purpose is not know there is mistaken identity. The word sin in the bible means to miss the mark or bulls eye. Sin is the result of mistaken identity. When you don't know who you are and what is in you, you will live a life of trespassing. Paul refers to trespassing in the book of Ephesians. It means that you are living a life on someone else's property. You are pursuing and possessing what is not yours. This is sin. In fact to covet means to desire something that God did assign to you. I believe that many people that have accomplished great things will get to heaven and find out they spent their life climbing the ladder of success, only to find out it is leaning against the wrong building! I call this running a race in someone else's lane.

* Success is not the accumulation of stuff, success is finding out your purpose and fulfilling it before you die.

* God has promised you the days to fulfill your purpose, there is a difference between dying and being killed. Purpose keeps you alive until you fulfill it, when you are killed, you are taken before you fulfilled your purpose.

* The moment you lose purpose, death begins to set in.

Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 10:12 that it is not wise to compare ourselves amongst ourselves... Most people measure their success by someone else's ruler. When we do this, we think we are something we are not (cat thinking you are a bird).

* The only comparison we are to make is what we should do and what we can do, what we should be . You are only required to fulfill what is inside of you. You are not required to outdo everybody else.

* God wants us to die empty. The richest place in the universe is the grav yards where unfulfilled potential lies. Books never written, songs never composed, stories never told...

* You are to compare yourself to your potential. What's in me? How much passionate pursuit do I have to live it out in my lifetime.

On the television show "The Cribs", the idea is that they show you how somebody lives that made it and if you get that crib you have made it. There are people with the crib but because they are not fulfilling their potential, they are miserable.

* Don't go to the television to define success for you. Define your success by who God made you to be. Remember nobody ever recognizes a carbon copy, but everybody notices something different. Being different attracts opportunities, advantages, favor, notoriety. How do you separate yourself from the crowd so God can use you? By finding out what is in you, and being passionate to get it out. Give birth to the real you!

Craig Sloan

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