
"Purpose and Potential"

I will sharing over the next few days concerning purpose and potential. I will never forget Dr. Myles Monroe making a powerful statement that rocked my world and still does.

"Until Purpose Is Known, Abuse is inevitable."

Let me explain, how many of you have taken a knife and tried to brush your teeth with it, taken a hammer and used it to eat with, taken your socks and used them as earplugs? I hope none of you, if you have you might want to get checked out. When you don't understand your purpose, you will run with anybody and do anything. You will wake up and go to bed, wake up and go to bed, stuck in the normal routines of life.

If you don't know your purpose, you will:

* Be frustrated
* Be unfulfilled
* Spend life stuck on one season, unable to transition to the next season.
* Allow anyone to put whatever label they want to put on you.
* Be a victim
* Live far below your potential.
* Blame everybody else for your lack of success.
* Produce generations of cycles of failure and disappointment.
* Have a numb feeling that you are missing something.
* Be miserable and make everybody else miserable.
* Always be living in the dream stage but never fulfilling them.

I will be dealing with this for the next several blogs. I want to start by asking you some questions.

* Are you satisfied with your present life?

* Do you have a clue where you are going?

* Do you know what you will need to get there?

* Do you have confidence in your tomorrow?

* Do you live in fear and anxiety over tomorrow?

* Do you dread waking up each day?

* Do you believe that it can get better?

* Are you willing to change and do whatever it takes to break out...?

To be continued...

Craig Sloan

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