
"The Big is in the Small"

Song 2:15
15 Catch us the foxes,The little foxes that spoil the vines,For our vines have tender grapes.NKJV

Mtt 13:33
Another parable He spoke to them: "The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened." NKJV

Matt 13:31-32
Another parable He put forth to them, saying: "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field, 32 which indeed is the least of all the seeds; but when it is grown it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches." NKJV

1 Cor 5:6
6 Your glorying is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump?NKJV

I was recently challenged with the statement the big is in the small. God will often send you a big thing in a small package. Many of us think that our prayers will be answered when that big man of God comes to us and slaps the oil on our head, when it could be the little prayer of your grandmother. I heard someone say recently that the biggest impacts in their life come through what would seem to be little people. Bishop Tony Miller used to say, "Big Doors Open On Small Hinges". Could it be you are missing the big thing because you are looking for a big door instead of responding to the small doors of life?

In 2 Kings chapter 5, we see a great commander, honorable man, man of war and valor... He had a great resume but he had leprosy. Underneath the shiny armor their was something that was eating away at him. Isn't that just like Church people who come to Church week in and week out wearing their shiny stuff, sing the songs just right, say amen at the right time, shout on key but when they go home they still have a but. I have never met anyone who didn't have a but in their life, there are big buts, little buts, round buts... Every great person has a butt.

It was an instruction from a servant girl and a prophet's servant to unlock his miracle (be careful who you show your but to). What if Naaman could not receive the instruction of what could be perceived as a lesser person because of their function or title? What if he felt he was too important to dip seven times in the Jordan river (one of the filthiest)? What if he felt he was too high and mighty to get low and take a dip? What if when the prophet didn't come out and wave his hand over him and say shabba shabba but instead sent his servant with a simple instruction. God biggest acts are often seen through small instructions. The big is in the small!

Solomon said it is the little foxes that spoil the vines, in other words your life is destroyed by the little details. James said that the tongue is a little spark that results in a big fire. He also said that a big ship is turned by a small rudder.

If your finances are in disarray, it is not a big thing (lottery) that will change it, or giving a big seed in one Church service but it is a small thing like keeping your receipts to see where your money is going, cutting unnecessary spending, spending less than you bring in, living off a budget.

If you want to lose weight there is no magic pill or program that will give you instant success. I have seen most people on fad diets gain more weight in the end than they lost. It may be a small thing like not eating after 7:00 pm, cutting your portions, exercising, eating healthy... If your relationship or marriage is a wreck, it isn't some special conference or attending counseling session for 20 weeks, it may be that you need to spend quality time together, start respecting your wife or husband.

I heard T.D Jakes say years ago, that I should see your destination in your preparation. In other words, if what you are doing right now is not taking you where you want to go, then by all means get off the train! What little things can you begin to do (small steps will take you anywhere) to move towards your dream? Success is intentional, it is planned. It is not accidental, drop out of heaven one day while you are daydreaming.

Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is like a little leaven that leavens the whole lump. It is like a mustard seed that grows into a mighty tree... Big things start small. So quit putting off those small steps and begin to go after what God has put in your heart. Do a little thing for a long time and you will have great success.

Craig Sloan


"Go Where You Are Celebrated Not Tolerated"

In my study on honor, one thing that the Lord is teaching me is that is that your not assigned to everybody but you are assigned to somebody. You were created to solve a problem for somebody that only you can solve. Someone needs the treasure that is in your vessel. You have an assignment in life to:

1) A Person
2) A Place
3) A Problem

You are designed by God to take problems off the plate not create them. In fact you are not paid based on your degree, pedigree, or your looks, you are paid based on the problems you solve. Before David became a giant killer and was uncovered in front of an entire nation, David was first faithful to watch over his father's sheep. Even after he was anointed he did not go out and get prophets cards made, he went back to taking care of the sheep. Many in life are frustrated because they have confused the call and God's timing.

Here is a question I want to challenge you with. Can you be anointed for a big thing and still be faithful in a small thing? Saul who was King of Israel was tormented by a demonic presence and his servants told him there is a young man who is talented, skilled, good looking and annointed (quite a resume) who can play on the harp and bring peace to you. One of the characteristics of your assignment is not only will you solve a problem but you will be a peacemaker. Notice I didn't say a peacekeeper. There is a difference. A peacemaker is one who can step into conflict and speak the truth in a way that brings resolution or change. A peacekeeper is on who sells out his convictions and values to keep peace in a relationship.

After calling for David (Saul's problem created David's opportunity), David ministered to Saul and when he played the harp peace came. The servant's talked about the problem but David solved it. Are you one who talks about the problem or do you solve them?

Lastly, David was assigned to be a blessing to Saul and the nation as Joseph was to Egypt. Saul's' insecurity and inability to see the blessing that David would bring to him and the nation caused him to hate the very blessing that God had sent him. What if Saul would have celebrated David's success and allowed there to be a culmination of what was in Saul and David to release a double blessing over the nation. David celebrated Saul even when Saul was attempting to kill him. Saul did not celebrate David causing his pure desires and humility to become wrong motives and pride leading to his destruction.

Here is How You Know The Place You Are Assigned:

1) Place where you are celebrated and not tolerated (the real you). If they tolerate you, they will lock the greatness in you. If they celebrate you, they will out of you things that you don't even know are there.

2) Place that you can transform and not conform. (God had put greatness in you). If you can't change it, then leave. Some are tolerating their present circumstances causing their season of pain to be extended.

3) Place that you connect and not be rejected. (You are made to fit in a puzzle). You are the perfect piece, just need to get in the right puzzle.

4) Place that causes you to dream bigger (no limits) not minimize your expectations. Builds you up not tear you down (privately and publicly).

5) Place you can surf with God and not be stuck in a rut (same old thing). It's time to catch the wave of God while others are playing on the sandshore never realizing the adventure of stepping out into greatness.

6) Place you can be real. If you can't be you, then it is not your assignment.

Craig Sloan


"Becoming Radical"

One of the words God has been placing in my heart as a core value is "Radical". It is definitely not average, to fit in, religious, coloring inside the lines, tolerant, nice, mediocre, pamsy Christianity, whatever will be, will be, popular, business as usual...

God put a radical spirit in me to live my life not waiting but catching the wave of God, stepping into my God moment. I don't want life to pass me by without ever doing anything that is radical.

Radical Disciple Making

There is a fresh wave of the Holy Spirit in the church - there is a spirit of open handedness in the church that reject the competitive, isolationist, and protections of the past couple generations.

What do we want people in this fresh wave of people to have (3 new visions)…

* Permission to say “NO” - teach and knowledge future leaders to say “NO”. Train this not to modify the vision by saying “NO”. No means saying YES to a committed path. These leaders have permission to put people on the team who believe in the vision and kick off those who don't believe in the vision. Know the call of God and give your life blood for it. This new generation of church leaders need to be trained to not be concerned about being liked, but to stay true to God’s vision. New churches falter and died because they don’t learn to say NO.

* GO! The old generation of church leaders said “come”. The new generation says, GO. The new generation of churches and pastors hold their people with open hands and tell them to GO.

These leaders will release control to let their people GO for the vision for reproducing new churches. So that the presence of Jesus can be uniquely presented in ever believer. GO means you release people regardless the size of the church. GO means that you can release people who don’t believe your vision to GO do ministry else where or attend else where. As they GO the Spirit of God will give you power to accomplish God’s vision else where.

* NO EGO. If we develop leaders with NO EGO then the world will see our love. These new leaders won’t care if they don’t get the credit. They just want the gospel to transfer. Phil 2:5 - He made Himself nothing and humbled himself. These new leaders will mimic Jesus, by letting others surpass them. These leaders will give it all away.

These leaders will not be controlled by denominational leaders. These leaders will say, my dream is to die for the mission and give it all away. Live and let it go! Be broken and let it go. This can’t happen as long as we are holding the jar.

Tomorrow: "Go Where You Are Celebrated Not Tolerated."


"How to Make Vision Stick"

Andy Stanley is the founding and lead pastor of Northpoint Church in Alpharetta, Georgia. He is a gifted leader and communicator.

Stanley message at Exponential '08. He expands on these ideas in his small, yet significant book, Making Vision Stick. Anyone who leads in any area of life can benefit from reading this simple book.

Definition: vision is a mental picture of what could be (the dream) fueled by a passion for what should be…

* It always begins as a “burden.

How To Make Vision Stick:

1. State It SIMPLY. Question: What are you trying to accomplish? State it simply and memorably… Keep in mind that “memorable is portable.” Question: What is the vision for your local church?

Some Examples of SIMPLE Mission Statements:Northpoint Church: …create a church that unchurched people love to attend…ONE Campaign: …to make poverty history…Barak Obama: …change… (Can you describe Hillary or McCain’s mission?)All of these statements are memorable... Make your mission clear and compelling…

2. Cast It ConvincinglyExample:

Nehemiah rebuilding the broken down walls in Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2)

Casting a convincing mission require at least three things:

• Define the problem: What problem does our vision address? What would go undone if our church ceased to exist?

• Offer the solution: • Explain why and why now: What makes this the right time to pursue this vision. Answering the “why” and “why now” questions will ignite passion… Be very specific!

3. Repeat It RelentlesslyVision leaks…

* You must repeat the vision regularly… Look at the attendance patterns in your church and allot high attendance “peak times” in your calendar to sharing vision.

4. Celebrate It SystematicallyFind ways to celebrate your vision…

* When you “catch” someone living out the vision, celebrate that “win.” Share stories… Show pictures…

* Good Practice: Ask your staff about ministry “wins” in their respective spheres of influence….

5. Embrace It Personally and PubliclyShare what you are doing to personally live out the vision… Share stories about your involvement in evangelism and small groups… People need to know that the leader has “bought in” to the vision and is personally living it out…

Great Stuff!

Craig Sloan


5 Things That Must Happen In A Leader's Life

Here is some notes from Bishop Tony Miller's Affecting Destiny Conference. I really missed going this year but I am getting all the Cd's.

Five Things that Must Happen in Every Leader’s Life

* There is nothing more powerful than a man with a microphone Gandhi took India Martin Luther King Jr. changed America Bin Ladin attacks America through videos The Great

* Commission is not “Y’all Come” but “Go” We have been given the ministry of reconciliation For years in the charismatic move we got hung up on Eph 4:11 – 5 fold This is really your job description… not a badge

* Whatever my function is… that is what I’m supposed to be doing and serving the body There is a shift coming to it being about 4:11-16 Eph 4:14 – FOR the equipping of the saints…

* FOR = ultimate function/intention EDIFYING = mend broken bones, mend broken nets… allows people to be functional and fruitful FOR THE WORK OF THE MINISTRY

* 7 Mountains – saints have assignments in each of the mountains… We are her to equip them to go!

* We have to overcome the dichotomy between sacred and secular This began with the Greek poets (Socrates, Plato) who said that leaders were born rather than created Charisma… gifted by the gods… and you were destined to lead Jesus attacked it (Leadership is not ‘Lording it’ over people, Paul really attacked it (whatever you do, do it to the glory of God!)

* Deliberate mediocrity is sin.

* We only do what heaven gave us permission to do

* When you are pressed on every side… you have a day of visitation. You don’t plan for it but you perceive it

* A whole new realm of authority, breakthrough is coming but ‘will you let me take you there?’
* Quit struggling over whether you have the gifts that others have… God is measuring what he gave you!

* God gives you a realm of authority based on what he called you to do You are not all getting the same thing – some have more gifting than others The key: what did you do with what you are given?

* Leaders miss out when they play it safe and protect what they have Many of us have a theology/lifestyle that is way too safe… we serve a God that is way too safe God intended us to live a life of faith that is full of adventure (a risky, dangerous, undertaking) Many of us theologically are in to faith, but in practicality we play it safe! Matthew 25:26 – You wicked and lazy servant… Those who do nothing with what they are given are classified as wicked and lazy!

* God wants to grow your understanding Every leader has to be a continual learner Bobby Clinton (Leadership Expert) – studied 2300 leaders and only 30% finished well (increase).

* After some momentary success they plateaued in their learning scale – they stopped growing personally I cannot lead thousands if I cannot even lead me

* The Bible still says ‘study to show thyself approved’ God is looking for voices not echos I tell young preachers: as a young leader don’t waste your time but dig a well that you can draw from when the time of your fulfillment comes! Right now, I’m preaching what I got 20 years ago but didn’t have a place to preach it. DIG A WELL!! I used to read 5 books per week, I still read 2-3 per month.

* Your adversary (not Gods!) roams about seeking whom he may desire and he traffics in ignorance. The first thing that God created was light (son was created on the fourth day though) What we have been teaching in our local churches has often been incomplete, not incorrect just incomplete because revelation is progressive.

* Exposure, I have to be willing to expose myself to things I’ve never been exposed to There are people that have keys that will unlock things that are inside of me There is more to the Body of Christ than just your little group.

* You have to keep encountering new things to become everything that God wants There has to be cross pollination for the real blooming of the LORD to come forth.

* St. Augustine wrote a book early in his life, and then another one fifty years later that totally contradicted the first. When asked why he said ‘because I lived 50 years’ It challenges our limiting belief systems… most of us live in mental prisons If Moses hadn’t been adopted he wouldn’t have fulfilled his destiny.

* Effectiveness, stop asking God to give you bigger and ask him to make you better Adding more quantity does not make you bigger Some platforms are simply magnifies them God increase my strength and capacity so I can become effective.

* As a leader we learn to master life at the small dimensions (If you can count to 10 you can count to a billion) If you can master a day… you will master a week Effectiveness = mastering the small dimensions of your life.

* Evaluate Yourself As a leader self-knowledge is far more important than task knowledge. If you know yourself you will not be manipulated by pride into false assignments.

* If you don’t know were you are you will not know how to get to where you want to goMall Map – “you are here”.

* Growth Environment Do I put myself in an atmosphere that sharpens where I’m going. Some people will try and talk you out of your destiny and hinder your growth as an individual.

* Every person that meets you, meets you in a box – but if you get out of that box and they can’t handle it they will become your enemies. Example: shared a story about a pastor he was close friends with… all of a sudden God started to promote him and his friend couldn’t handle it.

* Your biggest challenge for your dream will come from your brethren, not your enemies. Are there relationships in my life that keep trying to pull me back?You will always grow to the threshold of your pain.

Craig Sloan


"Honor on Three Levels"

Studying Matthew 10:40-42
"He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me. 41 He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward. And he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward. 42 And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward." NKJV

Jesus is teaching here about honoring people on three different levels of relationship.

1) Prophet (vertical) (those over you)
2) Righteous man (horizontal) (peers)
3) Little ones (those under your care)

* If you receive a prophet (leader) in my name, you will receive their reward.

* If you receive the gift on their life, that gift will fall on you.

* It is easier to esteem highly those over us than it is to esteem those beside us (like us). It is interesting how we treat our spouse much differently when we are dating than we do after we have been married for 15 years.

* Jesus is teaching us that there will be a reward based on how I esteem on all three levels.

* What I can draw out of you is based on how I see you.

* If I receive you, I receive Jesus, and if I receive him, I receive the one who sent Him (father).

I want to learn how to honor on all three levels. Your ability to bless me is not based on how anointed you are, but it is based on how I view you. If I see you as just ordinary Willie, then I will receive nothing, but if I see you as a anointed vessel of God then I will draw out of you something that will bless me.

What is the difference between Benny Hinn and Pastor Willie who is faithful to his Church but is unknown? People will drive hours to see Benny Hinn but because of familiarity (comes based on your close proximity to someone) all they see their Pastor as, is one who marries, buries and visits the sick. The reality is that they both have the same Holy Spirit, they both have an anointing, but the difference is based on how you view them. If I see Pastor Willie as a man of God then I will draw the same power out of him. I receive you based on how I perceive you. If I perceive greatness on you then your greatness will bless me.

I used to think a Church service was based on me praying for three hours but now I know that I can pray all but if you view me as just Craig, then you will receive nothing. I have seen this difference in my life. I remember going to Jamaica and Bolivia and how they honored me as if I was Benny Hinn. I saw God do amazing things there. I have also been to Churches to preach where nothing happened no matter how annointed I was or how powerful my message was. I wanted to get out of there. It was based on how they viewed me. The same blessing that was released in those countries could have been released in that Church.

When Jesus went to one town they saw Him as the son of God, therefore they drew the God nature out of Him and great things happened. When Jesus went to His hometown, they saw Him as just a carpenters boy, therefore they drew nothing out of Him, in fact he could not do many mighty miracles there except to heal a few (colds).

Was is a different Jesus? No
It was the same Jesus, same Holy Spirit, same ability, but different perspectives. One placed great honor releasing power out of Him and the other by not placing value on Him restrained the power on His life.

That's why the bible tells us to esteem others over yourself, to prefer others over yourself. I truly believe that God sends blessings to us every day but because they come in a package we don't like, we miss the blessing. Could it be that the way you treated that waitress this morning rudely hindered a blessing God had for you, could it be that the way you treated your wife robbed you... Could it be that the way you treat your boss or those who work for you is locking up blessings from you. If we can get this I believe it would change our homes, workplaces and our city. I choose to honor those I come in contact with today. You never know who God will send your way that is a key to you receiving your reward.

Craig Sloan


"The Power of a Blessing"

Years ago one of my daughters was struggling with her grades in school. She worked very diligently to get good grades but she fell short most of the time. I was praying about this because every true father wants their children to succeed (today fathers are jealous of their kids success). The Lord challenged me through the word to begin to pray blessings daily over my children. As I looked throughout scripture I began to see that the Hebrew and Jewish nation has grasped this powerful revelation. In fact Galatians tells us that the blessing of Abraham has come to us through Christ Jesus (Gen. 12:1-3; Galatians 3:26-29). God told Abraham that though him all the families of the earth would be blessed. The blessing was passed down through the generations through the family tree and was then transferred to the spiritual family through Christ. Today less than 1% of the Jewish nation are in prison or live in poverty. They attract success. They are painted with the fragrance that attracts the blessing of God (Luke 4:18-19).

Secondly, I began to see how this blessing was passed. It was transferred through the laying on of hands and a declaration over the children. We see Abraham blessing his children, Isaac blessing Jacob and Esau, Jacob blessing his sons... I began to daily speak the blessings of Deut. 28; Iss. 54:14-17; Dan 6:3, 1:17,20; Ps. 8:5-6; Ps. 82:6; Ps. 115:14; Ps. 127:3-4; Ps. 5:12). An amazing thing happened, my daughters grades began to improve rapidly. Today she is a " A honor roll student". In fact all my children are "A" students and they are the top of their class(I declare over them they will graduate in the top 10% of their class). This is not because their father is a genius. It is because of the power of the blessing.

Lastly, don't allow other's opinion of your children to change your expectation of them. My youngest daughter was in preschool. She was behind in her learning. The principal of the school wanted to keep her back in preschool and recommended so on the last report card. I once again took this principle and began to apply it over my daughter. We went ahead and placed her in Kindergarten and today when I picked up her report card, the teacher told me that my daughter is one of her top students. Don't ever allow someone else to have the final say over your children. Cancel every negative word and speak God's word over them. I guarantee you, your children will go to new levels immediately!

Craig Sloan

"Qualifying Your Vision" (Guest Blogger: Perry Noble)

How Do You Know If Your Vision Is From God?

Great question…here are a few suggestions…

* If you feel confident that you can accomplish what is in front of you with no problem at all…then you didn’t hear from God.

*If no one is angry at you…then you didn’t hear from God.

*If you don’t have to ask anyone to sacrifice to make the vision come true…then you didn’t hear from God.

*If religious people are not steaming at you, blogging about you and/or leaving your church…then you didn’t hear from God.

*If you have the money in the bank to do what God has asked you church to do…then you didn’t hear from God.

*If every step is perfectly designed and nothing happens to totally throw you off along the way…then you didn’t hear from God.

*If someone doesn’t try to talk you out of what you are about to attempt…then you didn’t hear from God.

*If you don’t stay up at night thinking about the vision…then you didn’t hear from God.

*If your vision is in contradiction to God’s Word…then you didn’t hear from God. (And no, you didn’t get a “special revelation” that gave you permission to trump His Word!)

*If you know all of the answers…then you didn’t hear from God.

Craig Sloan

Is Your Vision From God?


"Kill Those Flies"

Ecclesiastes 10:1
Dead flies putrefy (destroy) the perfumer's ointment (anointing) and cause it to give off a foul odor.

God recently challenged me to being a fast along with my wife concerning some things we are believing for. There are in most of us recurring cycles, things that keep reappearing, that pest and hinder us. In fact, I would dare to say that you and I don't have many things that hinder us but one thing. The enemy has studied us, that is his life. He knows are weak spots and he will keep hitting them until we master that area. Whatever you serve, you are a slave to (Romans 6:16). Some of us serve debt, fear, wrong relationship, marriage in havoc, children who are rebellious...

The Lord showed me recently one of the ways we can break free and transition into cycles of victory and blessing. When I live in the south, we had a terrible roach problem. We would have the exterminator come and spray once a month. Every time that he came it was like he was spraying sugar water. The more he sprayed the worse it got. I thought maybe he is spraying sugar water so that he can keep coming back. I found out in a study that when you spray for roaches, it kills only the present living roaches that have hatched but it doesn't kill the eggs. As the eggs hatch they multiply.

This is the way negative cycles work, you go to Church and get temporary relief from the things that pest you, but then several days later the pest problem is multiplied (leaves and returns with seven times more). Satan is referred to in scripture as the Lord of the Flies. Flies are symbolic of negative cycles, or things that hinder you from God best for your life.How do I break the cycles once and for all? I am glad you asked.

Throughout scripture we find the 40 day fast (Jesus, Moses, Paul, Elijah). After each of them finished the fast there was always a breakthrough and release of power. Now I don't believe that fasting moves or takes the limits off God. I do believe however that fasting takes the limits off and positions us to receive what is already ours in spiritual places (Eph. 1:3) but we yet to access and see in reality in our life.

The 40 day fast, will deal with and break all the negative things that continually pest you. Notice that as you go on this fast the further you get the roaches that have been hidden will begin to surface in a swarm. You will experience situation that will appear to say your fast is not working or that you are going down, but really it is an indicator that God is dealing with the hidden things that are keeping you from your next level. Stand fast and press forward you are about to step into a season of release and restoration!

Be Blessed,
Craig Sloan


"2 Major Issues With Church Today"

I have heard many times over the years Churches being criticized for entertainment. The very meaning of entertainment is to "captivate some one's attention". One of the reasons Churches have been in decline is because we have become irrelevant to the culture and times that we live in and sometimes we are just plain boring. We want people to flock our services and enlist for membership but we are still doing Church like they did in the 50's. We don't want old cars, old washing machines or clothes but we still want old time religion. No wonder we are losing our youth generation to MTV. Let's get with the times. It has been proven that your biggeste competition is not the Churches down the road but Target, Walmart, Starbucks, Sports...

I believe we should use the best technology and tools that have been provided to create an atmosphere where people can be engaged causing life transformation. Our method is not sacred but our message is. Whatver it takes to reach our city and bring them into a relationship with Christ.

Here are some ways we can do this:

* Gear your music towards your target audience, if you are reaching the young unchurched generation then you may need to change your music from traditional to contemporary. Paul said, "I try to find common ground with everyone so that I may bring them to Christ" (1 Cor. 9:22 NLT). In other words I have to determine the language and culture of those I am wanting to reach and be willing to adapt even if it doesn't fit my personal preferences.

* Dress according to the culture you are ministering to. As I have studied some of the fastest growing Churches, I have seen that they are not wearing three piece suits and alligator shoes but they are wearing blue jeans and shirts without ties. Here is the reason why, you attract who you are. If you want to attract Church people (conversion growth) keep the traditional music and dress in your decked out suits but if you want to reach the unchurched dress accordingly. After all it is not the fancy clothes that make you who you are, it is what is on the inside.

* Change from paper bulletins to media presentations. Redemption World Outreach Center in Greenville, SC uses a captivating media presentation to announce their important announcements. This not only saves paper and money but in a recent study it was noted that less than 30 percent of Church goers even look at the bulletin much less remember what is in it. Over 75 percent of learning is now visual.

* Use videos to lead in to your messages. People watch movies and there are some great clips out there that will give some pizazz to your message.

* Focus on improving your foyer (hang out area). Many of the fastest growing Churches are spending more on their foyers than they are the sanctuary. The number one reason people go to Church is to connect. What better way to accomplish this than to make your foyer a place to hang out through a coffee center, tables, music playing... Starbucks has mastered the art of creating environments that attract people.

* Preach Series that are answering the questions that people are asking. Bishop Tony said several years ago that most of the preachers today are answering questions that nobody is asking. The bible is as current today as today's newspaper. Do series that address the issues of the culture that you live in such as dating, building families, parenting, sex, finances, marriage, setting goals for your life. What are the questions that your city is asking. After you decide your series, promote, promote, promote! Use posters, video lead ins, mail outs, banners and so much more.

To be continued...

Craig Sloan

"Where Do You Get Your Vision"

Here is my guest blogger Perry Noble.

One of the questions that is often asked of me by pastors and church leaders is, “Where do you get your vision?”

My answer usually seems to frustrate them because…well…it’s simple. Leadership (and vision) is as easy as listening to God.Vision does not come through a committee. Good ideas may come that way. Much needed discussion may come out of a meeting like that…but not vision. Vision does not come through a conference. You may get INSPIRATION…but not REVELATION. I think of of the sad things in conference world today is pastors will attend a conference, go home & then try to be EVERYTHING except for what God called them to be.

Vision does not come out of books. Once again–excellent ideas do. Wisdom comes from reading. You can seriously be challenged and stretched by reading…but vision isn’t in the pages of the next best seller.

Vision does not come from trying to repeat what has been successful in the past…that’s not vision, that’s the leader being a victim of previous success. I still say that passionate, white hot, hell charging, world changing & people inspiring vision comes from intentional and uninterrupted time with Jesus…in HIS Word, seeking HIS face through prayers–staying connected with HIS Holy Spirit throughout the day.

So when people ask me, “Where do you get your vision?” My answer is always the time…I meet with God & I don’t move until He tells me to move…but WHEN He tells me to move I go until He tells me to stop.

I am just finished reading through the first five books of the Bible…and most of those books are about Moses…who God totally messed up his life of comfortability and asked him to lead a MAJOR relocation project. He had never done that before…he was CLUELESS…yet…
God used him in an incredible way…and, in my opinion, he is one of the most incredible leaders in all of Scripture.

In reading through Moses’ story I discovered that one of the MOST REPEATED PHRASES in Moses’ leadership journey is, “The Lord told Moses…” and then He would just do what the Lord told him to do. Leadership is as easy as listening to God. I always advise pastors and church leaders to get on their face and stay there until God says otherwise. I have NEVER made a bad or wrong decision when I clearly heard from God and followed–EVER!

So how do you know when your vision is from God?

Great Blogging Perry

Craig Sloan


"Essential Things for Leaders" (Interview with Andy Stanley)

Here is a few thoughts from a interview with Andy Stanley. I would encourage all you leaders to go to One of the most important things in being a leaders is maintaining a learning posture. Leaders who become cynical and say "I have tried everything it doesn't work for me" or " That is their opinion" are short sighted and stuck in a non growing posture.
You may not be able to fly halfway across the country to learn leadership secrets but "Catalyst" has done it for you. Bishop Tony has said many times, "The only difference from five years from now and today, is the people you meet and the books you read".

Andy Stanley:

What is the most important thing for a young leader?

Courage to try new things.

* To ignore critics, be willing to try things that may have failed in the past or nobody has ever attempted.

* Surround yourself with people smarter than you, be willing to overcome insecurities, find the place where your fear is so big that it inflates your insecurity causing you to miss out on opportunities.

* Courage distinguishes between an average leader and a great leader. Leaders who are doing the same thing they they have always done will not grow.

* Look for the leaders in the organization that have the courage to initiate new things. They are not the smartest, brightest, but they are the ones who seize a opportunity (make things happen).

* If you don't initiate, somebody else will. The first one to seize the opportunity is the one who steps into greatness.

How do you maintain accountability in your organization?

I have established a three tier accountability structure which includes:

1. Elders
2. Staff
3. Stewardship team

* When making major decisions I go to all three, if they all agree then I know it is God. We then begin to explore the idea in greater detail.

* We never have all the information, sometimes we have to move out in faith on partial information (navigation).

How do you measure success?

Most organizations measure by things they can count. As people say if you can't measure it, you can't monitor it. Although this is true, we have found success by measuring through life changing stories.

* Rally around the idea of life change. You can't measure it but you know when you see it and if it is not there you can tell.

* We call this a win for us.

* For us it is stories of people crossing the line of faith.

What is the one thing you would say to a new pastor?

Your success is tied to your ability to find out what you are good at, and what you are not good at. Staff based on your weaknesses and build on your strengths.

* If your vision requires a gift that you don't have, staff that gift.

* The sooner you figure out where you excel and don't excel, the sooner you position yourself for success. Spend the majority of your time in your sweet spot. Operate out of your giftedness.

What is one thing you did in the early days that helped you succeed?

Before we started we made a organizational chart for a large organization.

* Fill in the spots with your present team (most will have several areas when start), as you grow you work yourself out of each spot as new people step in.

* This helps your volunteers and team to understand the scope of responsibility, that ministry is not easy and that people are needed. It also gives a sense of vision of something that is bigger than you.

How do you run your staff meetings?

* Meet every Monday to read through a book together and we dialogue about concepts in the book. For example one of our favorites is a book by Marcus Buckingham called "One Thing".

* Every other week, we deal with the nuts and bolts of the Church.

We have been doing this for ten years. We found out early that we couldn't afford to bring in people to train our staff but we could read their books and discuss them.

* Once a month all of our leadership gets together and half of the time is spent with me training them (leadership) and the other half we bring someone from the outside to train us.

* Three time a month we get together and discuss wins for us (stories) of success in our ministries. If it is not happening in you and your staff, it isn't happening in the rest of the organization. We then pray together.

Years ago a leader asked us "Is what is happening here worth exporting to other Churches? If it is not happening with us, it is not happening in our organization. Stories tell us if we are accomplishing our mission.



"Being Broken"

Here is a guest blog by Craig Groeshel.

The Blessings of Brokenness
God rarely (if ever) uses good things to break you. The “breaking” is painful.

On the other side of brokenness, you’ll find many blessings:

* The problems that used to seem big barely register as problems in your world. People’s opinions of you don’t mean nearly as much.

*You fully embrace that you “don’t have enough.” Then—and only then—can God become everything you need.

* You discover an intimacy with God that sustains you moment by moment.

* Scripture becomes the bread that nourishes you. Heaven becomes closer. This world doesn’t hold you as tightly. I

f God is breaking you, I feel for you. I also know that on the other side, you’ll find strength and comfort in the presence of God greater than you’ve ever known.

Craig Sloan's comment:

It is through the process of being broken that God is able to distribute you in a multiplied measure. Jesus takes you like the 5 loaves and two fish (not enough, insufficient) and after he breaks and blesses you, He gives you out to those in need in multiplied form (more than enough). In other words brokenness is the process of multiplication. Though you be small you shall become a thousand times more! God tears us to repair us, and when we are down to nothing, God is up to something!

Be blessed,

Craig Sloan


"Vertical Vision Versus Horizontal Copycat"

The following thoughts are from Jeremiah 23:28-32.

* When we chase someone else's word we lose the power of a personal word from God. The pain in the process of receiving is the power to demonstrate it!

* The reason we lack power in Church and our lives is because we are trying to copy the next big thing. If it is already big, then why does it need you to repeat it? Do a new thing!

* What is it that you want to do with your life? What desire has God put in your heart to fulfill?

* I believe that the primary way God speaks to us other than His word, is how we are hardwired with desires that He put in us.

* Bishop Tony has told me and many others that the proof of your desire is your pursuit!

* One of the ways to know something is from God is the willingness to pay the price for it.

There are many that say they want it, but few are willing to pay the price for it.

* Pastors are you willing to pay a price for a word from God that will burn like fire in your bones or will you take the easy route and copy someone else's? (God asked me this today)

* One way to know it is yours, is when you look at the price tag, you will say I'm willing to pay for that when others around you say, there is no way I would pay for that!

* Are you willing to pay the price?

* Pursue vertical vision instead of horizontal copycat.

* What does God have for me, that is only for me?

* People are attracted to originals, Be you!

To be continued tomorrow...

Craig Sloan
Desiring to be a great original rather than a cheap copy!


"Dream Big Dreams"

God has really been challenging me to live life beyond limitations, to dare to do the impossible, to reach for the unreachable. What is Christ's death on the cross worth to you? Did he go through the painful and excruciating experience so that we would live a normal, mediocre (Latin - the mess we are in)life?

Many of you that are reading this blog are frustrated because you are living a life below the privileges that Christ died for. My definition of frustration is when you lock up extraordinary in ordinary. One of my favorite bible passages is about Blind Bartimaeus (Mark 5). There was something extraordinary locked inside of him despite the fact he had spent most of his life begging, receiving whatever life threw his way. Are you tired of just accepting whatever life dishes out at you? Are you tired of allowing life's circumstances and situations to dominate you?

Jesus did not intend for you to live subject to life's problems, He intends for you to get on top of what has been on top of you. Jesus told the man who had been lame, carried on the mat to get up and take up his mat and go home. I want to prophecy to some of you, it is time for you to get a hold of what has been holding on to you. Paul when he was on the island of Malta (Acts 28) was bitten by a serpent, scholars say that a person who was bitten by this kind of serpent would die in less than three minutes. The islanders watched to see when he would die (people who saw you make it through the last one, think this one is going to do you in for sure). Paul shook it off. Watch this, what was in Paul was greater than the venom in the serpent and what is inside of you is greater than any venom from life's bite. All you need to do is shake it off. In fact what was meant to kill you, you are going to kill it! Nothing can stop you from your destiny.

Here is what Blind Bartimaeus teaches us:

* A cry needs to rise up inside of you, "I refuse to stay here".

* Religion will always try to get you to lower your expectations to the level of your surrounding environment or experience, but revelation will always raise your situation to the level of the revelation (expectation) inside of you.

* Until your revelation becomes greater than your environment, you will remain stuck there!

* Whatever you tolerate you are powerless to change. You are anointed to change it, and if you are not you need to say see ya later alligator!

* Labels do not define you, Bartimeaus means the offspring of a contaminated and polluted spirit. If you allow it it will define your world, you must refuse to lose and know who you are in Christ! You are not who they say you are and you are not what they say you did!

* He couldn't see but he could holler! Don't let life or religion shut you up. You need to get a crazy praise. Silence is deadening.

* He was in Jericho, a cursed place. Jesus walked through the curse and reversed it. No matter where you are Jesus will step through it and change your world!

* Jesus asked him what he wanted, he could have asked for a new begging garment (how they were identified) but he threw his old identity away and say I want to receive my sight. God is about to open your eyes so that you can see what you are destined for. But before Jesus did this he had to take him by the hand and lead him outside the city. God wants to take you out of your present environment and give you a new perspective so that you will have the power to change it. If you can see it, you can be it!

* The price of popularity is conformity (be quiet!), but the price of a reformation is the willingness to be reshaped. God wants to morph you into His origination of your life. He has created a you that is greater than what you are presently experiencing.

* What do you want me to do for you (blank check)? You must be prepared to answer that question, God is about to change your old address and when people come looking for you, they won't find you. God is about to change your location.

I want to challenge you to let a cry rise up inside of you, I refuse to stay here. There is more to life than what I'm presently experiencing. If you don't like it you can change it or leave it!



"Catch on Fire"

I am have been doing quite a bit searching lately, especially since I have been under the weather. I very seldom get sick but at the end of last week, something got me. As I have been forced to slow down and take retrospective of things, I have come to some conclusions and have asked some questions. Here they are.

* Is the life I am living equal to the sacrifice Jesus made for me?
* Are my dreams for my life big enough that they would require God's help?
* When was the last time I took a risk for the Kingdom?
* Am I settling for average or am I going after God's best?
* Have I allowed the water buckets of life to put out my fire?
* I want to get God's heart for souls again.
* I dream of a Church that will impact an entire city for the Glory of God!
* What would a Church look like that becomes passionate about taking their city?
* Have I become so involved in the work of God that I have lost connection with the God of the work?
* I want to get around some white hot people for God so that I can catch their fire, I'm tired of playing Church, when will we be the Church?
* What does God celebrate? Not programs, attendance record, big buildings, successful financial campaigns, politics, republican or democrats, how many books I have read. The only time we find heaven celebrating in the bible is when souls are saved! I want to learn to celebrate what God celebrates.
* Church attendance is decreasing, the population is increasing, meaning the Church must become relevant, real, radical, reaching... The only way to reverse this trend is to target the unchurched. There are more lost people on this planet than there are Christians. What if we quit focusing on transfer growth and instead focus on conversion growth?
* God light me as a flame and let me become busy reaching souls!

God challenged me this morning to rekindle the flame (2 Tim 1:6).

*How did you lose your fire?
* How do you get it back? (Go after God till He gives you a white hot vision for your life).
* Have you sold out for everything but God?
* The only person that can fan your flame is you.
* The only way to regain your heart for lost souls is to get around them.

Let's catch on fire, and watch everything in our path catch on fire!


Triple Threat! Yeah Baby!

In honor of my 20th posting, I decided to do a little something that will show me in RARE form... I do know how to break out and have a little fun... take a look....

