
"Go Where You Are Celebrated Not Tolerated"

In my study on honor, one thing that the Lord is teaching me is that is that your not assigned to everybody but you are assigned to somebody. You were created to solve a problem for somebody that only you can solve. Someone needs the treasure that is in your vessel. You have an assignment in life to:

1) A Person
2) A Place
3) A Problem

You are designed by God to take problems off the plate not create them. In fact you are not paid based on your degree, pedigree, or your looks, you are paid based on the problems you solve. Before David became a giant killer and was uncovered in front of an entire nation, David was first faithful to watch over his father's sheep. Even after he was anointed he did not go out and get prophets cards made, he went back to taking care of the sheep. Many in life are frustrated because they have confused the call and God's timing.

Here is a question I want to challenge you with. Can you be anointed for a big thing and still be faithful in a small thing? Saul who was King of Israel was tormented by a demonic presence and his servants told him there is a young man who is talented, skilled, good looking and annointed (quite a resume) who can play on the harp and bring peace to you. One of the characteristics of your assignment is not only will you solve a problem but you will be a peacemaker. Notice I didn't say a peacekeeper. There is a difference. A peacemaker is one who can step into conflict and speak the truth in a way that brings resolution or change. A peacekeeper is on who sells out his convictions and values to keep peace in a relationship.

After calling for David (Saul's problem created David's opportunity), David ministered to Saul and when he played the harp peace came. The servant's talked about the problem but David solved it. Are you one who talks about the problem or do you solve them?

Lastly, David was assigned to be a blessing to Saul and the nation as Joseph was to Egypt. Saul's' insecurity and inability to see the blessing that David would bring to him and the nation caused him to hate the very blessing that God had sent him. What if Saul would have celebrated David's success and allowed there to be a culmination of what was in Saul and David to release a double blessing over the nation. David celebrated Saul even when Saul was attempting to kill him. Saul did not celebrate David causing his pure desires and humility to become wrong motives and pride leading to his destruction.

Here is How You Know The Place You Are Assigned:

1) Place where you are celebrated and not tolerated (the real you). If they tolerate you, they will lock the greatness in you. If they celebrate you, they will out of you things that you don't even know are there.

2) Place that you can transform and not conform. (God had put greatness in you). If you can't change it, then leave. Some are tolerating their present circumstances causing their season of pain to be extended.

3) Place that you connect and not be rejected. (You are made to fit in a puzzle). You are the perfect piece, just need to get in the right puzzle.

4) Place that causes you to dream bigger (no limits) not minimize your expectations. Builds you up not tear you down (privately and publicly).

5) Place you can surf with God and not be stuck in a rut (same old thing). It's time to catch the wave of God while others are playing on the sandshore never realizing the adventure of stepping out into greatness.

6) Place you can be real. If you can't be you, then it is not your assignment.

Craig Sloan

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