
"The Power of a Blessing"

Years ago one of my daughters was struggling with her grades in school. She worked very diligently to get good grades but she fell short most of the time. I was praying about this because every true father wants their children to succeed (today fathers are jealous of their kids success). The Lord challenged me through the word to begin to pray blessings daily over my children. As I looked throughout scripture I began to see that the Hebrew and Jewish nation has grasped this powerful revelation. In fact Galatians tells us that the blessing of Abraham has come to us through Christ Jesus (Gen. 12:1-3; Galatians 3:26-29). God told Abraham that though him all the families of the earth would be blessed. The blessing was passed down through the generations through the family tree and was then transferred to the spiritual family through Christ. Today less than 1% of the Jewish nation are in prison or live in poverty. They attract success. They are painted with the fragrance that attracts the blessing of God (Luke 4:18-19).

Secondly, I began to see how this blessing was passed. It was transferred through the laying on of hands and a declaration over the children. We see Abraham blessing his children, Isaac blessing Jacob and Esau, Jacob blessing his sons... I began to daily speak the blessings of Deut. 28; Iss. 54:14-17; Dan 6:3, 1:17,20; Ps. 8:5-6; Ps. 82:6; Ps. 115:14; Ps. 127:3-4; Ps. 5:12). An amazing thing happened, my daughters grades began to improve rapidly. Today she is a " A honor roll student". In fact all my children are "A" students and they are the top of their class(I declare over them they will graduate in the top 10% of their class). This is not because their father is a genius. It is because of the power of the blessing.

Lastly, don't allow other's opinion of your children to change your expectation of them. My youngest daughter was in preschool. She was behind in her learning. The principal of the school wanted to keep her back in preschool and recommended so on the last report card. I once again took this principle and began to apply it over my daughter. We went ahead and placed her in Kindergarten and today when I picked up her report card, the teacher told me that my daughter is one of her top students. Don't ever allow someone else to have the final say over your children. Cancel every negative word and speak God's word over them. I guarantee you, your children will go to new levels immediately!

Craig Sloan

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