
"Kill Those Flies"

Ecclesiastes 10:1
Dead flies putrefy (destroy) the perfumer's ointment (anointing) and cause it to give off a foul odor.

God recently challenged me to being a fast along with my wife concerning some things we are believing for. There are in most of us recurring cycles, things that keep reappearing, that pest and hinder us. In fact, I would dare to say that you and I don't have many things that hinder us but one thing. The enemy has studied us, that is his life. He knows are weak spots and he will keep hitting them until we master that area. Whatever you serve, you are a slave to (Romans 6:16). Some of us serve debt, fear, wrong relationship, marriage in havoc, children who are rebellious...

The Lord showed me recently one of the ways we can break free and transition into cycles of victory and blessing. When I live in the south, we had a terrible roach problem. We would have the exterminator come and spray once a month. Every time that he came it was like he was spraying sugar water. The more he sprayed the worse it got. I thought maybe he is spraying sugar water so that he can keep coming back. I found out in a study that when you spray for roaches, it kills only the present living roaches that have hatched but it doesn't kill the eggs. As the eggs hatch they multiply.

This is the way negative cycles work, you go to Church and get temporary relief from the things that pest you, but then several days later the pest problem is multiplied (leaves and returns with seven times more). Satan is referred to in scripture as the Lord of the Flies. Flies are symbolic of negative cycles, or things that hinder you from God best for your life.How do I break the cycles once and for all? I am glad you asked.

Throughout scripture we find the 40 day fast (Jesus, Moses, Paul, Elijah). After each of them finished the fast there was always a breakthrough and release of power. Now I don't believe that fasting moves or takes the limits off God. I do believe however that fasting takes the limits off and positions us to receive what is already ours in spiritual places (Eph. 1:3) but we yet to access and see in reality in our life.

The 40 day fast, will deal with and break all the negative things that continually pest you. Notice that as you go on this fast the further you get the roaches that have been hidden will begin to surface in a swarm. You will experience situation that will appear to say your fast is not working or that you are going down, but really it is an indicator that God is dealing with the hidden things that are keeping you from your next level. Stand fast and press forward you are about to step into a season of release and restoration!

Be Blessed,
Craig Sloan

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