
"Becoming Radical"

One of the words God has been placing in my heart as a core value is "Radical". It is definitely not average, to fit in, religious, coloring inside the lines, tolerant, nice, mediocre, pamsy Christianity, whatever will be, will be, popular, business as usual...

God put a radical spirit in me to live my life not waiting but catching the wave of God, stepping into my God moment. I don't want life to pass me by without ever doing anything that is radical.

Radical Disciple Making

There is a fresh wave of the Holy Spirit in the church - there is a spirit of open handedness in the church that reject the competitive, isolationist, and protections of the past couple generations.

What do we want people in this fresh wave of people to have (3 new visions)…

* Permission to say “NO” - teach and knowledge future leaders to say “NO”. Train this not to modify the vision by saying “NO”. No means saying YES to a committed path. These leaders have permission to put people on the team who believe in the vision and kick off those who don't believe in the vision. Know the call of God and give your life blood for it. This new generation of church leaders need to be trained to not be concerned about being liked, but to stay true to God’s vision. New churches falter and died because they don’t learn to say NO.

* GO! The old generation of church leaders said “come”. The new generation says, GO. The new generation of churches and pastors hold their people with open hands and tell them to GO.

These leaders will release control to let their people GO for the vision for reproducing new churches. So that the presence of Jesus can be uniquely presented in ever believer. GO means you release people regardless the size of the church. GO means that you can release people who don’t believe your vision to GO do ministry else where or attend else where. As they GO the Spirit of God will give you power to accomplish God’s vision else where.

* NO EGO. If we develop leaders with NO EGO then the world will see our love. These new leaders won’t care if they don’t get the credit. They just want the gospel to transfer. Phil 2:5 - He made Himself nothing and humbled himself. These new leaders will mimic Jesus, by letting others surpass them. These leaders will give it all away.

These leaders will not be controlled by denominational leaders. These leaders will say, my dream is to die for the mission and give it all away. Live and let it go! Be broken and let it go. This can’t happen as long as we are holding the jar.

Tomorrow: "Go Where You Are Celebrated Not Tolerated."

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