
"The Father is Proud of You"

Matt 3:13-4:1

Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him. 14 And John tried to prevent Him, saying, "I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?"

15 But Jesus answered and said to him, "Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness." Then he allowed Him.

16 When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. 17 And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying,"This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

I am blessed to have 5 beautiful smart girls. The four who are in school all made straight A's this year. That has to be the grace of God cause I didn't. I remember as a young father watching one of my girls in a dance recital. When it came to her part she stumbled and fell in the middle of the performance. While the crowd stared in silence as what appeared to be a failure, I stood up and applauded he saying, that is my girl!

In the text, we find Jesus leaving His hometown where he grew up facing the stigma of being labeled a bastard child. From the time He was born he had to face rejection. The religious leaders rejected Him, his brothers rejected Him, the politically correct rejected Him.

When he turned the age of 30 He walked out of His hometown to the waters of the Jordan where He was baptized by John. He came up out of the water and God leaned over the corridor of heaven and echoed these words, "This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased".

What is interesting about this statement is that the Jewish Custom was when a son had proven himself faithful and obedient, at the age of 30 the father would stand him in front of the crowd and he would utter these words, "This is my son in whom I am well pleased".

This means three things:

1) He was able to represent the Father in his affairs, when you saw the son, you saw the father.

2) He was ready to take over the family business (Kingdom Business).

3) His identity was secure, meaning that he had access and advantages, everything in the Father's house was his.

In Luke 15 we see this played out in the story of the prodigal son. Most preachers focus on the son who not knowing who he was, took his inheritance (pre arranged blessing for a appointed time) and went out and wasted it. Those who don't know their true identity will waste their time, energy and resources. After he repents (re - to return)(pent-the top), meaning to return to the top, or your rightful place, the father throws a party.

Imagine that, this son had been out in the world living it up, had missed Church for 4 consecutive Sundays, hadn't picked up his bible in weeks and the Father is celebrating him. The Father puts his best robe on Him (clothed in Christ) and his ring (sonship) on his finger. He then kills the best calf.

* The Father's affirmation and acceptance of you is not based on your performance but His.
* Even after a bad week, I can walk into the Church throw my hands up and worship, why? Because what I did does not change who I am.
* My blessing is not based on my behaviour but on my relationship. I am blessed because of my relationship with Him.
* The father affirmed Jesus before He preached one sermon, performed one miracle. He gave him 1) Approval 2) Affirmation 3) Acceptance (Identity).
* Your doing flows out of being.
* You are not what you did, you are who the Father says you are.

You are not your job, your prophet card, Reverend so and so,your money or success, you are first and foremost a son or daughter of God. Your identity is not based on your performance, it is based on your relationship. If you do well, will He love you more? If you do bad, will He love you less. God's greatest cheering for you, is not when you succeed but when you mess up. He stands up and says that's my boy. That's why Paul says, who will bring charge against God's elect (Rom. 8). Would you disown your child because they messed up? No you would love them even more.

This delivers me, because I know I am not perfect on my best day. It lets me know that though I have been dropped by life (Mephibosheth) and my feet are crippled, I still have a place at the King's table. In fact if you would peer under the table, you would see, everyone at the table has crippled feet. I can come out of my (Lodebar - a low place) not because I can bring myself out, but because He brings me out and by grace gives me a place at his table. Let me ask this question, does your low self worth have you lying on the floor like a dog, when you have a place at the King's table? Your earthy condition does not change your kingly position. Get up, wipe the dust off you feet , and sit in your place!

I like to belive this is what David was talking about when he said, God prepares a table in the presence of my enemies (Psalms 23), he annoints my head with fresh oil. Watch this, your trouble is nothing more than an invitation for your enemies to come see God pour out a new and fresh annointing on your life. He is about to bless you in spite of your inadequcies, failures, disappointments, shortcomings. He is not going to do it because you are that good, He is going to do it because He is that good!

Hear the voice of your father tonight, saying "This is my son and I am well pleased". No matter what people say or do to you, if you can get this you will keep on walking. When they say no, you know that the Father has a yes. If the door you thought would open is closed, it is because the Father has a bigger door that is about to open for you. When they ridicule you, keep on walking, when they point out your failures, keep on walking, when they lie on you, and leave you keep on walking. The father is ordering your steps...

Tomorrow God willing, the other son in the house (Luke 15).


1 comment:

Dr. Deanna DossShrodes said...

fantastic post once again...