
"How About Them Celtics" Promotion

Man, has it been a great night. After having to sweat it out all week, finally a game in which I can enjoy the domination of the Lakers. What is the most amazing thing about it is how bad this team was last year. They were one of the worst teams ever. In one season they have gone from the worst to the best, from last to first, from the bottom to the top. It it the greatest one year turnaround in NBA history.

Ps 75:6-7
6 For exaltation comes neither from the east
Nor from the west nor from the south.
7 But God is the Judge:
He puts down one,
And exalts another.

Exaltation means to rise from a low place, to ascend, to be promoted. Somebody reading this has had a horrible year, season... I want to encourage you, God can turn it around in one season if you won't quit. All it takes is just a couple of moves, adjustment, rearrangements. Maybe like Peter you have fished all night but caught nothing. Cast your net on the other side. You are about to get a net breaking, ship sinking harvest. One of the star players for the Celtics yelled several times, anything is possible if!

* Success silences the critics. What you going to say now?
* You are only one season from a turnaround, from the bottom to the top.
* Teams still win championships, not individuals. The key is finding out your strengths and building a team to complement your weaknesses.
* Doc Rivers had been labeled a average coach, in fact many fans called for him to be fired. Danny Ainge the General Manager was labeled a loser. The key is diligence, and diligence is doing a little thing a long time till the big thing happens.
* Success is not accidental or overnight, it is doing a little thing a long time till a big thing happens, it is taking one day at a time and living each day to the fullest.
* Maximize your opportunities and minimize your excuses.
* If man promotes you, then man can demote you, if God promotes you, no devil in hell can demote you.

Another interesting fact is they won their 17th championship on June 17th. Seven is the number of completion. Could it be that God is completing a season of your life, and you are about to be promoted to the top.



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