
"The Focus Of the Attack"

This is a statement that has helped me to understand the motives and operations of the enemy. We are in a war and it is not against flesh and blood but against the forces of darkness.

Sin is the result of mistaken identity. Every sin that is being committed such as gossip, bitterness, jealousy, slander, murder, stealing is the result of mistaken identity. When you know who you are and whose you are, you will not give place to the devil, you will live above reproach. When you know who you are, you won't run with just anybody, or go anyplace.

Proverbs 29:18
A people without vision will run wild, aimlessly.

A vision is simply a progressive ongoing word from God. It is God's word for your life. Discipline comes as a result of identity. For example if you know that you are to be a Olympic gold medalist, you will not eat what others eat, do what others are doing, but you will apply discipline as a result of the call that you have received. You will pay the price to become great. People that live a life of crime are many times the product of a broken home, absentee father. There was no voice to affirm their identity. The greatest thing that our children need is to know their identity. Shame on us for allowing society, MTV, Hollywood to shape our children. If you don't tell them who they are someone else will (false identity).

Here is where the attack starts. Jesus after being rejected for 30 years of his life, walks out of his hometown to the waters of the Jordan river. John points him out of the crowd and says "Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world". Then as He is baptized in water the father speaks and says this is my son on whom I am well pleased.

Here is what I noticed:

* Jesus had not performed one miracle, one healing, preached one sermon and the Father was already pleased with him.

* Our relationship with the Father is not performance based on our part, Jesus fulfilled all the performing that needed to be done.

* When you are anointed and remain faithful in preparation and process, the Father will cause someone to point you out for greatness.

Lastly, as soon as Jesus received the affirmation of the father, he was driven into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. The first thing satan did was say " If you are the son of God?" In other words temptation, trials and testing are attacking your identity. The war is always over your identity. But when you know who you are and whose you are, no devil in hell can stop you. You are unstoppable!

Result of Identity:

* They may take your coat of favor, but the favor is not on you, it is you (Joseph). Every time they take your coat, God is fitting you for a better coat (Pharaoh's coat).
* No matter what they do to you to cause your down falling, you will always rise.
* You will not bow to the peer pressure of society (Daniel).
* You can walk in the fire and not be burned (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego).
* You will ignore the criticism of your brothers (David and Eliab( (not fight battles without spoil), to face the giant and become a giant killer.
* You will know that God works all things together... (Rom. 8:28)
* You can't die until you have fulfilled your purpose (Peter Acts 12)
* The more they talk about you more blessed you are (Abraham Gen. 12).
* You will not allow intemidation to control you or influence you. In spite of...
* You will pay the price that others are not willing to pay.

Undestand every attack against os a result of you knowing your identity and them having a mistaken identity. Those who do not know who they are will attack those who know who they are.

This is your journey to discover who you are and what you are to do and to do it before you die. That's true success!

Craig Sloan

1 comment:

Dr. Deanna DossShrodes said...


Again you've knocked it out of the ballpark. Such a timely post. What a word. Thank you...I've put a link on my blog today to direct people here. Everybody needs to get ahold of this.
