
Guest Blogger Robbie Carroll

I just recently heard Bishop Tony Miller say that your tommorrow is in your today. Your life is nothing more than a series of choices. You are where you are today because of the choices you made yesterday, and your future is determined by the choices you make today. In the near future I will be dealing with the book of Proverbs (Success 101). I am studying principles of success the entire summer because I desire to be like the ant who prepares in the summer so that he can gather his food in the harvest (Proverbs 6:8). One of the things we must do is to master the art of immediate gratification. Some of us are trying to eat today what we should be eating tommorrow. We must learn to make wise choices. Enjoy this blog from one of my closest friends, a brother who is a powerful man of God!

Guest Blogger: Robbie Carroll


Our lives are like icebergs. Only 15 percent is visible; that’s reputation. It could also be looked at as other’s experience with us in life. The rest, our character, is below the surface, hidden.

Character is what we think but never share. It’s what we do when no one’s watching. It’s how we react to everyday aggravations. It’s how we handle failure – and success. The thing that has made us what we are is our choices. At the end of a successful career, Joshua challenges the people of Israel: “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” So the choice is yours!

French writer François de la Rochefoucauld asserted, “Almost all our faults are more pardonable than the methods we think up to hide them.”

Ever notice that people with the weakest character tend to place blame on their circumstances? They talk a lot about poor upbringing, financial difficulties, the unkindness of others, or other circumstances that have made them victims. Your circumstances may be beyond your control, but your character is not.

You can no more blame your character on your circumstances, than you can blame the mirror for your looks. Developing character is always your choice. Every time you make a character-based decision, you take another step forward in your growth.

Take a moment and jot down times when you have faced temptation and adversity. Next to each, note your choice: escape, excuses, capitulation, avoidance, perseverance, or victory. What problem areas do you see? How will you learn to do better? If many of the things you list are due to circumstances beyond your control, then choose to take greater control of your life.

As for me, in my faith, family and finances…I choose to develop a greater level of character. I am here to help each of your in any way I can as we continue our adventure together!

Great Stuff Robbie!

Craig Sloan

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