
"The Predictable Church"

I heard Ed Young give a great statement today concerning communicating the gospel. He said "The more predictable you are, the less you connect with your audience". Man, that is awesome and true. Most of our Church services in America are so predictable that if the congregants stayed home, they would be able to predict the flow of the service by their watch. If we keep doing every Church service the same way, our services become boring, powerless and non impacting. Is it possible that our people are sleep walking through Church, that we could do our services with our eyes closed.

As I have mentioned before, the word entertain means to captivate and keep your audiences attention. If we do not connect we will not we will not make a impact. I am presently reading a great book called "Pop Goes The Church". The author states that there are three elements to a successful service, 1. Relevant Topic 2. Cultural Theme 3. Biblical Truth.

It is not changing the message but packaging it in such a way that when a person leaves they never forget the message, it becomes a part of them. It is the art of learning to engage your culture. I will deal with this more tomorrow.

What Are Some Ways You Can Make Church Less Predictable?

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